The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 447: Unannounced Visit

Chapter 447: Unannounced Visit

Both the Great General and Fang Lin ignored the perverted princess as they were focused on their match.

“Kukuku... I never could have expected that you could have the same level of strength as me!” The Great General said as he continued on pushing Fang Lin’s arm down.

“I can’t topple your arm, and you can’t topple mine. It seems like we are equal in strength indeed.” Fang Lin said while inwardly rolling his eyes.

Equal in strength? Only Beleth who beat up Fang Lin before can say these words to him!

One must remember that right now, Fang Lin is currently at the Third Stage. Not only that, but due to his Celestial Phoenix Divine Beast Core, his physical body was also as powerful as a Third Stage Practitioner!

Add all the other abilities, and Fang Lin’s current physical strength is something that is not normal!

If Fang Lin could have wanted it, he could just easily rip off the arm of the Great General.

But why should he do that, when he can just gain the friendship of the Great General instead?

Even if Fang Lin just met the Great General, he knew that the Great General was a battle junkie, and it is highly likely that he will strike friendship with friendly rivals.

So instead of beating the Great General, Fang Lin made the illusion that his strength was equal to the Great General.

This way, the Great General will be interested in him, and might even befriend him.

Once that happens, Fang Lin’s way to enter the Evil Axis Continent will be much easier compared to before!

“Hahaha! In that case, I think there is no need to continue this match.” The Great General said as he let go of Fang Lin’s arm.

Fang Lin did the same thing too.

“I like your strength. How about we become sworn brothers?” The Great General was extremely pleased this time. Not only he saw a talented soldier, he even found out that his power was comparable to his!

For a battle junkie like the Great General having someone like Fang Lin as a sworn brother will be great!

“Oh, I thought of the same thing too.” Fang Lin said as he shook hands with the Great General.

“Welcome.... Brother!” The Great General laughed as he clasped Fang Lin’s shoulders.

He then led Fang Lin to Princess Elissa who looked at the two with uncertainty, and delight?

“What, they are sworn brothers now?” Princess Elissa managed to regain her consciousness at the time that the Great General declared that the match was a tie. “I do not know what to say now... Sigh, Big Brother, why must you always be like this!”

“Brother.” The Great General looked at Fang Lin as he asked him,

“How come that you have this kind of strength, yet you have not become a Royalty? With your strength, you could have been offered a high position now!”

“Oh that...” Fang Lin scratched his head ruefully as he replied,

“My old man does not want me to join the Royalty before as he does not want me to be involved in the politics of the Royalty. But before my old man died, he told me that I can now do everything I want, as long as it will not be detrimental to other people.”

“Oh I see. Your old man is indeed wise.” The Great General muttered, as he remembered all the complicated and sometime nefarious schemes that the Royalty of their Kingdom had committed.

“General Baraboss!” The Great General looked at the soldier beside Princess Elissa as he said,

“Go and announce to everyone that there is a new General here in the Southern Bridge Camp! And his name is...”

“General Draco.” Fang Lin muttered as he decided to make a fake name for himself. “That is what I should be called from now on.”

“Okay then, General Draco! I shall announce your promotion to everyone!” General Baraboss said as he prepared to leave. But before he could go, Fang Lin looked at him as he asked him,

“General Baraboss, are you not even going to question the decision of your Great General about me? Isn’t my ascent to become a general a little quick?”

“It may be quick, but I have seen your power General Draco.” General Baraboss said as he gave Fang Lin a reassuring look. “Actually with that power, you can contend for the position of the Great General, but of course there is no way for that to happen to you, so being a General is a great fit for you.”

“I see.” This time, Fang Lin did not say anything else as he watched General Baraboss running towards the main hall.

It will be bound to be extremely chaotic for the next hours...

“Hahaha! Brother, now that you have joined the military, its time for us to celebrate!” The Great General quickly assumed his role as Fang Lin’s brother as he put his arms above Fang Lin’s shoulder.

The Great General then dragged Fang Lin towards his office, with Princess Elissa following behind them.

“.....” While the Great General was quite boisterous, Princess Elissa on the other hand was quiet. She would sneak in some looks at Fang Lin from time to time, but she could not summon the courage to talk to him right now.

How could she, when she treated him badly earlier?

She even purposefully placed Fang Lin in danger by putting him in the Ruffian Regiment!

For Fang Lin to be mad at her is perfectly fine.

Because of that, Princess Elissa found it extremely hard and awkward to talk to Fang Lin.

The Great General, who saw the dilemma of Princess Elissa, gave a look at her as he said,

“Little Sis, you know that I care for you a lot. But you must know now that General Draco is my sworn brother. So you must treat him with respect too.”

“Hahaha, do not worry about that.” Fang Lin said as he gave a kind look to Princess Elissa. “Even if Princess Elissa was acting snobbish to me earlier, I am perfectly fine with it, for I am someone who does not hold grudges...”

Of course Fang Lin was lying about this part.

Fang Lin was not happy with how Princess Elissa had treated him, so Fang Lin made sure that in one way or another, he will find a way to make her pay for what she did to him.

But now is not that time, so Fang Lin will have to be courteous to her for now.

As for the Great General, Fang Lin was only half-sincere on becoming his sworn brother. Heck, the only reason Fang Lin agreed to be the Great General’s sworn brother is because it will make his trip to the Evil Axis Continent easier.

Fang Lin also had the inkling that the Great General made Fang Lin his sworn brother not just because he wanted to. The Great General might have some more hidden plans that requires Fang Lin’s help.

Fang Lin does not care about this, as what is more important for him now is to reach the Evil Axis Continent without any hitch.

Fang Lin did not show any indication of him scheming as he used his acting skills to make him look extremely happy with what was happening with him.

“Is that so...” Princess Elissa gave Fang Lin an apologetic smile as she said,

“So are we good now?”

“Yeah, we good.” Fang Lin said as he thought to himself, “Hell no, we ain’t good!”

After hearing this conversation, the Great General let out another booming laughter as he opened the door to his office.

“Brother, I know that you are tired from your travel. So come here and have some food and refreshments.”

Fang Lin’s eyes followed the direction that the Great General was pointing, and there he saw a table laden with good food and delicious drinks.

Fang Lin did not act shy as he said.

“Well since you have invited me, then I shall partake now!”

Both the Great General and Elissa then watched in incredulity as they saw Fang Lin stuffing his mouth full of food and drinks.

“He, he must have been really hungry...” The Great General muttered as he saw the frightening consumption rate of Fang Lin. “Well... for people like us who have a strong body, eating large amounts of food is a must...”

“Hey, do not include me there!” Princess Elissa said as she gave an aggrieved look to the Great General. “I only eat the right amount of food, and I am not fat!”

“I did not say you are fat...” The Great General muttered with a defeated expression, knowing that there is no way for him to win in a debate against a woman obsessed with maintaining her weight.

“It’s good!” Fang Lin exclaimed after finishing off all the food in the table. “Your cook must have been really great to create things like this!”

Fang Lin was honest this time. He felt like the food that he just ate earlier were made in a celestial kitchen. Even if it was made up of normal ingredients, its taste was too heavenly!

This made Fang Lin extremely excited, making him curious to know who the cook is.

Fang Lin glanced at the Great General hungrily as he asked him,

“Brother, can you introduce me to the one who cooked this food? I want to thank him/her for these extremely good dishes!”

“Oh.... I think she will be happy to hear what you said...” The Great General said as traces of happiness could be heard from his voice. “She really does not like to meet other people, but I will tell her about your reaction to her cooking.”

“Got it.” Fang Lin replied as his smile dropped a little. Well, if the cook is shy, then Fang Lin will not pester her.

After Fang Lin finished eating, the Great General stood up from his seat as he gave Fang Lin an expectant look.

“Brother, now that you are full, I think it should be time for you to meet the other Generals.” The General then went to the door as he urged Fang Lin to come with him.

But before Fang Lin could stand up, he suddenly heard a voice echoing inside the room.

“So this is the room of the Crown Prince of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom. Its pretty nice... And that smell... Damn, the food eaten here earlier must have been good!”

“Who!” Both the Great General ad Princess Elissa stood up as tense expressions appeared on their faces.

The looked at the source of the voice warily while they assumed fighting stances.

“Being alert of the unknown. Very commendable. But still, you must not act like scaredy-cats when you face the unknown...”

A person then suddenly appeared inside the room, right at the direction where the Great General and Princess Elissa were looking.

This person was wearing an extremely heavy-looking armor, which was engraved with an unknown language and countless images of dragons.

The armor looked extremely majestic and dangerous to Fang Lin.

In fact, Fang Lin could feel that the pressure emitted by this armor was similar to the pressure emitted by the Golden Gourd!

After seeing this armored person, both the Great General and Princess Elissa suddenly bowed, wearing extremely delighted expressions on their faces as they said,

“We give greetings to the Dragon Emperor Hero!”


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