The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 901 Cruel Demons

Chapter 901 Cruel Demons

"Ah." Qiao Xue and the Holy Kings were a bit startled. A genius like Cain wasn't acting as usually overbearing as most other geniuses besides the start where he was simply counteracting their moves. 

Cain's prowess was evidently far higher than them all since all he needed to potentially kill them was a snap of his fingers. His aid would be an amazing gift to happen. 

The group traded glances, quickly coming to the same conclusion in just a few moments. 

Qiao Xue turned back around, saying, "We would be very grateful to receive your aid. Those demons from the city have been becoming more outrageous as of recently. But before we go, just one request, would it be alright if we take a small amount of Pearl Crystals here? We'll accept however much Sir wants to give us." 

"The Pearl Crystals?" Cain tossed his gaze around. There was more than enough to go around for everyone, but of course, he wanted the most for his group. "That's fine. You all can take 15% of what's here." 

"Excellent." Qiao Xue and his group didn't dare to put up any disagreement. In fact, they felt Cain was quite generous when he simply could've stopped them all from gaining anything. 

Both groups were swift in their crystal gathering, using the force of their divine energies to swallow the divine crystals into their spatial rings. 

The cavern lost its lustrous shine minutes later. 

When everything was cleared away, Cain turned to Qiao Xue, saying, "Lead the way. You don't really have to worry about anyone stopping us." 

"Mn." Qiao Xue nodded. 

Despite the fact that their first meeting went rather rough, he and his group couldn't help but feel an immense surge of confidence sweep through them now that they have a powerful force backing their moves. 

Qiao Xue led everyone outside of the cave, Cain and the girls coming to a forestry jungle area glittering with gleaming Dao runes. 

Every Dao rune exuded a profound amount of essence energy, obviously having been condensed after thousands of years of fermentation from the environment. The forest looks wasn't anything much different from the other divine forests across the Heavens. 

What did make the trio curled their brows was the quality of the source essence energy somehow being several times greater than the Inner Ridge. 

Breathing this air even made them feel slight tingles coursing through their bodies. They were closer to the source of the Great Heavenly Dao than ever before. 

The trio of course kept their actions neutral as they followed behind Qiao Xue's group. 

Qiao Xue had only taken a few steps out, these steps crossing them over dozens of meters because of their Laws suppressing the laws of space. 

He wanted to make sure everything was in the clear before they started flying, but midway in his walk, Qiao Xue suddenly snapped his gaze around, his eyes narrowing on a spot hundreds of meters away. 

His group members and the trio also turned their gazes to this spot. 

The group members' calm looks began to rapidly dissolve into intense feelings of pure rage, hatred flowing practically out of their fingertips. 

The same amount of hatred was rippling out of Qiao Xue's body, the waves of killing intent blasting out sliced off the random flowers into pieces while shattering the smaller trees. 

None of them could ignore this. They all swiftly flew straight to this area without even consulting the trio.

Cain, Kali, and Luo Na didn't mind following, curious to see what got these divine cultivators so fueled with hatred. 

Using their divine senses to scan the area, the trio were mentally greeted by a horrifically tragic sight that would instantly stir a heavy wave of emotions through anyone's soul. 

"Well, well." A vicious cold voice chuckled in a mixed sense of glee and hatred. 

The voice came from a divine man violently grabbing a beautiful young maiden head, his powerful fingers practically digging through her skull as he forced her to her knees. 

Another divine man stood right next to the young maiden, his palm wielding a radiant divine sword glistening with beautiful rays of light. 

The young maiden looked downright horrifying. Brutal gashes were sprayed all across her body, her face had long, bloody scars carved along with the intent purposes of humiliating her, and there was a broken dead look in her eyes, clearly of a person who had been through hell and back. 

The man holding her head continues to say, "We have some guests coming here. So, their treat will be your head!" 

Right when the man coldly declared, the other man mercilessly swung down his divine sword at light speed, the cold point of the blade brilliantly glistening through the dark woods. 

It was impossible for Qiao Xue's group to stop the sudden attack soaring at light speeds.


Blood wildly splattered everywhere. The beautiful young maiden's decapitated head sprayed everywhere before brutally smashing into the ground with a spine-chilling thump. 

"No! Damnit!" It was at this time that Qiao Xue and everyone else had arrived. They witnessed the young maiden's head rolling across the ground as her lifeless body slumped to the ground. 

"Basilisk Demons!" Qiao Xue and his group members coldly uttered, their divine auras surging out as unstoppable waves engulfed the entire world. 

"Hm?" The two Basilisk Demons tightly knitted their brows. They were instantly engulfed in this powerful force beyond anything they could ever dream of. 

Their Inner Worlds were suppressed along with their bodies, wanting to do anything was an impossibility now. 

But even while in this inferior position, close to death, the Basilisk Demons didn't panic, instead looking up to give Qiao Xue's group a cold look that shivered their souls. 

The man who spoke before continued to say, "Like our gift for you? You Great Marvel bastards deserve something like this at least!" 

The hatred flowing out of these two Basilisk Demons was clear as day. 

What should be sadistic glee and joy, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na could only see that they had the sanctification of undergoing revenge. 

Qiao Xue and the others didn't bother with anything he had to say. Their rising killing intent refused to listen to any other words coming from these demons. 

"Die!" Qiao Xue loudly roared, swiping down his palm at light speed. 

Glistening rays of lightning stormed through the sky. An arc of divine lightning exploded out of Qiao Xue's fingertips, the unfathomable arc of lightning essence energy instantly smashing straight down toward the Basilisk Demons. 

"Everything will change..." One of the demons coldly uttered. 

In that same moment, the divine lightning smashed upon their bodies, effortlessly destroying all of their innate defenses, instantly turning their bodies into ashes! 

The Basilisk Demons were killed off. 

But looks of regret still flashed on Qiao Xue and the other faces. 

Qiao Xue turned around towards Cain's group, sighing as she slowly shook his head. "This is basically the world we live in. One wrong step and..." 

He suddenly began to trail off. Confusion briefly shrouded his gaze. His soul, only now, began to stir, rippling him a feeling that something was incredibly off. 

In a split second, his eyes suddenly widened to an unfathomable degree. 

"We need to leave!" Qiao Xue roared, fear overflowing in his tone. 

"Ah!" The other group members only at this time were hit with an extreme sense of fear. All of them could detect waves of far superior Dao principles bursting everywhere, storming the world as an invincible force. 

"Oh?" Cain, Kali, and Luo Na were curious. None of them moved since they knew the trap had already succeeded. 

Right when Qiao Xue's group was going to fly straight out of there, a rippling stream of black essence energy engulfed everything. 

The black Dao essence expanded at light speeds, covering everyone in an inescapable net of Dao power. Suppressive Dao principles instantly blasted out of the net of Dao lights, these principles carrying the power to slither straight through Qiao Xue and the group's defense. 

"Damn!" They all trembled, their faces rapidly paling as they could feel their law power rapidly slipping away. 

The only ones completely fine was Cain's group. 

It was at this time that a mesmerizing yet spine-chilling cold voice of a demoness said, "Captured and helpless. Like the rats of the so-called righteous Great Marvel City are without their elders to wipe their asses." 

Void space cracked open. Stepping out of space were four beautiful divine cultivators, all exuding a suffocating aura of death so intense that even Middle Stage Primal Soveirgens would crumble to their knees. 

The beautiful demoness of a woman at the center of them all stole the entire world's momentum. She could truly look at everything with a supreme sense of control, knowing that her unfathomable Dao Laws couldn't be stopped. 

The radiant sword in her hand gleaming a soul-crushing black light amplified her majestic presence, making her seem like a true demoness ready to split the heavens. 


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