The CEO's Woman

Chapter 152 Monster

Chapter 152 Monster

"Yyooouuuu..." Old Man Wu struggled. He could not believe that his own daughter would poison him.

Was this the daughter that he had raised?

"Yes, father... It is me and it will always be me. Me, before you and anyone else. It’s me and my love for Wang Huo." She said proudly. Her family wanted to cancel her engagement because of their foolish actions. So why must she suffer with them?

"I have long waited for this opportunity to marry him father. So don’t blame me for being ruthless." She added before turning around.

However, before she could take a step away from her father, Wu Sheng came back.

Wu Sheng immediately froze when he saw the scene in front of him. His father was almost kneeling on the floor while Wu Ziliang had just turned her back on him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Insulin overdose." She answered nonchalantly. "Bring him to the hospital, he will be unconscious for a few days." She said as she walked past him.

Wu Sheng furrowed his brows, unable to understand what she meant. He grabbed her arm and asked, "What did you do to our father?"

"I told you, it’s just an insulin overdose. Bring him to the hospital, now." Seeing that Wu Sheng was still staring at her, Wu Ziliang can’t help but roll her eyes as she freed her arm from his grip. "Don’t blame me for being ruthless. I can’t just cancel this wedding and break my beloved’s heart. It will always be him before anyone else. Now, bring him to the hospital. This should be enough to keep the both of you busy for a couple of days."

Before Wu Sheng could react, Wu Ziliang had already reached the door and bid him farewell.

"Father? Father?" The moment Wu Sheng woke up from his stupor, the first thing he did was to help his struggling father.

He could not understand his sister’s reasons for doing this. All he knew was that she did something to their father.

"What have... I raised?" Old Man Wu asked his son before he lost consciousness.

"A monster, father. You have raised a monster." Wu Sheng answered as some of their people came to carry his father.

Yes. A monster.

That is what she is.


It was six in the evening, an hour before the start of the party.

However, instead of preparing, Jiang Yue was sitting with Wu Sheng.

The latter just insisted on talking with her, as he had something important to say, and Jiang Yue was very happy to comply.

If her analysis was right, then something must already have happened to the Wu Family.

She knew that Wu Ziliang was akin to a timebomb and she had taken advantage of that fact.

"She did what?" Jiang Yue asked, her eyes wide from surprise.

"She poisoned my father and... and I believe she will still show up tonight for the engagement so... If I could just..." Wu Sheng hesitated.

"Please say it Mr. Wu, Minghua and I would be very glad to help you." She said.

"I would like to cancel this engagement and ask for your help to capture my sister. I will have the police waiting for her arrival."

"Police? You are planning to hand your sister over to authorities?" Jiang Yue asked, curiosity apparent in her eyes.

"Yes... the only thing that can help her now is a mental facility. She... she has become a monster. I can’t just watch her ruin herself like this." Wu Sheng answered sincerely. He could not let Wu Ziliang continue to wreak havoc and destroy their family.

Wu Sheng did not know how far Wu Ziliang was willing to go just to have this engagement with Wang Huo.

She had already hurt too many people, so obviously he would not want her to add another one to her list.

Jiang Yue stared at Wu Sheng intently. She could feel his sincerity and, to be honest, she quite admired his decision. She originally thought that Wu Sheng will still turn a blind eye. But she was wrong. She could clearly see that she was wrong in her judgment toward the Wu Family.

It seems that not all of them are crazy after all.

"To be honest Mr. Wu. I don’t have a plan to let your sister go after tonight." She answered. Since the man is sincere, she would be very happy to reciprocate. "I know she poisoned grandfather. She paid someone to switch grandfather’s vitamins into something that will cause an overdose. Now, I know that this had been her Modus Operandi. She seemed to like poisoning people. That is really not surprising considering that your sister had a background in medicine before... before she decided to kill her sister."

Jiang Yue’s words immediately made Wu Sheng froze. Sweat instantly soaked his back.

Did she know? Does she...

"I also know how you and your father tried to cover every crime that she did."

Did she know everything?

Then does this mean that she planned all this to take revenge against their family?

Wu Sheng instantly paled as he realized the possibility of Jiang Yue being the perpetrator of everything.

If she is, then...

Asking for her help is akin to selling his soul to the devil himself!



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