The Charming Villain Just Wants To Be A Salted Fish

Chapter 2.1 - The Second Night Part 1

Chapter 2.1 - The Second Night Part 1

The Second Night Part 1

Joyce seemed to have been bewitched. As she approached him, the longing for that sweet taste grew.

She could even accurately see the speed at which the blood flowed under his skin. It was like the most delicious and exquisite wine. She followed her instinct to bare her sharp fangs between her lips and move towards the sweetness.

Sean was watching her the entire time.

Just as her sharp fangs were about to touch his neck, Joyce suddenly came back to her senses. She quickly put some distance between herself and him, as if she had suddenly realized what she was about to do.

The man's attractive face was fixed on her without blinking for a moment, and Joyce did not look away.

Its one thing to want to suck a persons blood, but the situation just now was obviously wrong, even if the strong smell of blood enticed her mind. She could obviously feel the strange attraction she had to the blood flowing through the man's body.

As Joyce thought through this, she could not help but set her eyes on the knight again.

The knight was now sitting at the other end of the carriage. Even though his hands were tied up and he lost his sword, he was still looking out of the window.

When Joyce was observing him absent-mindedly, he looked away from the window, and his cold, lifeless eyes were fixed on her again.

Joyce quickly withdrew her gaze.

Fortunately, the carriage arrived at the vampire territory very quickly.

From the background in this manga, Karnia had gone through a long period of changes and was calm and peaceful under the reign of the Demon Dragon. But of course, there were still a large number of aggressive vampires and black mages.

Vampires were different from black mages. They occupied the mountains along the coast and were divided into their own territories. It was only the original vampire that seemed to have some problems with the Demon Dragon. She was hidden away after being sealed by the Demon Dragon because her immortal body was under constant threat.

While the vampires gradually faded away from prosperity after the Primogenitor left, they lived in seclusion to guard their last piece of land. However, they still dreamed of a big vampire revival.

Joyce did not have a lot of ambition, and she did not want to do something meaningless after realizing that she was a villain and nothing good would come out of it.

She just wanted to hide in a corner of this manga and quietly sleep like a salted fish.

The first thing she needed was a bed.

The carriage slowly stopped at the castle in the mountains. Joyce looked at the vast castle covered with roses, and her eyes lit up for a moment.

This villain's castle was really nice.

Joyce admired the castle. She was in a good mood and told Long Aotian who was behind her, Arrange the best room for our guest!

Long Aotian's expression seemed to be somewhat reluctant, but he had to nod under Joyces gaze.

After Long Aotian left with Sean, Joyce toured the castle alone.

It was close to dusk and the orange sunset coated the whole castle with gold. Everything about the castle was good, but it was surrounded by thick curtains and suns light could not enter the rooms.

Joyce, as a vampire, knew very well that vampires in this manga were not afraid of the sun.

As she sat by the sea of roses in the castle, she thought about the direction of the plot she didn't know much about again.

Even though she had only read the first few chapters of the manga, she was also familiar with the way otome manga developed.

The villain would kidnap the princess and the next part would naturally be an honorable character rescuing the princess. Regardless of whether it was the knight or the king, he would ultimately eliminate the villain to save the princess. The only difference was that if it was the king who was also the male lead that rescued the princess, then they would live happily ever after; and if it was the knight who rescued the princess, then the knight could only send the princess to the king to help them complete their love.

When Joyce thought about it like this, she suddenly felt that Sean, like herself, was a cannon fodder who gave his life up for the plot.


Since the king and the princess would end up happy together no matter how the plot progressed, couldnt she stay out of the plot by kidnapping the knight and happily go lie down as a salted fish?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had made a decision that was too witty.

She sat for a while and felt a little tired, so she got up to find her room.

The other vampires guided her to her room and when she reached it she suddenly froze.

Her room was a dark, damp basement with no windows. Every part of the basement was so empty that there was only a coffin in the middle of the room.

Lord Joyce, are you going to rest? Long Aotian's voice grew louder. That knight has been set up in a place that is the best room after your room!

She turned around and stared at Long Aotian, who had just come to her side.

Under Long Aotians sulky expression, Joyce awkwardly said, The best room you're talking about Its probably not

Long Aotian pointed up above his head. Your Highness Joyce, your place is on the second floor of the basement. I have given him the finest place on the first floor of the basement.

What finest place? Theres no need for that.

Joyce hurried out of the room and went to the first floor of the basement.

Your Highness Joyce? Long Aotian had followed her.

Joyce went straight to the first floor of the basement and pushed the iron door open that was as thick as those used in prison.

The room was damp and dark, but her eyes could now see everything in the dark as clearly as she could during the day. With one glance, she saw Sean tied up in a coffin.

Joyce pressed her head where she felt that there was a headache coming. How can you let him sleep here?!


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