The Child Emperor

Chapter 154: Unexpected Danger

Chapter 154: Unexpected Danger

If the herd of horses had intelligence, they should have guessed that no good would come next when they were eating beans without any scruples. Seeing the humans ahead making way for them, they should have felt nervous, even afraid.

But they knew nothing and assumed it was an ordinary “night graze.” They stood obediently in several rows; they were warhorses, and they had this discipline.

More than thirty people stood behind the herd of horses, with knives already drawn.

“Alright!” Du Chuanyun’s voice came, indicating that the Chu soldiers ahead had moved to the sides.

Han Ruzi wanted to pat the horse with the flat of his knife, but after raising his knife, he realized that if he didn’t let the horses “go wild,” his plan to fend off the enemy would be in vain.

The other soldiers had no such hesitation, and dozens of knives fell, either stabbing or slicing.

When one horse is startled, it usually causes the whole herd to panic, let alone when dozens of horses are almost simultaneously in pain? With a loud neigh, the herd of horses kicked their hooves and galloped down the mountain. Before running off, they made a little retaliation, kicking several Chu soldiers into the air. They had themselves to blame for standing behind the horses and forgetting how much fury their actions could provoke.

Han Ruzi dodged and watched the herd of horses rushing down the mountain, silently urging them to run faster and wilder in his heart.

There was only one road down the mountain, and the herd of horses collided with the shield formation of the Xiongnu. Men and horses overturned over one another, with the screams of men and the neighing of horses mingling together.

The morale of the Chu army was boosted.

Du Chuanyun raised his arm and cheered. Fang Daye grabbed him and asked, panting, “Are you here to protect the Northern Protection General?”

“Of course.” If someone else dared to grab his arm like this, Du Chuanyun would have immediately turned hostile. But Fang Daye was different. Du Chuanyun sincerely admired this old general and was very happy to receive tasks from him.

“Take the general up the mountain and see if there is a way out.”

“Ah, isn’t that just running away?”

Fang Daye said coldly, “What, you don’t want to escape? Then go down the mountain and carve a bloody path out, and we’ll follow you. After breaking out, we’ll bow to you like we do to the Buddha.”

Du Chuanyun smiled embarrassedly, “I didn’t say I disagreed.”

Fang Daye released his hand, “Don’t take too many people.”

“Understood.” Du Chuanyun turned to leave, but Fang Daye added, “Leave the battle standard.”

“Oh.” Du Chuanyun had never been so obedient. He often argued with his grandfather, but he listened to Fang Daye without question.

Han Ruzi and a group of soldiers walked down, hoping to see the situation at the foot of the mountain more clearly.

The shield formation was broken, and the herd of horses had run far away, with neighing occasionally heard. A scene of dead and wounded was left at the foot of the mountain. This time, no one would take them away; those who could run had already run, unable to take care of themselves, let alone help their comrades.

From the mountain, the view below was not clear. The people at the foot of the mountain were even more confused. For a long time, no Xiongnu soldiers attacked or retrieved the dead and wounded.

Du Chuanyun ran to the Weary Marquis, “Let’s go.”

“Where to?” Han Ruzi was puzzled.

“Up the mountain to see if there might be another path.”

Han Ruzi looked back. He had observed during the day that the mountain top was all rocks, extending eastward, with the west side steep and surrounded by the Xiongnu. “How could there be a path?”

“There may be one, how would we know without checking?”

Han Ruzi called a junior officer and ordered him to organize the soldiers to follow Fang Daye’s command. He took about ten people up the mountain to check.

The top of the mountain didn’t seem far, but it got steeper as they went up. The last stretch was impassable, and in the dark, it was hard to see the danger. The soldiers advised the Weary Marquis not to go further, but Du Chuanyun, relying on his excellent agility, said, “You stay here, I’ll go up and check.”

Without waiting for Han Ruzi’s agreement, Du Chuanyun climbed up using both hands and feet and soon disappeared.

Shouts came from below the mountain, but they couldn’t hear from the top. A soldier got the Weary Marquis’s signal and shouted down, “What’s happening? Are the Xiongnu attacking again?”

“The Xiongnu are trying to persuade us to surrender again!” came the reply from halfway up. “Let’s shoot a few arrows at them!”

The night provided protection for the Chu army, and the Xiongnu clearly couldn’t figure out the situation on the mountain. When daylight came, they would certainly attack again upon realizing the Chu army hadn’t received reinforcements.

Han Ruzi and the others climbed higher but couldn’t see further. They only felt the fierce mountain wind. He looked towards the top, hoping Du Chuanyun could really find an escape route.

Du Chuanyun’s voice came from above, “I’ve climbed up! It’s so dark, I can’t see clearly. It seems… hey, there are wild beasts behind the mountain. No, not wild beasts, Xiongnu soldiers. Wait for me…”

The faint sound of weapons clashing was soon gone, with no further noise.

Han Ruzi was startled, realizing the Xiongnu had climbed up from behind the mountain. Had they not come to check, they would have been surrounded. He estimated there weren’t many Xiongnu, but Du Chuanyun couldn’t handle them alone. He wanted to help but lacked climbing skills.

“Du Chuanyun!” Han Ruzi called out.

“He’s behind the mountain; his voice can’t carry over.” A soldier reminded him.

“Who can climb up to help him?” Han Ruzi looked at a few soldiers. There weren’t many pugilists in the army when they left the capital. These three were some of them and were his bodyguards.

If anyone could climb to the top, it would be them.

The three looked at each other and then looked up. One said, “I’ll try.” He sheathed his knife and started climbing like a gecko. Though his agility was far inferior to Du Chuanyun’s, he steadily ascended without falling.

“Be careful of falling rocks. Weary Marquis, come this way,” another pugilist bodyguard said.

Han Ruzi stepped aside, still looking up even though he couldn’t see much.

The third pugilist bodyguard whispered to the other soldiers, urging them to move to help Fang Daye at the halfway point. The area here was too narrow to accommodate many people.

Han Ruzi noticed after a while that only two pugilist bodyguards remained by his side, both holding knives.

The first pugilist’s voice came from the top, “No one here; they seem to have fallen off. If the Xiongnu can climb up, we should be able to climb down. Just hope that there no Xiongnu are guarding below.”

“Got it!” The two pugilists responded in unison, then faced the Weary Marquis, saluted with fists, but did not sheathe their knives.

Han Ruzi looked at them, considering playing dumb but decided it wasn’t necessary. He asked, “Why? For wealth? For fame? For rank?”

The two pugilists did not answer.

“‘Path Clearing God’ Wang Lingshang, ‘Wind Blade’ Gu Juren, and the one above is… ‘Old Ape’ Song Shaokun.” Han Ruzi called out their nicknames and names.

“The Weary Marquis has a good memory.” Wang Lingshang pointed his knife down, while Gu Juren moved behind the Weary Marquis.

“You joined the rebel army in the north of the capital. Of course, I remember. Hmm, let me guess, you’re working for the Chai clan?”

Wang Lingshang smiled faintly, “They Weary Marquis not only has a good memory but is also smart.”

Gu Juren whispered behind Han Ruzi, “Why talk so much? Let’s do it.”

Han Ruzi tensed up. He was no match for the two. Even if he called out, the soldiers halfway up wouldn’t save him in time.

He was caught in an unexpected danger at the most unexpected moment.

Wang Lingshang shook his head, “The Weary Marquis has treated us well; he deserves an explanation. Besides, when the Xiongnu attack again, it will be easier to act in the chaos.”

Gu Juren grunted softly and said no more.

Wang Lingshang glanced down the mountain. The Xiongnu showed no signs of attacking for now.

“That’s right. The Chai clan hired us with a heavy price. As for who specifically paid, we’ll not say.”

Han Ruzi’s heart tightened further, though he still maintained an appearance of calm. “You’ve been waiting a long time.”

“We had no choice. The Weary Marquis has a special status. If you die in the army, we can’t escape, and neither can the Chai clan. We planned to act during battle with the Xiongnu, but the opportunity came unexpectedly: the Weary Marquis will die not by our hands, but by the Xiongnu’s blades.”

“Killing me won’t save you.”

“Heh, let’s try. Staying here is waiting for death. Bringing your head might give us a better chance. We’ll climb down the back; if there are no Xiongnu, that’s luck. If there are, we’ll surrender with your head and look for a chance to escape.”

“How much did the Chai clan pay?” Han Ruzi leaned against the rock, gripping his knife hilt, unsure if he could draw it in time.

“It’s not just about money. We owe a favor and must repay it. Honestly, Weary Marquis, you’re a good person, but we’re not close enough to owe you. Sorry.”

Gu Juren added, “We’re just beating the Xiongnu to it. Taking your head to report back.”

From the top, Song Shaokun’s voice came, “What are you waiting for? Hurry up.”

“No rush,” Wang Lingshang replied. “The Xiongnu seem to be preparing to attack.”

A few stones fell from the top. Wang Lingshang shouted, “Careful!”

Everyone looked down, vaguely seeing people moving.

“I was truly blind to have you all as my bodyguards,” Han Ruzi sighed.

“Weary Marquis, don’t blame yourself. There aren’t many skilled fighters in the army. We showed some skills and were recommended by Du Chuanyun. If anyone is to blame, it’s Du Chuanyun for trusting us pugilists.”

“Du Chuanyun did nothing wrong.” Han Ruzi never shifted blame.

A soldier climbed up. He was a fisherman, not a pugilist, and said, “General Fang sent me to ask, is there a way up there? If not…”

Wang Lingshang smiled and approached, “There is a way. Let me explain…”

The soldier was not on guard at all. By the time he realized it, his throat was slit. Wang Lingshang held him, letting blood spray on himself, and looked toward the halfway point, seemingly unnoticed. He said to those behind him, “Get ready to act. Don’t wait for the Xiongnu…”

Han Ruzi didn’t draw his knife; it was too late. Instead, he used all his strength to punch.

Gu Juren anticipated this and grabbed Han Ruzi’s wrist, raising his knife coldly, “I didn’t expect you to have some strength. Keep quiet. I’ll make it quick and painless.”

Han Ruzi didn’t expect to die here.

Nor did Gu Juren.

A sword silently stabbed down from above, accelerating only when it pierced Gu Juren’s head.

Gu Juren kept his mouth shut, maintaining his posture. Han Ruzi looked up in surprise to see Du Chuanyun, hanging from the rocks, gesturing for silence.

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