The Charming Villain Just Wants To Be A Salted Fish

Chapter 5.1 - The Fifth Night Part 1

Chapter 5.1 - The Fifth Night Part 1

The Fifth Night Part 1

Joyce moved very fast. There were a lot of people in the market, she bumped into them absentmindedly before finally stumbling into the dark alley at the end of the market.

Sean quickly ran after her. As soon as he rushed into the dark alley, he saw Joyce standing at the end of it, with a corpse that was still warm in front of her.

The corpses neck was marked with two dents that looked like it was from the sharp teeth of a wild beast. There was a trace of slightly wet blood from the wound that stained the bodys jacket red.

Joyce stood blankly in front of the body. Upon seeing this, Sean went to her side and covered her eyes.

But she suddenly moved, and the exposed, prominent fangs were uncontrollable.

Sean remembered that the person in front of him was a vampire.

Before he could react, Joyce slammed him into the wall. Her eyes were hazy and close to being consumed by desire.


Sean sensed that something was wrong. He pushed hard but failed to push her away.

Joyce leaned towards the side of his face, sniffing him. The smell of blood gradually dyed her eyes red, and the sweet fragrance between each breath made it more and more difficult for her to restrain the restlessness.

To prevent him from fighting and resisting her, the body pressed up against him and suppressed all his struggles.

What? Vampires? Where?!

There was an uproar in the crowd outside the alley. Sean tensed up from the cold but soft touch. He held his breath and tried to bring her back to her senses.

Wake up.

Joyce couldnt hear his slightly hoarse murmur at all. She had approached his neck by instinct. The fangs between her red lips were imbued with a bit of darkness, and the tip of her tongue swept across this piece of territory as if she was patiently holding it in to determine which vein would be more appropriate to bite into.

As the tongue landed, Sean's body stiffened.

He finally took a deep breath and uttered a mantra as she was about to bite.

The little girl who had just bared her fangs was instantly subdued with a burst of sleepiness. In a flash, she lost consciousness and fell into his arms.

Long Aotian had followed the smell to arrive before the guards from the market did. He was stunned by the scene he saw. He immediately hurried to pick up Joyce from Seans arms. He also pulled him over before the patrolling guards arrived. He quickly jumped over the wall and sprinted to where the carriage was parked.

Joyce woke up in a daze again. Her eyes were still surrounded by drowsiness. She stared blankly at the darkness in front of her and froze for a few seconds before she realized where she was.

She quickly pushed away the wooden coffin lid and struggled to sit up.

Your Highness Joyce, you are awake.

Long Aotian's voice obviously held a sigh of relief, but Joyce was busy searching around for Sean. Where's Sean?

Long Aotian slightly frowned. I have put that malicious knight in the dungeon!

Dungeon?! Joyce sat up from the coffin at once. Where is he? Quickly get him out of there. This has nothing to do with him. It's me ugh, it doesnt matter since it has nothing to do with him! Take me to him right now!

But Long Aotian was very insistent. No! For your safety, I can't let him out again.

Joyce pushed Long Aotian away to head towards the dungeon. What happened today has nothing to do with him, I just I almost sucked his blood because there was a reaction to the blood there.

Your Highness Joyce, you have been Long Aotian frowned as he followed her. He started saying something but suddenly continued, I understand, Your Highness. You haven't sucked blood in such a long time so had an abnormal reaction. In a moment, I'll send our people to catch someone

No, theres no need, Joyce refused instantly. However, she thought back to Sean's blood. Seeing that Long Aotian did not doubt her ability to control her craving, she pretended to casually ask, Do you think that Sean's blood is particularly sweet?

Long Aotian was stumped. x.

Generally speaking, blood can only be distinguished from sweetness after it has been tasted. There are also clans who have skills for this through keeping blood sources captive, but the blood from that knight He frowned and then acknowledged. He does indeed have a different scent from ordinary people.

Hearing this, Joyce breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew it. Sean's blood must be too attractive to vampires, which was why there were several times she

As she was thinking, she had already arrived at the dungeon with Long Aotian. Through the rusty iron bars, she caught Sean's eyes that were staring at her.

With this look, the scene before she became unconscious appeared clearly before her eyes.

Joyce blushed and wanted to slip away while she was behind Long Aotian, but he just turned around and said, Your Highness, we have arrived.

Joyce awkwardly stopped trying to slip away and cleared her throat. What happened today has nothing to do with Sean. He inadvertently helped me. Release him!

Long Aotians eyebrows wrinkled and seemed a little frustrated. Your Highness Don't be bewitched by him.

Joyce pressed her temples. Release him.

Long Aotian unwillingly opened the dungeons door.

Joyce breathed a sigh of relief and was relieved to see that Sean was not hurt. She started walking to bring him back to the room and turned to look at Long Aotian. Today, we saw a vampire hurting people in the market.

Karnia is heavily guarded these days and there is a shortage of blood. I mentioned just now that we keep blood sources in captivity, but there are also low-level vampires outside our jurisdiction who can't control their craving for blood. Like primitive beasts, they can only pursue their thirst for blood. Those kinds of low-level vampires can suck a person dry, which leads to death.

When Joyce heard this, she strangely asked, Suck dry?

But the blood of the body we just saw was not sucked dry, she whispered. She thought carefully. Maybe we alarmed him, and that's why he gave up and left before fully sucking all the blood.

Long Aotian was shocked by these words and frowned. Low-level vampires can't control their craving for blood, so for them to give up halfway on the blood they are sucking its unlikely.

So its possible that its an intelligent vampire who did it?

Long Aotian considered for a moment but did not answer.


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