The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 80: A Late Night

Chapter 80: A Late Night

July 10th, 2089

Terras POV

Well, that covers everything I wanted to discuss.  Thank you for coming, Rin.  Of course, Ms. Miyagi.  I bowed to the president of Top Talent as she left after our meeting involving my future.  The plan is to build-up my hype over this month by releasing a few songs as teasers and by going on a few shows before having my first concert sometime in August.  I started heading towards the music studios on the 3rd floor, only stopping briefly at a memorial plaque that caught my eye.  To our beloved founder and colleague, Fujioka Shichiro.  Many pursue their dreams, but only a few make the dreams of others possible.  Your inspiring presence will be missed and our memories of you shall always be cherished. Rest in peace.

The sudden and unexplainable disappearance of Shichiro had thrown Top Talent into disarray and had cast a gloom on what otherwise should have been a celebration of the best season in Japans Rising Idols history.  Police never found a body and he was declared dead after several months and the case went cold.  And yet his killer is here casually walking by his memorial plaque.  Magic truly trumps all.  The only part in the investigation I had was a brief interview as a potential witness.  A couple of outright lies later and that was the end of it.


Anyways, after a mind-numbing recording session that lasted well into the night where the producer was yelling that he wanted to create music of the gods throughout, I left the studios a complete mess.  Whilst dealing with that crazy producer, I also had to spend my break time absolutely refusing to wear anything other than jeans and a t-shirt during my performances/public appearances.  I may have accepted this strange occupation of pretending to be a female idol, but I wont willingly submit to all the requirements.  Luckily, I made sure to include the final say on all wardrobe decisions in my contract.

Other helpful clauses include no mandatory publicity events, the right to refuse interviews, and only having a manager when needed.  Top Talent tried to tempt me into getting rid of some of these rights by increasing the money, but I stood firm.  I need money, but not that badly that Ill sell my remaining shreds of dignity.  *Sigh* Who am I kidding?  I have no dignity left.  My best friend started a freaking fan club in my name with three super otakus.  Just the thought of that causes me to have a headache.  *Sigh* Whatever, lets just get back home and sleep.

Giichi the Gruesomes POV

My name is Giichi and I am pleased to say that its another lovely summer night!  The city lights of Tokyo are shining bright and there is a cool summer breeze blowing through the warm night air.  I smiled as I looked at the perfect weather and decided it was time for another one of my excursions. 

My humdrum office job forces me to be indoors most of the day so I had to start taking excursions in order to spend quality time outside.  I only started recently, but I have quickly fallen in love with my new hobby.  I hummed to myself happily as I walked along the darker streets of the city.  The minutes passed into hours and the night grew darker.  I paid it no mind as I continued to search for my companion for tonights excursion. 

I lovingly patted one of the pockets of my trench coat where my gutting knife was located.  It was a rusty red due to its frequent use and my refusal to clean it.  I rather liked the color after all.  Soon, precious, soon I will get to hear you sing again as you tear through the flesh of a vibrant young girl.  It is always a lovely song to hear with the girls screams as the chorus.  I dont know why the media insists on calling me gruesome.  Id much prefer being called a composer.  But enough of that, for I have found tonights lucky winner!  I observed as a girl exited out of a building I knew to be a recording studio.  Ohh, what great luck I have!  This girl must be an idol-in-training.  I bet she has a lovely voice.

I stealthily followed this girl as she started walking down a deserted alley next to a construction zone.  My luck really is amazing, this girl has even so kindly chosen the perfect spot for us to create our song!  I prepared to strike the girl from behind.  It is simpler to incapacitate them first and then prep the stage before starting the music.  I creeped behind the girl, as I had done several times before, and raised a meat mallet with which to strike.  Itll be a shame to besmirch that lovely raven black hair with blood, but it is necessary.

I swung down with all my strength, having no doubt of my success, when suddenly I lost my balance as my meat mallet hit nothing but air.  I barely managed to avoid falling over due to the unexpected miss.  What just happened?  How did the girl avoid my attack?  I looked towards the girl who was now facing me.  She was a beauty, with an exquisite face and figure.  I cant wait to see if her insides are just as pretty.

I felt her sky-blue eyes gaze upon me.  What are you doing?  she asked with an angelic voice that I just cannot wait to hear screaming.  I shivered uncontrollably in anticipation.  Why, Im simply trying to get you to help me make the most wonderful music!  I responded with a grin as I drew out my darling gutting knife.  Id have preferred to have tied her up first before starting, but Ill make do.

The girl was surprisingly unperturbed at my actions, or is it simply that she has gone into shock from realizing who I am?  My notoriety has become rather high these past few weeks, but nevertheless I should introduce myself.  I am Giichi the Composer, although the tasteless news has taken to calling me the Gruesome Killer.  I simply cant wait to hear your lovely voice in song.  I waited expectantly for the usual terror and despair to appear on her face, but she remained unmoved.

I dont like it.  I hate being ignored by women.  They have been doing it to me my whole life.  Does she think shes too good to even talk to me?  Grrr SaY SOmeTHinG BITcH!!!  At my violent scream the girl finally seemed to focus on me again.  Sorry about that.  I was just trying to decide on whether to kill you or to cripple you and leave you for the police.  What did she just say?

Before I could respond, I suddenly was paralyzed by a primal fear.  A palpable bloodlust started emanating from that beautiful girl that shook me down to my very soul.  I couldnt even breathe due to the pressure and I was helpless as she walked over and place a slender, delicate hand on my shoulder and squeezed.  *CRUNCH* My shoulder completely shattered and the pain was excruciating.  But I still couldnt move.  The monster disguised as a girl then placed her hand on my other shoulder and shattered it as well.  Then my knees were next.  The agony I was in should have knocked me unconscious but I wasnt even able to do that under that fearsome bloodlust.

Be grateful.  I have decided to let you live.  The families of the victims deserve closure after all.  The monster spoke to me calmly as if she hadnt just permanently and gruesomely crippled me in a way that will torture me for the rest of my life.  Damn it, had I managed to kill just one more person I could have joined Pandemonium.  The bloodlust was retracted and I gratefully embraced the darkness as my consciousness slipped from me.

Terras POV

It was 4o clock in the morning when I finally managed to get back to the apartment.  After crippling the serial killer, I had called the cops.  I then had to arrange the scene to make it look like some misplaced cinderblocks had fallen on the killer when he tried to attack me while also wiping his memory of our little chat.  I was then interviewed by the police repeatedly.  The entire process took FOREVER! 

Apparently, there have been concerns about a rise in serial killings after the terrorist group called Pandemonium put out a statement saying that it is looking for people willing to let loose their inner demons and one needs to kill at least 5 people before trying to join them.  Considering the splash they made with their debut in Sao Paulo, police are rightly paranoid that murders will start increasing.

The one positive was that I didnt have to worry about going to court.  A simple compulsion curse and the moron was professing his guilt before the police even managed to take him away.  I can already see the news going crazy over the fact that an idol caught a serial killer.  Hurray more publicity.  Ive already realized at this point that I could have simply laid the compulsion curse on him and called the police anonymously, but the long-term shapeshifting today was distracting me.  And so the legend of Yamamoto Rin continues to grow.  *Sigh* I think Im going to stop and buy some ice cream to eat before I head home.


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