The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Nine: My New Beginning (R-18)

Chapter Nine: My New Beginning (R-18)

When I finally came to, I realized I was laying on the Dark Lord’s lap. Staring up past her breasts, I saw her peering out towards the waterfall. She looked determined and brave, two qualities I lacked, yet she had them in abundance. “Why...” 

“You’re awake, Master?” she said, turning her attention to me. Her eyes darted to my left hand, which was slowly reaching into the air. Her fingers gripped mine.  

Suddenly, I wasn’t afraid of being touched anymore… 

“Why didn’t I see it before?” 

“Hmm? What didn’t you see?” said the girl. She continued to stare at my hand, then smiled when I brushed my palm against her soft cheeks, my thumb rubbing her chin and bottom lip. 

“Why was I so your beauty...? Why…are you still here?” I said, seeing a whole new world. Everything from her cute eyes to her adorable nose and luscious lips were the immaculate standard of beauty. Her ears were in their own categories of cuteness, and I wanted to touch her... I wanted to stare at her... I... I needed her... 

“You’re beautiful as well, Master… And I wouldn’t abandon my savior.” 

Why are you saying that? Why didn’t you leave? Why… Why… Why…? 

“Why does my heart hurt so much?” 

“You’ve lived a hard life. I wonder if being cared for and validated was enough to help you start moving past your trauma? Your heart seems to have learned it’s okay to open up, that it doesn’t have to remain closed off.” 

“You’re saying I just wanted someone to recognize me as having value just in being myself?” 

“It sounds like that to me. Master, for as long as I live, I’ll show you how much I value your existence and happiness,” whispered the Dark Lord. I leaned up off the ground, and she leaned down, pushing a few strands of hair behind her head. Our eyes closed, and we kissed, sending strange yearnings surging through my body. Her tongue overpowered mine, yet she was gentle with it.  

Why would you say that when we've only just met? Why? Will questioning this do more harm than good? It feels like I'm losing control of myself... it's unnerving..."? 

“Mmmn...” I leaned back and panted like an exhausted dog, a probable warm flushness covering my cheeks.  

The previous thoughts in my mind vanished, leaving me alone with these new feelings.  

A strand of saliva acted as proof of our kiss... My sweet connection to the Dark Lord... 

Suddenly, a thought hit me. 

“What’s the second option?” I asked. 

“You must beat me until my very spirit surrenders itself to you.” 

“No. I refuse,” I said, cutting her off. “I can’t do that.” 

“Master, I— Yes, I understand. There is yet a third option—a variation of the first. Would you like to hear it?” After nodding, she continued. “When I said the spirit becomes malleable when brought to the epitome of pleasure, that’s only required of me. In truth, it isn’t required for you to be capable of sex. Fingers and tongues work just as well.” 

Really? Judging from how powerful and tyrannical [Tyranny Control] could be, it seemed like only requiring the ‘slave’ to orgasm was somehow backwards. 

But I wasn’t going to argue against it. 

From just resting in her lap, the Dark Lord’s lovely scent kept dancing to my nose, and it calmed me down. She smiled so adorably. I grabbed her arm and rubbed her fur against my cheeks, and that seemed to bring her some happiness. I remained in her lap for about five more minutes, and during this time, while I prepared myself, she asked if she could stroke me off. I found myself wanting to feel her touch, so I tried to enjoy it. She did have soft hands—so soft that her palms seemingly danced across my shaft. She rubbed the head with her fingers after peeling my foreskin back. It tasted fresh air, but there was no sensitivity or pleasure. Even when she fondled my testicles in a last-ditch effort, it ended in failure, but I didn’t frown. I just leaned up after kissing her once more, smiling as she laid down on the grass and spread open her legs.  

Her tender pussy stared at me. It glistened with her juices. Her perverted scent was calling my name, and I proceeded to lay down and lick her crotch. Was I a virgin? Yes, but I just allowed my body to take the lead. She had done her best to please me, so I had to return the favor. 

It was only fair. 

Is it only fair? I can’t exactly follow a guidebook, can I? 

“Hmmm... Your tongue... Master, you’re so good at this... Ah... There... Keep going...” My moist tongue tasted her flavor, which was sweeter than peaches and cream. What little I remembered from Will's countless rants on sex, there should be a little spot that makes girls go wild with pleasure. Did that exist? If I remembered right, it was right The clitoris, I think it was called? It was right under her clitoral hood... Here? “AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” The Dark Lord’s pleasurable eruptions meant I was correct. “Master, more!!!!”  

I tickled her clitoris with my tongue, then moved down her moistening hole, arching my tongue upwards to lick it with the bottom of my tongue. I just didn’t see how this woman could taste so sweet. It was like her pussy was filled with sugary goodness, just for me. Her passionate breathing deepened while a pair of hands pushed my head further into her crotch. Was she about to orgasm? Did I have to do anything special? My instincts were telling me to keep going—that I shouldn’t stop now when she was so close to the finish line. 

I lapped and licked, thrusting my tongue in while licking her juices that coated her sultry inner thighs. Something inside told me that it wasn’t proper to focus exclusively on a single area, which meant I had to swirl my tongue around her inner and outer lips, making sure to evenly distribute the pleasure just as she had done for me. 

It apparently worked very well.  

Then it came. 

More specifically, the Dark Lord came, splashing my face in a delicious liquid that I just couldn’t get enough of. Her hands removed themselves from my head, allowing me a chance to look up and stare at her face, which certainly didn’t disappoint me. The back of her hand laid on her forehead, her eyes closed while a fascinating smile blanketed her lips. Her sweaty, alluring chest bounced as she gasped for air, monopolizing my eyes since I wondered if her boobs tasted as sweet as her crotch. Before I could find out, she leaned up and grabbed my head, then licked my face. 

“Master... That was incredible...” She cleaned all the juices she had left on my face, then moved to lick on my pointy ears.  

“Lean back,” I said, not finished with tasting her. Her eyes went wide, but then they smiled affectionately at me.  

“Here you go, Master...” She laid down and opened her legs yet again, spreading herself open for me. Her delectable delight dripped even more than before, her feminine scent wafting to my nose. I stared up past her breasts as my tongue lapped up the juices around her thighs. Her eyes closed, and her back arched. The loveliest moans fluttered and reverberated around this slice of paradise. 

“Aaahhhhh~~~ Masterrrrr~~~~~” she cried out. Her legs closed around me, and she tried to push me further and further into her pussy, and honestly? 

I was all for it. 

Just knowing that she was feeling this from me. That I was the one making her feel this good. 

I was the source of her delicious moans. 

Hearing her encourage me? Having someone actively cheer me on for the first time in my life?  

Well, that was enough motivation for me to do my very best for the first time ever. I did not want to let the Dark Lord down, especially not since she had so much faith in me. 

So, I laid there with my face between her crotch, refusing to stop for even a minute. I became very well acquainted with the smell and sight of her pussy. I knew just where to touch and lick to elicit the most pleasurable noises from her busty heart. Her inner folds were so hot when I welcomed myself into her warmest and most delicious spot. Her pretty slit just looked that much better when it was covered in her juices.  

“Mmnn... Master... Please, let me try something,” said the Dark Lord. She opened her legs and leaned up, and I fell to the grass as she straddled me. But instead of trying to put me inside of her, she turned around and placed her pussy right at my face while she licked my dick. 

Perhaps she was hoping that mutual pleasure would benefit me, but I honestly only felt how warm her tongue and mouth were and nothing else.  

But we remained there for what felt like hours, our faces within each other’s private, doing the best we could to impart pure pleasure upon the other. I wrapped my hands around her hips and tried to further enjoy her succulent taste, and the Dark Lord, likewise, licked my penis up and down before taking the tip in her hot, moist mouth, her tongue massaging it from all angles. 

But in the end, only one of us experienced an orgasm. Her light gray body quivered and trembled as her thighs tightened around my face, but I never wanted to stop because I had someone that actually desired me.  

When she touches me...licks feels so different... I’m not...scared of her... Why do I want this to never end? 

In fact, the only reason I stopped was because I suddenly felt extremely lethargic. A moment after that, the Dark Lord experienced her biggest orgasm yet, utterly drenching myself in her juices. 

“AAAAHHhhhhhhh~~~~” she moaned, arching her back and actively grinding her pussy against my face. 

Then a moment passed, and I saw two things in my activity log and my mana being drained before consciousness left me.  

N/A has enslaved the Dark Lord of Tyranny. 

New Title: [Slave Master (I)]  

When I regain consciousness, the Dark Lord was staring down at me with a friendly smile. Seeing her soft black hair, gleaming brightly in the artificial light from above, her adorable nose, and her cute ears, it took my breath away to see proof that what I’d experienced wasn’t a hallucination or dream. The scenery I saw as I passed out—the leafy green leaves of the tall, brown trees kept us company. The racketing noise of the waterfall slamming into the pond felt like something I had known all my life. 

We chatted for a few minutes while she gently caressed my head. Apparently, becoming her master involved draining a substantial amount of my mana to fuel the initial contract. This wasn’t the perfect segue, but we had to talk about something. 

“I…don’t know if I can handle getting abused again… I can’t go back to that.” Flashes of my family’s seemingly never-ending abuse triggered sensations of phantom pain despite being in a new body. It happened in another life, but those flurry of punches of being unable to satisfy that prostitute still threatened to paralyze my new body.  

Why am I thinking of them now? Is it because I’m finally feeling some positive emotions? Because my heart found a way to pry itself back open? If... 

The Dark Lord stroked my head and rubbed my cheeks. I stared up at her pretty eyes, and she gave me a cute smile. “I won’t claim to know what you’ve been through, but I swear I will not add to it. You have my word not just as my Master, but as the Dark Lord of Tyranny.” 

We went back and forth a little more, and our gentle conversation added more cracks to the shell around my heart. It was like she knew just what to say, but I felt there was something she wasn’t telling me. An odd feeling welling up within my heart egged me on, and I couldn’t ignore it. “Did… Did it hurt? For you? Please, don’t lie to me,” I asked her.  

“Did it hurt? Perish the thought, Master. You were so insistent and never stopped for more than a moment. It was...divine. Honestly, looking at your face is a little bit embarrassing because I cannot stop thinking about it. I should be the one asking if you’re hurt. I didn’t squeeze you too hard, did I?” 

I shook my head and smiled. “I’m glad you liked it. Really, it makes my heart feel warm.” 

“Did… Did you enjoy it?” she asked, blushing. 

She’s cute… 

I nodded. “It was…incredible. The smell... The taste... Hearing those sweet sounds purr from your mouth? When I was licking you, I never wanted anything more than to do my best. I’m not dreaming, am I?” 

The Dark Lord kept rubbing my head and leaned down, allowing our lips to touch once more. She graciously let my tongue invade the sanctity of her mouth, and when we parted, thick lines of salvia kept us connected.  

“This is a dream I don’t want to wake up from, but thankfully this is reality. I’m free from my seal, and your heart is open.” I cracked a smile. The Dark Lord returned it after licking her lips, and for a small minute, I just closed my eyes and relished her gentle, loving touch. “Master, there is something we have to do,” she eventually said.  

“What’s that?” I opened my eyes and felt the soft touch of a finger poke my nose. 

"I can’t remember my name, but this is fine because it’s a fresh start. Will you do the honors?” 

“You’re a Lionfolk, so how about Sekhmet? Or Sekh?” I was surprised I was taking all these new things in stride. Was I finally getting used to this new world? Was being a chimera accelerating/improving my adaptability?

“Sekhmet? Is that something from your world, Master?” She tilted her head in confusion, and her tail followed suit. It was quite adorable seeing it bashfully sway from side to side, almost like a timid child who wanted to see what was going on, brought me a little bit of joy. 

“In my world, we had a multitude of different beliefs and cultures. In one of them, a country named Egypt, their ancient mythology had a Goddess of War named Sekhmet, who was known as the protector of the pharaohs. She was said to have the head of a lioness.” 

“What’s a pharaoh? Is that like a king?” she asked. 

“Sort of. Pharaohs had even more power than regular kings since they were viewed as the living vessel of the Egyptian’s chief god. But honestly, I can’t think of a more fitting name. Do you like it?” 

“I do.” 

“Then pick between Sekhmet and Sekh,” I told her. She nuzzled my head and played with my ears while she thought about it. 

“I like Sekh... Master, can that be my name? You only need to declare it.” 

“Very well. You will be known as Sekh,” I commanded. The activity log notified me of the Dark Lord’s name change, and ‘Sekh’ promptly showed up to the top left of my vision, right under my name. Lv. 1 was beside her name, and a green and blue bar was underneath that.  

“I can confirm [Tyranny Control] is working as it should,” Sekh said. “Ah, one more thing. When you freed me from the seal, I had to forcibly reincarnate myself because the overflowing mana would have smothered me. Remember the black flames that engulfed my body?” 

“I guess that just means we’ll have to get stronger together.” 

Sekh replied, still stroking my head as if I was a cute animal. “If you focus on my name, you’ll see my Status Menu, which is your right as my master.” I took a look and learned that she had 0 SP, but she was no doubt the more experienced fighter. I was definitely going to have to rely on her until I chomped on a few monsters. And for her skills, she had [Tyranny Control] and [Black Fire.] When I asked her about the latter, she held up a hand. Without speaking, those delicate fingers became encased in fire blacker than night. Then she altered the skill so that only her nails were affected by it. 

Sekh briefly explained that Beastfolk and some other races or species could be born with racial skills. [Eyes of the Huntress] and [Black Fire] were examples of that. But she said that [Black Fire] was a special case because her original racial skills [Flame Nails] and [Ice Nails]. They were consumed along with other skills to create one of her most powerful abilities that helped spread her tyranny with masterful manipulation of the hottest fire and the coldest ice. But [Black Fire] was in its weakest form. As of now, her body couldn’t sustain anything stronger. 

But I couldn’t wait until I could see its true potential.  

“Now that I have a name, do you have one?” she asked. 

“My parents named me Shuuta Fenton. Should I keep it? Or should I change it since I’m not in his—my— body anymore.” 

“Wouldn't your former classmates come searching for you if they hear about a Shuuta Fenton? If you want my opinion, I think you should get rid of it.” 

She had a good point. “That wouldn’t be a problem if I was strong enough to kill them... Hmm…the only thing that is coming to mind is...Lyudmila Springfield.” 

“Does that mean anything?” 

“In my world, Lyudmila was the first name of the deadliest female sniper in history. She had over 300 confirmed kills in the second World War. My favorite gun is the 1903 Springfield. I’m not the creative type, but they sound decent together. Like you, this is a new start for me. What do you think, Sekh? 

Sekh remained quiet, a pensive look on her face as the gears in her head turned to formulate the words she wanted to say. “I think it sounds noble and powerful, Master. Declare it out loud, and it should update accordingly. Usually, you wouldn’t be able to do this, but you’re a new chimeric being.” 

I asked if that was always the case, and Sekh nodded, but her confusion was really evident when I spoke about [Hermes Trismegistus.] Like I assumed, she had no idea about any of those skills. So instead of using the Chimera System to change my name, I used [Status Cloak.] A window appeared in my vision that looked like a user interface profile, and focusing on the text box labeled ‘Name’ brought up a virtual keyboard. And just like that... 

N/A has been named Lyudmila Springfield! 

An interesting detail to [Status Cloak] was that it applied to my slaves as well. Well, since I didn’t want people to know Sekh was a Dark Lord, I figured I could set her titles to blank. She said that was a good idea. I rolled with it and altered mine as well, hiding anything that may have been problematic.  

Since I was Sekh’s ‘Master,’ it felt logical to clarify our relationship. Firstly, I explained that I may have been her owner, but it was in name only, and only because it granted me the advantages of Tyranny Control. Secondly, I gave her blanket permission to do anything she needed or wanted to do, even if that was questioning or refusing my commands. She was a bit surprised at that, but I told her I wasn’t perfect. I would probably fuck up and do something that wasn’t optimal. If there was a better choice, then I wanted her to speak up and let me know. After thinking, she smiled and mentioned the orders were more than satisfactory.  

Well, that’s good. I guess I can just look at the seal on her stomach as a tattoo. Huh... Let me try something... 

I told her to stop stroking my hair, but she ignored me and kept caressing my head, feeling no compulsion or pain from the slave seal. “You told me to stop, but I just wanted to touch you a little bit longer,” she said with a smile and a cute nod. She swore her loyalty and said she would never betray or knowingly cause me harm.  

After she brought it up, I also gave her permission to examine my Status Menu whenever she wanted by focusing on my name. When I told her what Meruria said about not seeing other people’s Status Menus, she said it was different between slaves and masters, but [Tyranny Control] was the only enslavement skill that allowed the slave to inspect the master.  

New orders have been given to Sekh.  

The seal on her stomach flashed pink for a second. Somehow, the conversation changed to slavery, and Sekh explained [Enslavement Magic.] In essence, there was nothing stronger than [Tyranny Control]. Once a person has been enslaved using it, the seal could not be broken. 

Not even Sekh could break it. 

Different enslavement spells took on different forms. Some, for example, magically produced a collar and leash to go around a slave’s neck. Others created a necklace or ring to act as the seal. Some took the shape of a bracelet or armband, and others relied on mixing the master’s blood with ink and tattooing a symbol onto the body. I did that with Sekh, but she just needed my blood and nothing else. She also said it was possible to replace the forms’ default appearance. If the base form for one type of enslavement spell was a leather bracelet, I could make a metal one and overwrite it. 

As she spoke about it, she mentioned [Tyranny Control] did not have to take the shape of the seal on her stomach. It vanished, and a bracelet appeared on Sekh’s wrist. It was all black, but the design she had tattooed onto herself was glowing on it. When that disappeared, a collar appeared around her neck. It was made from leather but stained the color of deep obsidian. A metal charm hung from it, and it was in the shape of the seal. A second later, a metal leash materialized in front of her, and she dangled in front of my eyes.  

“Which form is more to your liking?”  

“That isn’t my choice to make, Sekh. Remember what I said? You have total freedom to make any and all decisions.” 

“... Of course, Master.” Sekh bit her lips lightly. The seal on her stomach reappeared, the leash vanished, yet the collar remained. I reached up to brush her cheeks, then slid my hand down until my finger lightly pushed the metal charm. I told her I thought she would have hated the collar.  

“I do—I did. But knowing that I have the choice to make it vanish whenever I want brings a small smile to my face,” she said. Then in a quiet voice, she said something that I don’t think she meant for me to hear. “I can’t remember the last time I felt freedom like this...” 

She looked off towards the waterfall but turned to me when I kissed her cheek. She flashed that lovely smile and happily stroked my head, and I enjoyed her every touch.  

“Ah, I almost forgot.” Sekh pressed a hand to my chest and closed her eyes. I felt something familiar as a crystal the size of a basketball materialized itself when Sekh pulled away from my chest. “I assume this is familiar to you?” 

I nodded, and while continuing to lay in her lap, pressed a hand to the crystal and cracked it open. 

Yeah, nothing happened. 

New Skill: [Soul Armatization] 

New Title: [Soul Warrior] 

Like my Divine Skills, this one didn’t have any level attached to it. Still, I saw the vague outline of a gun hidden within the crystal when it exploded, so my eventual Soul Weapon would still be the same. 

Sekh and I talked just a little bit more, but we mostly shared the silence and simply enjoyed each other’s presence. 


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