The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 813 Library Palace

Empress Kui's beautiful voice calmed down everything. Even if a raging fire was spreading through the land, the vibration of her soothing voice would put such a chaotic source of flames. 

Those in Empress Kui's faction were completely enamored. Their gazes looked at Emperess Kui as if she truly was a majestic goddess. 

" mangifcent. So graceful! It makes me so proud to be in Supreme Empress Kui's faction!" 

"Mn. She has an untold grace even the Great Elder Venerates can't match!" 

The only ones unaffected by the dominating atmosphere of the three Supreme Emperors were Cain's group, the Heavenly Venerate elders, and a select few of the ancient Primal Soverigen elders. 

But even so, not a single person can say that the Supreme Emperor geniuses weren't terrifying or lacked skills. Their terrifying potential was plain to see for anyone. 

With Empress Kui's calm voice, neither Emperor Hian nor Guo decided to stick around.

Both Emperors coldly snorted as their Dao Phantom vanished. 

Emperess Kui's Dao Phantom vanished right alongside them. Their leave finally caused the world to return to normal. 

Many breathed our breaths they didn't even know they were holding in. 

Elder Yijun quietly sighed. He slowly told Cain's group, "You absolutely must watch out for those deeply involved in their factions. Even when you all showcase your prowess, many would not hesitate to make your life a living hell if it's possible." 

Cain, Kali, and Luo Na silently nodded. 

For a rare time, the trio actually felt a bit underpowered for the challenges ahead. A strange sensation to be sure. But something of which that only made the trio more determined to advance their cultivation.

Still, the trio had a question about the factions. Cain was the one to ask, "Can I ask the endpoint to these factions? I'm assuming there's a deeper goal than simply raising the younger generation." 

Elder Yijun nodded. "Indeed. These factions are practically the future foundation of our sects. These Supreme Emperor geniuses have to manage their own cultivation while performing great service to our sect and training a loyal bunch under them. All of this is for us to see who will be the fit as the future sect master. And I will admit, this generation of geniuses is quite heaven-defying, more so than other generations. Even though only one can become a sect master, these three all have a high chance to become True Divinities! If not, reaching half-step True Divinity is very well possible for anyone of them. If there's one who I'm hoping to succeed the most, then it will have to be Emperor Kui. As you already saw, among the three, she's the most benevolent and open-minded." 

"I see..." The trio simultaneously nodded. 

It really was occurring to them now that they simply won't be up against Heavenly Venerate's talents. But talents who can transcend that realm, achieving the realm of Godhood! 

A faint pressure fell upon the trio's souls. They were more determined than ever. 

"Then, we must be off Elder Yijun. Good day." With those last parting words, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na nodded and flew off. 

The trio continued their trek straight toward the sect's library palace. They flew with a bit more haste this time. 

In seconds and avoiding everyone else, the trio reached the library palace. 

The library palace itself sat upon a majestic, celestial mountain. Numerous kinds of beautiful Dao runes glisten all across the library palace. 

Dazzling Dao lights spewed from every corner, creating a beautiful sight that can completely hypnotize weak grandmaster souls. 

But simply wanting to walk in this library palace wasn't so simple. As when merely flies thousands of meters close, anyone would be engulfed by an intense Dao atmosphere of Lightning principles and Destruction principles!

Both overwhelming principles were in perfect fusion, causing an unending wave of essence energy to continually permeate the atmosphere. 

This was a test to all disciples' foundations. If one can't resist the intense Dao pressure or use their comprehension to force through it, then simply reaching the front doors of the library palace won't be possible! 

Naturally, for Cain, Kali, and Luo Na, their foundations couldn't be more perfect. They causally flung off the Dao pressure in an instant with a sliver of their Inner World essence. 

With complete calmness, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na floated before the palace's front door. 

Cain had then taken out their identity badge to seamlessly enter into high-access areas like this one. 

Of course, just resisting the Dao pressure was one aspect of the library palace. To enter completely, one would need the direct approval of high elders. 

Thankfully, with what Elder Suo gave them, they can enter most areas without any problem at all. 

The identity badge sprayed out beautiful Dao lights that engulfed the trio. They didn't hesitate. Each of them didn't encounter any resistance. Their bodies smoothly flew right through the library palace's front doors. 

Space violently twisted around. The dimensions shifted. 

When blinking their eyes, the trio came to a beautiful sight filled with glorious riches. 

The whole interior was coated in dazzling blue Dao light. Every ripple of Dao light pulsated with the essence of lightning and destruction. 

Numerous shelves were lined up through the aisle, every single one of them supporting unfathomable cultivation arts. 

The space here as well was quite immense. Thousands of disciples were strutting through the first floor without any problem at all.

In that split second, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na swept their divine sense throughout the first floor. Their gazes and divine sense took notice of the pure quality that was engraved on every single cultivation book or scroll. 

These arts were all at least high-tier of the 1st Grade Divine Arts. And there were numerous ones that are peak 1st Grade Divine Arts! 

To have such a wide selection of art to use was nearly breathtaking. Even the most average of genius can erupt with dazzling strength that can suppress anyone ordinary. 

Amongst the Divine Arts, the sensation of lightning-destruction was extremely dominating. There was only a small other sensation of various other martial essences. 

But evidently, this library palace was well-suited to those with the Lightning-Destruction mutated Great Dao path. 

Their analysis happened all in a split second. 

In that short time frame, numerous eyes began gathering on the trio.

How could they go unnoticed? 

Two mere Divine Rulers and one Holy King are commonly seen as jokes to these regular grandmaster geniuses. Those that are not even in the King Stage still look down on everyone else below them. 

Additionally, the trio were only using a mere sliver of their auras to resist the Dao pressure. Nobody could accurately identify their divine law principles. 

But even so, that innate sense of superiority ran through everyone. Some began to coldly sneer. 

"I have no idea who are these three randoms, but they're certainly overestimating their meager skills. Their arrogance will lead to humiliation." 

Many were truly expecting a good show to watch. 

However contrary to expectations, Cain, Kali, and Luo Na began to calmly walk through the Dao pressure! 

Every step they took wasn't deep or shattered the ground. Their expressions weren't tense.  Nor were their divine auras chaotic. Their simple walk made it like there was no Dao pressure at all. 

" could Are they seriously going to the second floor?" 

More and more eyes began to land on the trio. And more confusion began to arise. They all clearly watched on. 

The trio didn't make any pit stops. They were on a direct course for the 2nd-floor library!


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