The CEO's Woman

Chapter 115 Proud Mother

Chapter 115 Proud Mother

After Old Man Wu and Wu Sheng discussion. Both them then proceeded to attend the event.

Even though Wu Sheng is not really enthusiastic about all this, he still has to support Wu Minxia who will also be their company’s representative.

Old Man Wu and Wu Sheng then sent to the seat that was given to them by the committee.

The Wang group is set to have their presentation before noon, and many of the guests were to surprise to know that Jiang Yue will represent the Wang Group.

Some of them have doubts if she is really capable enough to answer their questions since she has no experience in dealing with businessmen like them.

However, some also decided to give Jiang Yue the benefit of the doubt. Her grandfather, the sole founder of Wang Group is considered a genius in the industry so it should not be that surprising to have Jiang Yue inherit some of his genes, right?

After a few presentations, it was finally Jiang Yue’s turn. She immediately made her way into the stage.

The crowd instantly turned silent.

Her footsteps echoed sharply around the hall full of people. Her looks immediately gathered most of the crowd’s attention.

"Hmp. A stiletto? Who would wear such impractical shoes like that?" Huang Guigu blurted, jealousy apparent in her eyes.

"Guigu, stop saying that. Did you forget our goal for today?" Wu Minxia immediately whispered in her friend’s ears. She already apologized to this hateful Jiang Yue last night so she could not have Huang Guigu make another scene today. She needed to show everyone that she held no grudges.

Her grandfather already informed her of what will happen today and she could not help but clap her hands inwardly for her grandfather’s genius ideas. As expected, her grandfather will not let her down.

Today, a virus will corrupt every laptop or computer that will use this hotel’s electronics for two minutes. This sounds too short but the damage that it will create is unimaginable.

And since this virus is practically invisible, no one can trace it back to the laptop in her hands.

Ah... only the gods know how excited she is to see Jiang Yue embarrass herself today.

Jiang Yue then gave a low bow before giving everyone a smile.

"Virus." She started. " A virus is a malicious program that spreads by itself into other executable documents or coed with the sole purpose of infecting vulnerable systems, gaining admin control and stealing some vital information."

"I’m sure everyone here knows the danger of viruses so I will not waste everyone’s time and assume that you already know it’s purpose."

"Nowadays, a lot of security system had been developing themselves with the sole purpose of creating a multi-layered defense system that can detect harmful viruses. However, as technology continued to progress, these viruses also continued to evolve into something more harmful. More infectious. More dangerous."

Jiang Yue continued the introduction of her speech before finally revealing the Wang Group’s product.

"Because of this, the Wang Group develop a new strain of computer virus that can counter all types of infectious virus by devouring them. What this thing can do is overwrite the program of the virus. Changing it into something harmless. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are so proud to introduce the W Strain Devour Virus."

Jiang Yue’s declaration earned a lot of gasps from the crowd. What does she mean by a virus that could devour another virus?

That is something that is not in the global market.

Did they just create a breakthrough?

"Miss Jiang!"

"Miss Jiang questions."

"Miss Jiang here."

A group of businessmen and reporters immediately raised their hands to clarify Jiang Yue’s statement.

If what she is saying is the truth then this could be the start of a revolutionary era of the viruses.

Some people do not understand the significance of this W Strain. However, to the businessmen and tech companies, this is an absolute breakthrough.

Imagine what will happen if everyone will have something like this on their computer? No one will worry about spam sites and viruses and harmful emails. This will have its greatest impact to business that requires tight computer security like banks.

A lot of people knows that this could be the start of something that could change everyone’s view of computer viruses.

"I already told everyone that I will only accept questions after my presentation but since a lot of you are showing interest, let me answer two questions from the crowd. You the gentleman who first raised your hand. What do you want to know?"

Jiang Yue pointed to the gentleman from the back without knowing that this person is someone who was paid by the Wu family to ruin the presentation and embarrass her.

This gestured earn a sneer from both Old Man Wu and Wu Minxia.

A virus that can devour another virus?

Does that even exist?

But no one could blame them for thinking that there is no such thing like this. After all, they have been trying to create some viruses themselves but were always met with failure.

"Ehem... so I was wondering... who created this new strain? Why are you the one presenting this instead of that person? I mean... don’t take it personally, but this is a very important achievement. We should give the proper recognition to the one who made this." The man in his forties immediately spoke the moment he received the mic.

Jiang Yue stared at the man while laughing inwardly. This one is clearly full of malicious intent. She wondered who could have employed this man to say things such as this.

Her eyes traveled to the crowd and rest towards the smiling Zhao Feiyan before it finally landed towards Old Man Wu.

She can see the smirk in his wrinkly face.

From this, Jiang Yue can already guess that this must be created by old man Wu.

Such a shameless old man.

"You are already speaking to the creator of this virus strain. I spent three years of my life to finish this new virus strain, so I can give it to my grandfather as a birthday gift." She answered truthfully. This was the first ever virus that she had worked and spent most of his time abroad with.

The product of her studies and multiple mistakes.

This is hers.

Her baby.

And she is one hell of a proud mother.


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