The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 754 The Demonic Environment

"Ah. Mn, right." Luo Na was slightly startled. Even she could tell by the slightly playful light in Cain's eyes. 

But as a faith maiden, she was quick to regain her ever-present calm. 

Without any more words, the duo stepped on the teleportation array formation and was covered by glistening Dao lights. 

They were instantly teleported far through the void space. The sensation of space swirled all around the duo. 

Luo Na could just barely detect the method of space teleportation. While Cain, now in the Divine Ruler, had a far higher awareness of the Dao teleportation. 

At the very least, he could faintly detect the special Dao principles that go into making a space-time tunnel. 

Still, the transport method was nearly instantaneous. The sensation of teleporting space had cleared away. 

Cain and Luo Na blinked their eyes open to an endless, grassy plain. 

The sight was familiar to Cain. He nearly felt a bit nostalgic. The air was far lighter in its Dao pressure. The essence energy swirling the atmosphere was more impure, almost having a slightly nasty quality about it. 

But even so, this grassy plain was where Cain had started his next steps into the God Galaxy. 

He quietly sighed, saying, "The Wintry World. It's a bit weird to think I have once come here as nothing more than a mere Sacred Sage cultivator. At that time, any Divine Star expert could've squashed me like a bug." 

Luo Na took a look at Cain. "This was the first place you had ended up in? And in such a low realm at that? Typically, worlds like these are difficult to survive in without sufficient strength. Even with a background, if you don't have protection, a disaster would befall you." 

"It's not as if Amber and I didn't encounter trouble during our first days." Cain faintly smiled. "There was a group of slave traders that wanted to capture us mere hours after our awakening. Thankfully, they weren't too strong, which allowed me to kill and escape from them."

"Mn. It's only natural you can fight your way out with such disadvantages." Luo Na stated as if were an actual fact. 

With Cain taking the lead, the duo began to calmly fly through the grassy plains.

At their level of Law power, even a single step took them over several hundreds of meters. 

A thought streaked into Cain's mind during this time. He asked, "By the way, how many adventures you've been on? I assume it's been plenty. You showed skills that surprised both me and Kali." 

Luo Na actually gave a faint smile at this. "Naturally, I don't desire to spend a great amount of time in my chambers. Especially when I fully learned of the Heavenly God sect. I exploded mainly across the Heavenly Great World realms and some of the Quasi-Great Worlds. Occasionally testing my luck in the Central Starfield. However, no matter the inheritance I've gone to, I'm fully aware I had plenty of life-saving methods that prevented me from stepping into true danger. Compared to brother Cain, I'm a bit lacking in this regard."

"That didn't really matter in your fights against Bao and that Liang guy. You did more than well for yourself. And perhaps the Divine Faith Empress will allow you to actually go to the Soul God World to truly temper yourself." Cain said. 

Lights of hope did sparkle from Luo Na's eyes. Even before meeting Cain and Kali, she was planning on convincing her master in some manner. Now, it became a bit simpler with the powers she displayed during her battles. 

In a calm voice, she said, "We shall see. But, I am hoping for a yes. Also, if you don't mind me asking, just where are we going? I had previously assumed we would be visiting the Cloudsea Holy Land." 

"Ah, I'll go back there one of these days." Cain shook his head. "But we're going to is, well, I'm not entirely sure what to call it. It seems this place has been completely disconnected from the mainland of the God Galaxy. Have you ever heard of a person name Wizard Kun?" 

"Wizard Kun?" Luo Na curled her brows. She searched her memories, but nothing that prominent came up. "From what I read; Wizard Kun is a strange cultivator with the prowess to surpass a minor boundary. It's decently talented compared to others. But reports say he can only fight only ordinary cultivators above his minor boundary." 

"I see..." Cain nodded to himself. "So, not even the Great Worlds pay much attention to him, huh? Well, you'll see for yourself of an interesting thing I had encountered on my lone travels."

Now Luo Na couldn't deny her curiosity from surging. The Heavenly Great Worlds do have a massive amount of information across the entire God Galaxy. 

But nobody is all-knowing. 

There are plenty of cultivators with very limited information about them. Such people could be completely average with nothing to note off, or actually a bit more special than they realized. 

The duo's flight didn't take too long. Cain had perfectly recounted his steps from his lone travels. 

After only several minutes, the duo ended up in front of a seemingly ordinary forest jungle. 

"Hm?" Luo Na expanded her divine sense. She could only tell there was some kind of weak spirit formation at the edges of the forest. 

But other than that, nothing seemed off. Even the spirit formation was so ordinary that Luo Na would easily gloss over it on her own. 

"This is?" She began to ask. 

But Cain suddenly pulled out two cloak hoodies from his spatial ring. Putting one on, he tossed over the others and said, "You'll see. Here, put this on. I want to test something out first." 

Questions began to swim through Luo Na's mind. But she didn't say anything, following through with Cain's orders. 

Suppressing their auras, the duo walked into the forest. A faint ripple of spirit energy washed over them.

But Cain ignored the pulse. He took his time now, walking very specific footsteps through the forest. 

With Luo Na following behind him, the duo trudges their way forward. 

To Luo Na, the scenery didn't change at all. Everything looked the same and no specific Dao law sensation rippled into her divine sense. 

But that all changed when Cain took his last step forward. 

When reaching this distance, it was like Luo Na had entered a new world! 

'Hm?' She perked up, instantly noticing the once vibrant spring forest underwent a horrifying change. 

Dead trees stained with both fresh and old blood filled the forest. Random parts of fresh and rusted skeleton bones littered the ground. A foul odor of death permeated every inch of the region. And bone-chilling demonic Dao law sensations swept through the air. 

Luo Na didn't show that much of an outward reaction. But she was still a bit taken aback.

While tossing her gaze around, she asked, "Is this the work of an Exalted World Spirit Master? I failed to detect any spirit formations or change laws just before reaching this point." 

Cain lightly laughed. "I was a bit surprised as well when first coming here. There are always hidden dragons in our massive Heaven. And this right here is a bit of a special environment." 

The duo began to walk as they talk. Though only a few steps into this demonic environment, Luo Na furrowed her brows. 

There was a certain distaste rippling in her Spiritual Sea.


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