The Child Emperor

Chapter 106: Riverside Village

Chapter 106: Riverside Village

The Little Southern Hill was a relatively small and barren hill, visible just over ten miles south of the southern gate of the Capital city. However, there were no Subtle Fragrance Gardens or Bright Fragrance Gardens nearby; as far as the eye could see, it was all emptiness.

As evening approached, four carriages stopped by the roadside. Marquis Gui, leaning out of the carriage window, asked, “Mister Zhang, are we almost there?”

Zhang Yanghao gazed at the empty hills, feeling uneasy. “Almost, I think… almost.”

The southern outskirts of the Capital were relatively remote. The Jin family gave up trying to conceal their tracks and jumped out of the carriage one by one. The sun was setting, tired birds sought refuge in the woods, and the scenery was still beautiful. However, there were no pedestrians on the official road, and in the far distance, there seemed to be a village, but it didn’t look like the estate of a noble household.

“Is this Little Southern Hill ahead?” The elder Young Master Jin asked.

“Weren’t we supposed to have someone meeting us? Where are they?” The second Young Master Jin looked down the official road.

“This was a trick; you all were too trusting. I said earlier, if the few of us had ridden north, we could have covered a hundred miles today.” Jin Chui held a bow in his hand, even taking out arrows.

Zhang Yanghao glimpsed the weapon in her hand and felt a shiver down his spine. “We agreed that someone would come to meet us before dark. We’re a little early. Lin Kunshan is a trustworthy person; he wouldn’t deceive us; it’s not in his interest to do so.”

“Maybe he reported us to the authorities, luring us out to catch us red-handed,” Jin Chuiduo said coldly.

A woman’s scream came from the carriage, followed by sobbing. Marquis Guiyi angrily said, “Don’t scare your mother; she’s timid.”

Jin Chuiduo made a sound that was both a hum and a snort, looked around, searching for signs of an ambush. She was the first to spot the newcomers. “Are those the people?”

Everyone looked towards the wilderness. There was a small path obscured by trees, and at this moment, more than ten people were running towards the official road, their figures appearing and disappearing from the trees.

Before seeing them clearly, Zhang Yanghao dared not answer. The Jin family brandished their weapons, and even Marquis Guiyi drew his sword.

The people approached. Dressed in tatters, they didn’t look like official soldiers or pugilists; they appeared more like a group of refugees. A man in his thirties shouted loudly, “Are you heading north?”

This was the prearranged secret signal. Zhang Yanghao quickly dismounted and respectfully said, “Under the scorching sun, can you kindly point out a clear path, sir?”

The Jin family showed joy on their faces, but Jin Chuiduo frowned. She didn’t like these secret code words.

The man approached, clasping his fists and said, “I am Chao Hua. I have been waiting here for a long time. Please dismount and leave the carriages.”

Jin Chuiduo slightly drew her bow and loudly exclaimed, “Wait a moment. Let’s make things clear first. Without horses and carriages, how are we supposed to proceed?”

Jin Chuiduo’s appearance was outstanding, and Chao Hua lowered his gaze, feeling hesitant to look at her. “These horses and carriages will continue forward, and new ones will be provided for you.”

Marquis Guiyi signaled to his two sons, instructing them to stand in front of their sister. He himself went to call out his family members—three wives and concubines who had already been frightened, surrounding Marquis Guiyi as soon as they got off the carriage, holding onto his arms.

Marquis Guiyi couldn’t move, so he had his eldest son bring out the captives from the other carriage.

Han Ruzi alighted and turned to look in the direction of the capital city. Trees obstructed the view, and even the city walls were not visible.

The three captives were bound together and taken out of the city, following Zhang Yanghao’s insistence. He had spoken too hastily before, forgetting to be discreet in front of them. He had not yet figured out how to deal with them, so he had no choice but to keep them close.

The four carriage drivers were servants of the Jin family, who joined their masters.

Over a dozen newcomers boarded the carriages, skillfully shouting commands. They continued along the official road, leaving only Chao Hua to accompany Marquis Guiyi’s family.

In the desolate wilderness, with no villages in sight, and darkness falling, everyone couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. The three wives and concubines continuously wiped their tears using Marquis Guiyi’s clothes, making Jin Chuiduo impatient and restless. But every time she tried to speak, her two older brothers stopped her.

Zhang Yanghao also felt uneasy and asked, “Why hasn’t Master Lin come?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll see him soon enough.” Chao Hua was indeed not in a hurry. He walked steadily to the Weary Marquis, observed for a moment, and bowed deeply, “This humble one pays respects to Your Majesty.”

Han Ruzi hadn’t heard someone call him “Your Majesty” in a long time and couldn’t help but pause, barely managing to nod. He didn’t say anything. The situation was getting more and more bizarre, and he couldn’t predict how it would unfold.

Others were even more surprised than him. Zhang Yanghao hesitated in his words. Hearing the sound of hooves, he asked, “Chao Hua, are they your people?”

“Most probably,” Chao Hua stood by the roadside. Before long, three carriages approached from the direction of entering the city, stopping in front of the group. A carriage driver nodded to Chao Hua, indicating that they knew each other.

“Please get on the carriage,” Chao Hua pointed at the three vehicles. “Ladies, please board the middle carriage, and the others shall board the front and rear carriages.”

No one moved, not out of suspicion but because these carriages were simply too dilapidated. Pulled by mules, riddled with holes, they creaked and groaned as they arrived, seemingly on the verge of falling apart at any moment.

“Master Lin sent these kinds of carriages?” Even Zhang Yanghao couldn’t endure it.

Chao Hua chuckled, “Are you all planning to sneak out of the Capital quietly, or are you going on an ostentatious vacation?”

Zhang Yanghao understood, “Right, we can’t ride luxurious carriages anymore to avoid arousing suspicion from the authorities. Everyone, please get on the carriage… um, I’m going to stay in the Capital; I never intended to run away.”

The Jin family had no other options. The three captives frequently looked to Zhang Yanghao but received no response. They could only board the carriages.

Han Ruzi shared a carriage with the Jin family, and no one spared a glance at each other. After walking for quite a while, Second Young Master Jin said, “It seems like we haven’t made any turns; we are heading back to the Capital!”

Others also noticed it. Marquis Guiyi glanced outside the carriage several times, but the night grew darker, and nothing could be seen. He consoled himself, “To return to the steppes, we would have to head north, but it’s late now, and we can’t enter any cities today…”

“What do you gain by returning to the steppes?” Han Ruzi had long been puzzled by this and couldn’t help but ask.

Marquis Guiyi and his eldest son remained silent, and Second Young Master Jin, in frustration, said, “As long as we aren’t bullied in the Capital, anywhere is fine.”

“But you don’t have to return to the steppes. Your family has been in the Capital for a long time; perhaps… you won’t adapt to life there.” Han Ruzi hadn’t been to the steppes and could only rely on the records in books. But he felt that the Jin family would have a hard time in the northern border. Except Jin Chuiduo, who might actually endure it there for longer.

The two Jin brothers remained silent. They wanted to escape the Capital but hadn’t committed to heading to the steppes. Unlike their sister, they didn’t harbor many romantic fantasies about the northern border.

Marquis Guiyi sighed heavily. “If Prince Du hadn’t died… Never mind, don’t worry, the Chanyu will welcome the Jin family back. It’s a matter of the Chanyu’s honor, and our honor as well.”

Marquis Guiyi comforted his two sons, but Han Ruzi understood. Prince Du was the one who promised to bring the Jin family back to the steppes. Now that he was dead, that promise became less reliable.

“If the Eastern Chanyu truly wanted you to return, he would have sent someone to pick you up or temporarily withdrew troops to numb the border guards of Chu. Have the Xiongnu done any of these things?”

Marquis Guiyi remained silent for a while before saying, “Prince Du was the one who would know about these things…”

The vehicles shook more violently, as if they had turned onto a rugged path. Everyone tightly grasped the carriage, refraining from speaking. Han Ruzi thought to himself; it seemed the Jin family was in deep trouble, and he had been implicated in it. Truly unlucky.

After a bumpy ride that seemed to last a long time, they finally stopped at nearly midnight. Chao Hua asked everyone to get off the carriage.

Marquis Guiyi’s three wives were all weak. A maidservant supported one, Marquis Gui helped the other two, and Jin Chuiduo refused assistance. She was completely unaffected, holding onto her bow, vigilant and observing everything around.

They entered a village near the river. It wasn’t large, just a few dozen thatched houses, all in poor condition. There were only a few dim lights. A round of dog barking erupted and quickly faded away.

“Is this the Subtle Fragrance Garden?” Zhang Yanghao said in surprise. It was vastly different from his expectations, and it was even difficult to believe that there could be such a run-down village near the capital.

“There has never been a Subtle Fragrance Garden,” Chao Hua said indifferently. “This is Riverside Village. Rest for a while.”

“Is it temporary?” Marquis Guiyi asked anxiously.

“Where is Master Lin? Is he here?” Zhang Yanghao only cared about this matter.

Chao Hua didn’t answer and started arranging accommodations. Two old women were called out to take away the female family members. Marquis Guiyi became more and more panicked but didn’t dare to resist.

Chao Hua arranged a separate room for Marquis Guiyi. No one dared to say a word. Jin Chuiduo had had enough, stepped forward, and said, “Wait a minute. These captives were captured by me, not by you.”

Chao Hua said indifferently, “Miss, what do you intend to do? Do you want to personally guard him?”

Jin Chui almost grabbed her arrow. “I want your assurance that you won’t release him privately or take him somewhere else. I heard you call him ‘Your Majesty.’ Even if he were still the Emperor, he would be my captive. Understood?”

Chao Hua smiled. “Understood. Riverside Village is remote. Outsiders would find it difficult to enter and the people inside would also find it hard to leave. Miss, rest assured.”

Han Ruzi didn’t even know where he was, and indeed, there was no way to escape. He entered the designated house obediently, sat on the primitive bed-stove, and felt no trace of sleepiness.

Chao Hua, before leaving, said, “Sorry for the inconvenience to Your Majesty. Things will get better soon.”

Han Ruzi wanted to stop him and ask for clarification, but he felt that Chao Hua wouldn’t reveal the truth to him. So, he just grunted and let Chao Hua close the door from the outside. Hearing the sound of the lock, he realized he was now imprisoned.

Time passed bit by bit, and the village became quiet. Only the sounds of insects and frogs echoed, reminding Han Ruzi of his own backyard and scenes of night strolls with his wife. Suddenly, a deep pain struck his heart. Why did he have to take such risks? Wouldn’t it be better to stay at home and simply be the Weary Marquis?

Soon, he remembered. He was worried that the peaceful life of the Weary Marquis would not last long, prompting him to take risks. Unexpectedly, even the stability he had gained had slipped away.

He stood up, felt his way to the door, gently pushed it, and then groped around, hoping to find a way to escape.

He couldn’t just sit and wait for death; that was his only thought.

The walls, a mix of mud and straw, felt rough to the touch. Han Ruzi traced half a circle and suddenly heard a low voice outside the door, “Hey, are you awake?”

Han Ruzi immediately returned to the door, peering through the crack. He saw a blurry figure.

“Is it you?”

“Yes.” It was indeed Jin Chuiduo’s voice. After a pause, she continued, “Come with me, let’s escape.”

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