The Conquerors Path

Chapter 124: The Beginning

Chapter 124: The Beginning

Ella’s gritted her teeth’s in anger, after hearing my remarks, the small good impression she had of him now had gone up in smoke but she didn’t let her anger cloud her, with a haughty look she spoke

“I wonder how you are going to be a ‘player’ when you even don’t have the chance to earn a ring”

In the academia unless you have the ring, you can’t forcefully create a group, the ring doesn’t only make you a candidate, it also gives you power within the academy, it represent that you are the elite among the elite’s, it’s at this time that 2 girls walked up to me from the stadium


Both of them shouted my name out loud, turning my head I could see, two fox tribe girls walking towards me, both Rika and Mika had grown up well, Rika had her white hair tied in a pony tail, her hight was average while her face was beautiful, her moderate assets was covered by her dress, while her white tail swung sideways due to excitement

Meanwhile Mika was the same hight as Rika with an identical beautiful face, unlike Mika her hair was in a bob cut, giving her a cool look, her black tail too was swinging side ways due to the excitement of meeting me, seeing them walking up to me I smiled

“Hey!, Mika, Rika long time no see, did you miss me”

“Yes!, my lord I missed you!”

“I missed you to my lord~~”

Mika spoke with a stoic yet happy voice, while Rika spoke with a teasing voice, Rika’s white pupils and Mika’s black pupils looked me up and down with happiness, seeing their lord and their love interest after a long time they couldn’t help but look at me more, hearing their words, I shook my head, the previous shy Rika is no more, plus I could tell that they had gotten stronger

‘Looks like they grew up well’

“C’mon both of you this is school, you can call me by my name you know”

Hearing my bitter voice both of the girls looked at each other before they responded with a bit more power

“Yes Austin”

“Sure Austin~~”

“You girls…..”

I shook my head again as I laughed, after greeting me they looked towards, Clara as they greeted her and started talking to her, by now my arms were mostly healed, while my pain subsided

“So?, your confidence is due to them?, I admit that these 2 are formidable and are ranked highly within the combat table but those two are not enough for your arrogance”

Ella spoke while hiding her mild surprise, after all these 2 girls are quite popular within the school, leaving aside their looks, their strength is nothing to scoff at, alone the two girls are good but together fighting these girls are a huge headache

It is a well known fact that fighting both of these girls is just like fighting a group both of their coordinations are impeccable, Mika was a close combatant while Rika being a long range water mageone not only that, they both have shared plate, something that very rarely happens

It means that both of them have the same plate, in other words if one of them gets stronger so does the other!, it’s two people as one, they had especially got more attention when they had entered within the top 10 of the battle board of their age, while getting within the top 300 in the whole school

The Babylon Academy has a ranking board for each stuff, there is a ranking board for the one with the most combat powers, even that is divided into different ones, there is a board based on the year and also one based on the whole school, one can climb higher by challenging the one at the top

Not only for combat there is a ranking for academic, for military leadership, for the best witch and many more, of course the ones in the ranking also gets benefits too, but it was rare for anybody in the 5th year to get within the top 300, even some representatives from the wolf tribe had asked Mika and Rika to join them

But they thoroughly refused them, saying they already have someone they want to serve

‘I had thought that they were doing this out of gratitude but things look different now…..’

Ella’s mind quickly started turning, seeing the look of admiration and happiness from the girls, Ella could understand that things was different, meanwhile Ella was thinking I didn’t even look at her causing Ella to fume on the inside, I looked through the surroundings

“They are late”


Not only Ella the rest of the girls watching too got confused but soon their answer was heard, within seconds lost of different students started arriving at the stadium and each one of them was famous


A bulky and tall boy was running toward me, he had brown hair and green eyes, even though he was a student he looked like a huge truck with bulging muscles and a huge frame, his face was quite good, Jacob Miller ranked within the top 10 of his year, while being ranked within the top 100 of the whole school

Nicknamed ‘The Towering Shield’, he had gotten into the school by using the commoners scholarship, after that he rose to fame due to his strong power and character, once the prince of the Rosalyn kingdom fought with him in pure strength and fell, Jacob was even asked if he wanted to be the princes brother, after wards there were several others that wanted to recruit him….yet he accepted none of them


Another boy running to me screamed, it was a demon, he had black hair and red eyes along with reddish skin, with a horn in his forehead, he was a bit handsome with a cold look on his face…..Amon Azldse, a demon that shook the academy with his performance

He too had joined the academy using the commoner’s quota, when he had first arrived many had looked down on him due to not having one wings, Amon belonged to the demon group of Zenderians who are proved of their wings, not every demon has them

To a Zenderian there is nothing more humiliating than losing one of their wings, most would kill themselves, basically a one winged Zenderain is a cripple but Amon proved the complete Academy wrong

Several demons challenged him but he fought and won with his single wings, Amon had developed a unorthodox fighting style with his wings, causing all those who challenged him to fail, Amon Azldse ranked within the top 10 of his year while being ranked in the top 100 of the whole , a phenomenal achievement when he’s just 19 years old

There were hundreds that wanted to sponsor him but he didn’t respond he had always said ‘I already have somebody that I wish to serve’, now more students kept coming to the stadium


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