The Conquerors Path

Chapter 120: Freedom Beyond Death(2)

Chapter 120: Freedom Beyond Death(2)

The soldiers at the front stopped as the corrupted mana around them started fluctuating, it seemed that the corrupted mana within them was fighting against the aura that was released from my harp, they snarled and roared but soon they calmed down

My hands kept moving through the harp without any stop, non stop music kept being played, the soldiers at the front that had come to attack me stopped, the dark mana surrounding them soon swayed, a scream was heard and soon the corrupted mana inhibiting them disappeared

Golden lights started to surround the one’s who had their corrupted mana lifted from them, their true features which was hidden was revealed, there was a hint of confusion on their face before a smile broke out to the ones who were cured

“I-I-I a-am freee….”

“Wh-What ha-happened…”

The ones who were free teared up, men who had fearlessly battled without any fear to their life were currently crying with heartfelt happiness, they looked at me with a smile while tears kept falling down their face

“Thank you and please…..please help the rest…”

Nothing else were needed to be said as they broke into golden particles, my hands even at that time didn’t stop playing, instead I put more power and mana into it sending waves of my aura towards the rest the soldiers that stood behind without making a move

The power of the tunes that I send out became stronger, all the ones that was standing in the military formation, too felt the effects as they were showing sings of confusion, yet it was not enough, the corruption overwhelmed them as they roared in anger

Blood flew out of my mouth due to the backlash but I still didn’t stop moving my hands, cuts started appearing on my hands as blood dyed the strings I played, the corrupts had enough as they screamed in anger, an intense amount of mana and warrior auras hit me

Forcing me back, all of the ones on stand by stated gathering mana as they ran towards me, the sea shook, as the warriors of the sea made their move, yet between all this a single word was spoken


The voice was calm and authoritative, just a simple word and the one’s that was running towards me stopped… they were forced to stop from the pressure given out by the man who sat on the throne

I raised my head to look clearly at the beautiful man who sat on the throne, the corrupted mana still surrounds him, yet a hint of clarity which was missing had resurfaced but the sings of struggle on his face indicated that it was a time delicate effort

Yet even in such a situation there was deep pride and authority to him, even the mindless corrupted stopped , their unconscious mind caused them to stop, due to the deep respect and admiration they once had for this man, Xavier lifted his head as he looked at the boy that was giving him a chance at salvation, a chance to let his warriors to rest in peace


Xavier only spoke one word, yet it contained all his emotion, I didn’t say anything, my hands held my harp tighter as I took a deep breath, a man who stood at the top of this world was begging, this just showed the desperation he held and who am I to deny it?

The entirety of the mana within my body shook, I was putting it all in, my hands that was stinging with pain and blood ran through the strings of the harp with determination, due to the suppression of Xavier the soldier were unable to fight back

“I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live in fear

of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

to allow my living to open me,

to make me less afraid,

more accessible,

to loosen my heart

until it becomes a wing,

a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance;

to live so that which came to me as seed

goes to the next as blossom

and that which came to me as blossom,

goes on as fruit.”

“No matter what is going on

Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy in your country

Is spent developing the mind

Instead of the heart

Be compassionate

Not just to your friends

But to everyone

Be compassionate

Work for peace

In your heart and in the world

Work for peace

And I say again

Never give up

No matter what is going on around you

Never give up”

“This moment can be

A New Dawn,

A New Day….

Forgive, Forget,

and move on

Ask your self;

Do I wish to keep repeating the pattern?

Perhaps it’s time for something NEW”

This time my voice was not forceful nor moving, it was calm and serene, the song I sang flew deep into the hearts of those who listened, this time I had put in the entirety of my mana and my heart, for a moment the blurry figure of my past family came, which was soon replaced with my new one

Nothing in life is eternal, we all will have new people in life, while the old might fade away but it does not mean that they are gone, it just means that we have grown, the only thing we can do is not to forget them, this time my voice was filled with emotions

All those who heard it felt their heart flutter, images of their parents their loved ones and the ones they have missed or lost filled their heart, the world became silent, only my tune and the poem that I played filled the world

Grace’s eyes teared up, she could feel a sense of lose in his voice, not only her, Nora and Elda and Mira Austin family clearly felt it, tears fell down their eyes for a moment, the soldiers who heard it stopped moving completely

The corrupted mana tried to fight, it tried to bring it’s corruption back but this time it failed, no matter how powerful corruption is…it cannot fight against true love and feelings, no matter how dark things get there would a single thing in one’s heart that causes them to fight, the single desire that causes them to move forward

Every soldiers started tearing up, the dark corrupted mana could only leave helplessly, all of them opened their eyes, deep gratitude filled them as they looked at the boy standing on the hill, a beautiful sight was created as the soldiers broke into golden particles

The sky seemed to shine as the particles floated in the sky, the reflection of the light was felt in the sea, both the land and the sea shone in golden light, mesmerizing the ones that saw it, this was a sight that all those who saw would never forget in their life

It was a day that all the ones of the sea in the future would one day call it…..The Rest Of The Golden Sea


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