The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 29: Training 2

Chapter 29: Training 2

"There we go," Parc exclaimed seeing the slow flowing river before him and Kurome who looked exceedingly pissed off with him, her lower body still wettened with her own fluids. "Now you can clean yourself." She looked up to him with angered watery eyes.

"Go on, go wash up. I'll be right here." Were he able to see his own face, he would be only slightly abhorred with the expectant eyes he was watching her with.

Kurome's eyes showed her hesitance, but her body just accepted her fate, slowly creeping towards the waters edge. "You're not going in there dressed, are you?"

His eyes fell to slits as Kurome's body paused and sat on its knees. Hand rising to the hem of her top, pinching the fabric to gently pull it up and off her body. Folding it into a practiced square once it was off. Parc's eyes dilating when he saw her white bra and small but still enjoyable chest.

She undid her belt, placing it besides Yatsufusa and the folded shirt before moving to her hip, gripping a small zipper and pulling it down as she whimpered. Her tights dug into the crack of her put from the wetness that had come to it. Next, she undid her boots and armoured gloves.

Her whimpers soon died down. Likely coming to accept her situation. Her hands rising to her upper back, quickly undoing the clasp of her bra, letting it come off to show her two, pointed, pink nipples.

Next, her hands fell to her sides, stretching the elastics of her panties and tights, slowly peeling them off herself before folding them neatly like she had the rest of her clothing. Frowning when she felt the wet spots from her own incontinence.

Kurome turned to him, seeking his permission to if that was good enough for him to let her go wash off. By now she was still very much on all fours. Parc had after all not redacted his previous 'act like a dog' order.

He smiled and nodded. She whinned and crawled towards the water, Parc's eyes watching her derrier wagging from side to side as she moved. Taking no shame in the fact that he was enjoying the sight of her pink slit peaking from between her cheeks.

"I am a terrible huma- oh wait, I'm not human." He snorted, "well, there's still morals that all humanoids should have." He tried to keep a serious face; he really did. But could only begin to laugh, "ohh, fuck that. It's good to let lose every now and then." He crossed an arm over his leg and leaned against a tree, enjoying the sight of Kurome dunking herself in and out of the water to wash herself, really wishing her body would let her at least use her hands.

'When she's not trying to kill me, she is really damn cute,' he thought, 'should I take her as a concubine?' was the next thought that came to him. Eyes flickering to the side as he brought up the silver screen with his concubines and the quest for them.


[Secondary Objective]

[Concubines: 3/10]

[The Lion of Nightraid: Leone]

[The Airheaded Assassin: Sheele]

[The Tsundere of Nightraid: Mine]


'Still have seven to go, got ample room in there. But theres also Najenda and Esdeath, so five? Or is this a separate total?' as he thought, he suddenly remembered something from many months ago, when he had first conquered Leone.

'Now that I think about it, I never went through my status page or that 'services' thing' he cast a quick look to Kurome who was paddling through the water with a helpless expression on her face.

He had enough time.

'Then let's start with status.'



[Parc Evans]

Title: [Pleasure-Seeker: Initiate]

Age: [19]

Conquest Typing: [Pleasure]

Heritage: [Nephilim]

Str: [5]

Agi: [8]

Vit: [7]

Chm: [6]

Luk: [5]



[Scent of Attraction]

[Rush of the Nephilim]


'Huh, got nothing to compare it to so I have no idea if its any good, but I'm guessing it is? I mean, I can fight off Leone one on one, so I'm guessing this is about average for someone trained enough?' He truly couldn't tell if it was without a baseline to compare it to. And he knew he himself was far from being a baseline for anything.

He read over the sheet a bit more, comparing himself to Leone and the others, strength wise, he was weaker than Leone, Bulat and likely Najenda, but stronger than Lubbock, Mine and Sheele.

Akame and him could likely go to a standstill in an arm wrestling match, but agility wisewhich he predicted was how nimble he was as well as how fast he wasshe was faster while he came in a close second, soon followed by Bulat, Leone, Sheele Lubbock and Mine.

Vitality and charisma were a bit harder to put into any comparison considering they were so superficial and barely visible. 'Does charisma have something to do with beauty?' to him, that seemed like a logical conclusion to come to instead of he just naturally attracts people to him.

No, that fell to one of his two abilities, [Scent of Attraction] which he read really was just that he produced an alluring scent that changed depending on the person who smelt it and only affected women. He was relieved about that, he wasn't much interested in getting Lubbock attracted to him, that thought just sent shivers down his spine.

Then the other ability, [Rush of Nephilim], he already knew about what that did, he'd had it for so long now and been using it for even longer. It really was just a one direction burst of speed.

But between the two there were two interesting bits of information that caught him, the fact that due to his half-breed status between a demon and a Valkyrie, both abilities had been weakened in comparison to what they would have been were he purely demon or Valkyrie.

A bit of a disappointment, but he couldn't exactly cut himself in half to get the stronger versions, he wouldn't even want that. Having both abilities, though weakened was still a big bonus to him.

'Nothing really interesting in there,' he thought, bringing up the services screen.



[Shop: Unavailable within subworld]

[Gacha: Locked]

[Auction: Locked]


[Friends: 0 Online]


'So I unlocked this to just be unable to use it?' Irritation spiked through him, 'wouldn't it have just been better to unlock this after I finished the quest then?' he questioned the system only to be met with.


[Q&A: Unavailable within initial Conquest]


He frowned, 'of course it is.' Turning his gaze away, the screen flickered into nothingness. His annoyance quickly subsiding as Kurome began to crawl out of the river, a slight tinge of red on her cheeks.

She looked up to him, snarling angrily.

"Aww, it wasn't so bad." He laughed,

"Grrr" If looks could kill, Parc would be in several pieces right now.U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

Kurome continued glaring at him until she was fully out of the water where she began to shake her body in an attempt to dry herself. Her gaze soon turned to her clothing, a frown on her face as she looked down to the dirty garments.

She wanted to reach out to them, pick them up and start dressing even though they were dirty. But her body wouldn't respond to her wishes.

"Ah, can't let you wear those no, can I?" she turned to him seeing him laugh.

Raising his still gauntleted left hand, Parc waved for her to come to him. Her body moving against her own will towards him, step after step on all fours, stopping just in front of him, his legs crossed as he sat on the ground.

"Tell me, Kurome. Do you hate me?"

Her mouth opened, blurting out, "Wan."

Parc froze for a second, "Right, feel free to talk like a human again."

Relief flowed through her eyes, being forced to act like a dog was one thing, but speaking like one was just annoing. "No." She answered him.

His eyes widened in surprise, "really? After I took over your body you still don't hate me? Even though you look ready to kill me. Why is that?"

"Your smell comforts me."

He should have expected that. Grinning, he reached a hand out to Kurome.

"Don't touch me." She said and was promptly ignored as Parc placed his hand atop her cheek, lightly scratching her. Kurome's body leaning into him. Her body happy while her face showed anger.

"Aww, you don't need to act like you don't like my pats." He jokingly said, a cruel idea forming in his mind, "sit on my lap," He pulled his hand away, patting his thigh twice in quick succession.

"No," but her body went 'yes' and crawled towards him, placing her hands on his thighs to pull her self onto him before turning around and placing her soft derriere down upon him. Kurome scowled at her bodies continued resistance to her orders.

"Good girl," Parc patted her head with his left, his right hooking around her finding itself to her stomach, slightly pressing and massaging her belly, earning more of her leg twitches.

"Stop this. Let me go." She said, her eyelid fluttering from his rubbing.

Parc smirked bringing his lips to besides her ear, "sorry, I don't think I will," he lowered his head, pressing his lips onto her neck in a smooch as his gauntleted left hand fell to her thigh, stroking up along the side of it.

"What are you doing. Stop this."

He didn't respond, continuing to suck on Kurome's reddening neck, his hand slowly travelling up from her thigh, across her stomach where his other was still rubbing her. Soon finding itself lightly squeezing on one of her soft breasts.

"Nnn" she hissed a soft whine. "I will make you re-"

Parc pulled away from her neck with a pop and interrupted her, "talk like a dog."

"-wan grrr," a guttural growl escaped her vibrating throat. "Woof!" she barked irately.

"Sorry, I don't understand," Parc stopped massaging his belly, scratching his nails against her stomach as his fingers rapidly shot towards her crotch, separating her labia and pressing against her hooded clit.

"Hnnn," she whimpered as her sensitive nethers were pressed into and rubbed. To her it was like a sudden shock coursed through her body, one she hadn't felt before. She was no stranger to the idea of pleasuring oneself or sex. But within the assassination corp showing so much as a little attraction to someone was bound to be reported and one would be punished.

There had been some within the corps that had gone and masturbated, but it wasn't very long after that they were sent for re-education or outright killed. And now she was being forced to feel the pleasure locked away from her from a man she wished to add to her collection.

The only time anything more on the 'bodily' side of being a human was ever allowed was in training. And not between the trainees. More often than not they would just be used by the teachers whether they liked it or not. Resistance more often meaning a quick death to keep things quiet.

His fingers digging into her pussy, messing with her sensitive labia, pulling back the hood of her clit to massage her clitoris directly, all whilst her breast was squeezed and played with by his other hand. His lips locked tightly onto her flushing neck, sweat quickly beginning to form on her skin as his finger grew rougher.

"How does it feel?" Parc whispered into her ear, blowing into it before lightly biting onto her earlobe.

"W-wan," she whimpered. she didn't want to say anything. But whenever he asked her for something she couldn't help but to answer.

"You are adorable Kurome." Pressing his fingers deeper the tip of his middle finger penetrated into her. Not wanting to overwhelm her with two as she was already crushing his finger with her tightness.

"Mmmm," Kurome's eyes watered, her hands gripping onto Parc's pants, her hips bucking a little and her chest trembling.

"And sexy," putting more strength into his hand, he pushed his finger up to the second knuckle. Continuing to press deeper into her body until his finger was fully pressed into her quivering crotch.

"Ahh, haa, hnn," she panted, trying to keep her mind in check. It was too dangerous to be in such a weak position. Letting someone control her like this was tantamount to suicide in the corp. So she did what she always did, held back her voice.

"You don't need to hold back Kurome, let out how your truly feeling." Parc curled his finger, using his nail to scratch against the upper walls of her pussy, hitting against various spots that caused Kurome's back to arch more exaggeratedly and stronger whines to escape her. Wet squelches filled the forest around them as his fingers grew faster and faster.

Perhaps this was cruel to do to her. But he enjoyed watching her squirm under his control. Watching as her body grew redder, feeling how her nectar escaped her lathering and lubing up his hand to allow for more rigorous bullying

Kurome's vision was rapidly growing white, her head unable to keep itself up, bobbing side to side. Convulsions coursing through her bucking hips.

He could tell she was close to climax, her pussy tightening around his finger, her lulling tongue. Pulling his hand away, Kurome felt a small sense of relief course through her hazy mind.

"Sorry, but I really want to see you cum," with a single push of his hand, Parc buried his index and middle into her, her back arching, a hiss of sucked air coming from her lips. He curled his fingers to hooks inside her, forcing them deep into the walls of her body and with one motion, he pulled out.

"HNNNN!" Kurome's hands turned white as she gripped tight onto Pac's pants, her hips bucking up as she came. A tide of her nectar surging forth from her pussy, travelling through the air nearly a metre away, staining the ground a darker colour.

Seconds passed by as she continued to climax, all the pent-up years coming to her at once. Finally, her legs could no longer hold her up, letting her collapse down onto Parc's lap, hand's loose and hung to her side, slumping into him while her eyes rolled up into her skull. Eyelids shutting as she fell to unconsciousness.

Parc was content at being able to bring Kurome to such a powerful climax that she could no longer keep herself awake. Lifting his wetted hand to his lips, Parc licked the underside of his fingers. Commenting in his head how sweet Kurome's nectar was.

"That should be enough playing around." He chuckled, deciding now was the best time to test if that chain mark on her ankle would disappear when he put his teigu away. And luckily, it didn't. Turns out his worrying was for naught.

Letting his hand fall back down to Kurome's moistened snatch, he began to massage the outside of her labia, getting very small, unconscious whines from her.

"Now what should I do with you?"




Big thanks to Avidreader92 for your donations on *******! Because of you, I can now afford soup and a small baguette!


To everyone saying, 'can he control orgasms with his teigu?'

That is a brilliant idea, that I did not think of. Thank you for that. I feel like I'm going to have fun with this Teigu... Or well, were all going to have fun with this Teigu...

Also, can I just mention, Flameblue, thank you for the 'The Harem must be fed comment.' It made me smile and chortle in unison.

Oh, yeah, before I forget. I've got three of about 6 total Valkyrie aunts, (Not including Parc's mother) prepped. I need 3 more. Sending me your ideas, Mature ladies only.


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