The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 821 Shaking News

A few seconds into their slow walk, Cain spoke up to ask, "Miss Kui, if you don't mind me asking, but, do you have arts infused with the cosmic force to show us? We're quite fascinated by this concept." 

"Oh? The cosmic force? We indeed have an art like that. Come, I will take you there now." Emperess Kui nodded and changed her direction. 

She slightly picked up the pace of their walk. They went through numerous large bushes and passed by several large manors to reach their point. 

And naturally, on their walk, the group gathered a great amount of attention. Any movement from Emperess Kui could always stir up the world. 

What truly caused the noise were the three trailing behind her. 

Typically, many would be greatly envious or feel hatred for some lower cultivators being next to their Supreme Emperess Kui. 

However, those kinds of looks of disdain didn't happen with the trio. Instead, a growing confusion along with a shock of horror was sweeping through the entire faction. 

Many murmurs were swirling about. 

"Those-those three...those recording rings...they have to be, no, it is them!" 

"Never before has recording rings spread at this terrifying pace. And it's all because of those three..." 

"And Supreme Emperess Kui managed to pick them up? Just like that?" 

So many questions were flashing through the other disciples' minds. But none were really daring at all to just walk up the Empress Kui. 

That would be the ultimate sign of disrespect to their goddess! 

This is why Kui and the trio were able to enjoy their walk in a calming quiet. 

It didn't take very long, however. 

In a few minutes, Empress Kui led the trio toward a relatively, ordinary-looking pavilion. 

Not much here stood out on its own. Even the glittering Dao runes seemed duller than the others around the garden field. 

But what it lacked in appearance, it more than made up for it by what was in the pavilion. 

'Hm?!' Cain, Kali, and Luo Na felt their souls lurch, a yearning desire bursting out of them. 

Their gazes instantly snapped toward a mysterious painting within the pavilion. 

This painting displayed an entire galaxy coated in divine lightning strikes and the essence of pure destruction. 

Staring into this painting wasn't as simple as watching a piece of art. But rather peering into an unfathomable source of power that can directly affect the flow of the entire universe! 

The concept of the cosmic force. Its principles seemed like they can perfectly mix with any other Dao force in the universe. As if on its own, it's a vital force that no living being can avoid. 

Everything about the outside world started to become vague to the trio. Their legs moved on their own, walking straight up to the Galaxy Lightning Painting. 

They were in a divine trance already. Gleaming divine lights of law principles were exuding out of their pupils. 

On one side of the Galaxy Lightning Painting, there were already two other juniors studying the art. 

"This...these two..." The two juniors violently shook. 

These lower divine cultivators were the exact same ones making an utter storm throughout the entire Lightning Destruction sect! 

Neither of them knew how to respond or move. 

That is until Empress Kui slowly walked over to them. Her divine presence couldn't be ignored. She stole the two juniors' attention. 

"Ah! Supreme Empress!" The two juniors instantly straightened themselves out with a deep bow. 

They didn't dare look her in the eye, but still cast curious gazes on the trio. 

One of them slowly said, "Supreme Empress...that's the peak 1st grade Saint Art Galaxy Lightning! Those three...are they really comprehending it? Understanding cosmic force almost seems impossible for anyone of us!"I think you should take a look at

"Perhaps they truly are reaching a level where even I failed at. These are geniuses not bound by common sense." Empress Kui murmured, mostly to herself. 

She paused before continuing to say, "Either way, this spot is reserved for them. You two, be a dear and spread this word around." 

"Understood your majesty!" The two eager juniors promptly dashed off. They were more than happy to receive orders from their goddess. 

At this time, Empress Kui intently watched the trio. She decided to take a chance and asked, "One more thing junior siblings, in a few days the Dao Gathering Event will occur in the city. This is a time when all sects, including the top seven, will participate. We can gain various, exotic arts, martial skills, weapons, and even greatly unique Inner World resources that can enhance our world development. Would you all be interested in going with me?" 

Kali and Luo Na did indeed hear Empress Kui. But they were too absorbed to give out any proper response. Though, even normally, they really wouldn't bother to talk. 

Naturally, it was Cain who made the decision. They want to explore this region more anyways and find opportunities. This event seems like a perfect gateway.

Cain spoke without taking his eyes off the painting, "Indeed we can. Just come back here when it starts. I doubt anyone of us will be moving." 

After speaking, he promptly immersed himself back into a divine trance. 

The trio instantly became immovable statures. Their divine minds were expanding by the second. 

The concept of cosmic force, its mysterious principles that seemingly form the surrounding universe, everything was causing ripples throughout the trio's souls. 

They promptly blocked out everything else from the outside world. 

Empress Kui slightly narrowed her eyes. A weird sensation was coursing through her divine mind. 

There is no shortage of determined cultivators who whole-heartedly pursue the Great Dao. 

But typically, at higher realms, it would be a necessity to interact more with the surrounding environment. At the very least, many higher realm cultivators pursue the benefits of establishing relations for either personal reasons or cultivation reasons. 

Empress Kui knows for sure that even other Emperor Grandmasters would be highly intrigued in exploring her faction. Especially if they were a man. 

But Empress Kui wasn't too worried. She had hope that in these days, one of the three, or at the very least Cain would come around. 

She faintly smiled before flying off to her manor. 


The days quickly passed. 

A storm of news was still sweeping through the Lightning-Destruction sect. But this news didn't only stay confined to one sect. 

There was nothing stopping battle recording rings from the Ancient Star Region. 

The main city was utterly bustling with this set of mind-shattering news. 

Three youths, who haven't made full public appearances yet were taking center stage. 

Merely two Divine Rulers and one Holy King genius. Cultivators who shouldn't have any fame at all compared to Primal Soverigens geniuses. 

And yet, it was the very same cultivators that had utterly steamrolled over King Grandmaster geniuses! 

Many wanted to believe this was some sort of sick rumor. But the recording rings passed down by Heavenly Venerates themselves disproved any and all doubts. 

And Heavenly Venerates recording rings can only be destroyed by another Heavenly Venerate or higher. 

Naturally, this set of news reached the eyes and ears of the peak top seven power of the entire Inner Ridge. 

And no matter how high and mighty, how superior, how self-righteous those top sevens were, not a single one could ignore this battle recording ring. 

At this point, with heaven-defying geniuses like this, one would think they would make public appearances to establish their dominance even further.

But in these past few days, neither of the three were seen even once. The main city was completely clueless. 

And even inside the Lightning-Destruction sect, many disciples had little idea of what was happening. 


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