The Conquerors Path

Chapter 138: A New Time

Chapter 138: A New Time

Hey, at first I was really worried about going with this chapter but in the end hell I went with it!


“Hello are you my roommate?”

I smiled as I walked in and greeted Shira, seeing me her face lit up in surprise, it was normal after all I have recently became famous and even she was there when I had fought against the army

Technically I had messed up the Seth hunt and had stolen the show from her and the rest that had reached the last stage, still even they couldn’t help but agree to it that I was strong, Shira soon regained her self as she looked at me suspiciously

“What is someone like you doing here?”

Shira’s voice was soft, in fact it was androgynous, not manly and not too girlish too, hearing his question I reacted with confusion

“Um?, why can’t I be here?”

“Don’t play dumb, just with your status you could own your own mansion much less when you have a whole lot of dogs waiting behind you”


I asked back with a smile but inside I was holding back the bloodlust that was brimming within me, my question caused her to sneer as she spoke

“Why?, what’s wrong?, to me those that bend down to others are just dogs, to think at once I used to admire one of them, it just makes me sick”

There was utter disdain on her face as she spoke those words, for a moment I had seriously considered ripping her head from her body, even though those guys had swore loyalty to me, I have never once thought of them as a slave to me

‘Calm down Austin, calm down’

“Anyway shouldn’t those dogs have built a mansion for you or anything, oh that’s right you are from the Lionheart Duchy right?, I thought that maybe after your heads death they would fall who would have though that you family will still stand?”

The disdain in her face became more apparent, she looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze as she spoke

“I mean you have that stoic faced big sister, I mean who could even feel anything for that angry faced woman but I gotta say you little sister is lucky, after all she has all those guys to look after her, she’s just lucky to be born beautiful”

The more she spoke the more the smile on my face widened, she didn’t even hesitate to ‘praise’ my mother too

“Looks like I have miscalculated something”


Hearing my cold voice Shira looked at me in surprise, at first I had thought that shira was just trying to make me angry but looking at her I could say that she has at most disdain for me, my family and the one’s that I care about

It’s funny that now I realised it, she doesn’t even have the power to oppose them yet she has such an arrogance?, from what?, just because she has a bloodline of a fallen hero?, just because she thinks she will get stronger one day?

“It’s funny”

“What is?”

Shira asked back flinching at my cold words, I held back the at most anger that was boiling inside me as I asked this girl a question

“Did you join a faction?”

“Why do you care?”

“Just answer me”

“If you want to know, I have joined the faction belonging to the Rosalyn Prince”

“I see”

I nodded my head as I closed my eyes from what I knew in the game Shira didn’t join any faction, actually I knew that Shira was arrogant, after all I had already kept some tails and informants on some of the capture targets

I could only do this on the one’s that have no huge backing or power, I really didn’t give much to it, I had thought that I would be able to handle her arrogance, maybe even twist her but the moment she spoke all those thoughts went out the window

During my travels I found out my major flaw, that was having too many faces, I mean if I showed different face for different girls, then what would happen when they all meet?, that’s why I thought of showing my true self with a few hidden sides

In truth I won’t give a shit if somebody I don’t know dies in front of me but I do not accept someone talking shit about people I care, even though at first I only took them in for my own use, I slowly accepted them as family

And now there’s a girl calling them as a dog, in truth I can easily control my anger and easily forgive her and talk to her but would that be the true me?, would I be needed to lower my head and hold myself back to every capture target?

Do I really need to be a goody two shoes in front of this bitch?, just to appease her?, in front of this bitch who doesn’t even know to correctly reign in her arrogance?, I am no saint I lie and manipulate others but I make sure not to hurt them or treat them badly in the future, most of all I desire them and I did what I need to do to get them

I mean I wouldn’t care if she was evil or talks shit about others, after all I am not a good person myself but after she calls the one’s I consider my family as dogs?, am I to be loving towards a woman that taints my family?

“Hey, hello are you still here?”

As I was in my deep thoughts Shira kept waving her hands in front of me, she had her hands on her waist as she looked at me

‘System, can I kill her?’



[The host’s duty is to take in all the capture targets, killing one of the, would be counted as a failure]

‘But what if she dies in an accident or by a natural cause, that’s not my fault’

[None of the capture target will get killed, due to the worlds fate, law and destiny]

‘What does that mean?’

[Sorry host, this is all I could say to you at this moment]

‘I see…..’

Ever since a few years ago lots of doubt started to fill my mind, did a god really just create a fantasy world just to torture a guy?, plus each and every feature of the world is amazing, moreover what about the gods in this world?, are they weaker than the one who brought me here? and many more

‘Looks like there is a lot of secret for me to uncover’

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, currently I am in a dilemma and I need to decide what to do, without even minding the girl who kept calling my name I walked out of the room, if I stayed any longer, I would surely rip the girls head of her shoulder

I walked out of the dorms as I looked at the night sky

“Sigh…..what do I do?”

I walked through the night sky relishing in the cold wind that blew against my skin, calming my mind down, I mean I could go back to her talk to her, maybe even change her mind, if not I could create certain situation and make her fall for me but after all that would I desire that girl?

I mean she only looked down on people I care it’s not like she killed someone I cared about

“Hehehe….I really am in a slump”

‘System tell me what should I do?’

[This is beyond my-]



“I am asking you as a friend and a partner who was with me from the very beginning, not as your host”

[As your friend I say that she does not deserve you, as your partner I say that you should make her suffer and as your host I oblige you to follow the quest to save your life]

“Tell me is there something you are hiding from me?”


“Should you be answering my question, don’t you have some kind of restriction and all?”

[I do but as a friend shouldn’t I at least try?]

Hearing the systems words I smiled, in this new life of mine I could say that the thing I know best about is my system


[Shira Hillclowd as being removed from the list!]

For the first time I could feel a great deal of tiredness from the system, I could tell that the system had to pay a price

[This is the first and last time that I could interfere]

I looked at the moon at the sky for a few minutes till I spoke again

“Thank you”

[No, thank you]


Okay for those whoes worried there won’t be anymore girls removed, in fact there’s something special I am planning from this

Also this was a just a sneak peek into a reveal I am planning for the future and as for Shira?, there’s something special for that to in the future


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