The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 432: War and Order

Chapter 432: War and Order

Fang Yu shook her head for a few times, as if she could not believe what she just saw.

Who would have thought that Huo Huangdi was actually one of the Envoys of the Beast God Planet?

“I...” Huo Huangdi looked extremely indecisive right now, as if he was at a very narrow crossroad.

“Ok, it seems like you still need more stimulation then.” Wang Hao let out a sigh as he fished out an orb from his storage.

He shook this orb slightly, and 3 souls came out of it.

Huo Huangdi’s eyes went wide as he saw that the 3 souls that came out were the souls of Jiang Chen, Stella, and Asnyan!

Wang Hao’s smirk went wider as he got the reaction that he wanted from Huo Huangdi.

“So, what do you think now? As long as you withdraw, I will give these 4 to you!”


Everyone was tense as they waited on what Huo Huangdi’s decision will be.

But when Huo Huangdi opened his mouth as he was about to say something, a booming voice covered the whole area, managing to stun everyone in the vicinity.

“You really have the guts to disturb the sacred trial of finding the Yama Successor! What audacity! If you weren’t an Underworld Prince, then I would have already killed you by myself!”

“Tsk, so here they come now...” Wang Hao muttered unwillingly as he realized that his plans had been foiled now. “Time to remove them I guess.”

Wang Hao swept his hands, and the souls of Jiang Chen, Stella and Asnyan went back to his Crystal Orb.

As for Merlin, Wang Hao also took him and he placed him inside his storage.

Huo Huangdi gave a look of unwillingness as he saw the targets of his revenge getting swept away.

But before he could feel bad, the booming speaker earlier started to talk to Huo Huangdi.

“Prince Huo, do not be disappointed even if you could not get them now. As long as you become the Yama Successor, you can use your authority to force Prince Wang to give them to you!”

Huo Huangdi’s eyes brightened as he realized that what the booming speaker said was right. He gave Wang Hao a begrudging look as he muttered,

“Tsk, how come I did not think of that earlier? I was almost tempted by your offer. But what the Minister of War said was right. I can just be the Yama Successor, and I can make you give those 4 envoys to me at that time! So for your offer earlier, my answer is a resounding NO.”

“Filthy old geezers....” Wang Hao muttered as he looked at the booming speaker that ruined his plans. “I was just about to reach the best moment!”

Looking above, Fang Yu saw that there are 10 new practitioners that arrived in the area.

All of them wore varying types of clothing and their presence was so strong that Fang Yu was feeling suffocated just from gazing at them.

The one in front of these new arrivals was an old man wearing a suit of armor. The armor was pure black in color, with countless skull engravings scattered around this armor.

His body was packed of muscles, making him look extremely imposing and scary.

This old man was also the booming speaker that managed to make Huo Huangdi refuse Wang Hao’s tempting offer earlier.

This old man then flew down along with 3 other practitioners and they landed just behind Huo Huangdi.

Huo Huangdi’s smile widened as gave these 4 practitioners an extremely grateful look.

All 4 of them were the 4 Underworld Ministers that supported Huo Huangdi!

“The Minister of War...” Jieshu muttered slowly as she gazed at the armored Old Man. She looked slightly wary as she seemed to look at the Minister of War with vigilance. “I thought that he was just good at fighting. I did not expect that he can also scheme against expert schemers like Wang Hao.”

“Of course the Minister of War can do that. After all, war is not just a battle of power. It is also a battle of wits.” The one who said these words was another old man who was directly behind Jieshu.

This old man was wearing a feathery robe embroidered with numerous words from different languages. His long, white beard was extremely elegant, almost comparable to a work of art.

He was holding a fan with his left hand, and he was fanning it slowly, as if he was savoring the feeling of fanning himself.

Behind this elegant old man were 4 more practitioners.

Combined together, all 5 of them were the ones who chose to support Jieshu!

“That’s the Minister of Law.” Wang Hao begrudgingly said as he casted Jieshu a jealous gaze. “From what I know, it was him that has the authority to punish anyone who violates the decrees of the Yama! Not only that, but he also modifies the existing laws or he creates new laws if he sees it fit!”

“He must be extremely intelligent then.” Fang Yu replied as she suddenly saw that the Minister of War that was behind Huo Huangdi was glaring ferociously at the Minister of Law that was behind Jieshu.

The Minister of Law seemed to not want to look weak as he was also glaring back at the Minister of War.

“Those two... seems to be in extremely bad terms...” Fang Yu voiced out as she observed the interaction between the two. “Is that normal for the Underworld Ministers?”

“Well... yes.” Wang Hao quickly replied. He then took a deep breath as he started to explain everything to Fang Yu.

“Technically, there are 2 factions that the Underworld Ministers have formed. The first faction is the War Faction which is led by the Minister of War, and the second faction is the Order Faction which is led by the Minister of Law.”

“The War Faction, just like what its name says, advocates the aggressive expansion of the Underworld by waging wars with more and more material planets. The Order Faction on the other hand, was against that aggressive expansion.”

“The Order Faction wanted to maximize the use of the resources and territory that the Underworld owns now. For them, waging wars to expand territory is a waste of time and resources, especially when not all of the current territories in the Underworld have been fully used.”

Wang Hao then smirked as he made quotation marks with his fingers in the air.

“In the words of the Minister of Law, [Why get more territories when we can still use the territories we have now? If you want to expand, then wait until we are full! You only wage wars because you are muscle-brained idiots!]”

Wang Hao then shrugged as he gave an amused look towards the Minister of War.

“Of course the War Faction was incensed by that, which led them to giving their own insults too. This started a vicious cycle of back and forth arguments which eventually led to bad blood between the two opposing factions.”

After Wang Hao said these words, Fang Yu’s eyes brightened as if she had managed to realize something.

“So Wang Hao, if Huo Huangdi becomes the Yama Successor, then the War Faction will be certainly gain the power right? That means they can use Huo Huangdi’s power at that time to wage wars!”

Fang Yu then cupped her chin as he continued talking.

“But if it was Jieshu who becomes the Yama Successor, then it will be the Order Faction that will gain power. Just like the War Faction, they can use Jieshu’s power at that time to promote development!”

“Exactly.” Wang Hao said as he gave Fang Yu an impressed look. “You can say that this Final Trial will not only affect the Underworld, but the whole Material Universe itself!”

Fang Yu could only wear a grave look on her face as she realized the implications of Wang Hao’s words.

If Jieshu wins, then one can say that the current rate of the Underworld’s territory expansion will slow down, or maybe even be forced to stop!

That will surely bring a period of peace to the Material Universe.

But if it was Huo Huangdi who wins, then it is highly likely that the Underworld will be more aggressive than they are right now!

More and more planets will be attacked! More living beings will be killed all for the name of Yama!

This will lead to a period of non-stop battles and wars!

“That is actually one of the purposes of the Yama Successor Trial.” Wang Hao muttered as he suddenly looked wistful. “The new Yama Successor will determine the way that the Underworld will progress in the future. Maybe the Yama himself does not want to interfere in the matters directly, so he is just letting his subordinates and the Yama Successor to be the one who will take care of the Underworld Realm.

“That’s actually awesome.” Fang Yu breathed out as she gazed at the Underworld Ministers behind Jieshu and Huo Huangdi. “Those Ministers must have used a lot of resources to make their chosen candidate stronger.”

“You are right about that.” Wang Hao replied as with his energy sense, he could feel that both Huo Huangdi and Jieshu experienced a massive boost in strength.

The resources that was given to them must have been extremely precious!

While Wang Hao was salivating inwardly as he imagined what these resources could have been, he suddenly heard Fang Yu asking him a question.

“Wang Hao, in that case, at what faction does your supporter lies?” Fang Yu said these words as she gave Wang Hao a curious look.

Fang Yu’s gaze then swiveled towards the Minister of Agriculture, who was standing behind Wang Hao now.

The Minister of Agriculture looked somewhat unhappy as he was surrounded by Wang Hao’s companions, which are all living beings.

The 4 brats were certainly not shy as they surrounded this pissed-off Minister.

“Hey, why do you look like that?” Tang Li said as she pointed at the face of the Minister of Agriculture. “Tang Li thinks you look ugly if you stay like that!”

“Hmph, so you are the only person who supported my Big Brother? Tsk, you look extremely unreliable!” Wang Mei said as she gave the Minister of Agriculture an inquisitive look.” Were you forced to join my brother?”

“Hey, why are you looking at me like that huh?” Solomon said as he tilted his baby-sized head. “Are you looking for a fight?”

Jorm on the other hand was quiet as he just stared at the Minister of Agriculture intently.

Wang Hao let out a sigh as he answered Fang Yu’s question.

“The Minister of Agriculture is a freeloader. He is not included in any factions. He is... just there.”

“Wang Hao...” This time, even Wu Meng, Thea and Fang Anwei gave Wang Hao pitying looks. “Are you sure you can win this trial? If you do not want to embarrass yourself, you can still withdraw now...”


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