The Conquerors Path

Chapter 131: Planning(2)

Chapter 131: Planning(2)

Nodding my head to Zora, I looked towards Mark who was looking at me with his normal cold gaze, this guy barely talks to anyone other than his sister and does not care for anyone but his sister and me, I gave him a nod as I spoke

“Good work Mark, you did well”

No reply was given but Mark nodded his head, I looked at all of the other’s surrounding me as I spoke

“Who would have taught that the kids I picked up would grow up like this?, I am happy to see that all you are now happy and powerful”

My voice was like a proud father watching his little kids grow, hearing my words each of them went into their thoughts, they all could say that if it wasn’t for me their lives would have being hell, most of them would have probably died without my help and for this they would forever be grateful

“Wow!, Austin are you acting sentimental now?”

Rina spoke with a wide smile, she was more of a carefree girl that spoke her mind, hearing her words I shook my head

“No, I am just happy that all of you are fine, plus I just wanted to warn you all, because the up coming days won’t be peaceful”

“Yeah, I can already imagine the chaos that’s gonna spread from all this”

Alex spoke with a wide grin, this guy only cares about causing problems

“Boss, don’t worry!, I would punch away all those that want to cause trouble with you!”

Jacob spoke as he flexed his huge muscle, while he was seated he looked calm and free but when he spoke about protecting a fierce aura surrounded him, it was not only him, others too supported his claim

“Yeah I know you guys would but I am not only talking about the problems in the Academy but also the ones that would soon arrive from outside”

“Oh?, are you talking about the rising currents in this world?”

Hearing Alex’s question I looked at him deeply, it seems that he had already picked up some hints, Alex’s words had gathered the interest of the rest that gathered at the table, I was quite for some time before I nodded my head

“Yeah it’s not only that, I could feel some suppression from my uncle the Emperor, I have a feeling that he takes me as a threat and now after this display of mine, I am sure that he won’t just take a back seat”

None of the people that gathered here are stupid, they could quickly understand the underhanded meaning behind my words, a ruthless light, along with a hint of craziness passed through each of their eyes, seeing this I smiled

Normally when one hears that the one they support might have an enmity with the Emperor they either freak out or became scared but none can be seen in the eyes of the one that had gathered here, I could see it each of them were willing to do anything for me

The previous time when they kneeled to me was not only just for entertainment they meant it when they kneeled to me, any of them would be willing to lay their lives down for me, from a normal point of view they all would be crazy but that’s the truth

All of them here are a bit crazy, even the innocent looking Emma had a hint of craziness, all of the one’s in the room had gone through many despairing things, making the more immune to death, only a crazy person would gather all of them together like this

Well, who said that I was completely sane?, Chuckling to myself I spoke

“Well you don’t have to get all rilled up, for now this is only my thoughts, lets see how things would play out”

After that I had a small discussion on how to proceed with my own faction, since I have a ring I have the right to create my own faction, normally I needed to create a good public image for myself to start this but with what I have shown I don’t think any extra publicity is needed

“Sigh…..what do I do with you boss?, most of the participants I got are girls joining to know you”

Alex shook his head as he held a stack of papers

“Do you know that the girls are calling you the silver prince?, looks like your love life won’t boring here boss or is there anybody for you right now?”

Though the way Alex said it was mischievous and in a teasing tone, there was a deep cunning light swirling within it, as soon as he had finished speaking the atmosphere in the room got a little heavy, all the girls in the room had a strange twinkle in their eyes as they looked towards me

‘Go to hell Alex!’

Seeing the increasing tension in the room, I could not but help curse that scheming prick, I was sure that if I said that I have someone then something dangerous would happen, I smiled calmly as I spoke back to him

“Um? a girl?, no right now I don’t have anybody, I just kept running around in my adventures that I didn’t pay any mind to it, maybe I might find someone that I like in the academy”

Hearing my reply the eyes of the girls twinkled even more, all of them soon looked at each other with a wary gaze, none of them were not stupid to see the affections each of them held, each one of them were stubborn that they won’t give up what they want

But I pretended like I couldn’t see anything only Clara was smiling slyly as she knew my true self, plus I had already spoke to her about some of my plans and she would be a good spy for me who would tell the movements of these girls


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