The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 78: Fan Club

Chapter 78: Fan Club

June 28th, 2089

Reijis POV

I just got a call from Minato accepting my invitation to join me, Aito, Kiyoshi and Koji today.  This has honestly never happened before.  Minato avoids socializing to an extreme and hes incredibly awkward when it comes to social scenarios.  I have no idea what miracle happened to change his mind, but Ill take it!  Now well have 5 members of the Rin Yamamoto Fan Club! 

I turned to my fellow founders and happily told them the news.  Ive managed to recruit a new member!  Hes on his way right now!  The reactions I received were mixed.  Tch, why couldnt it have been a girl?  Damnit Reiji, we need girls!  Preferably cute ones, but right now Im not gonna be particularly picky!  Aito exclaimed as he finished combing over his shaggy hair.  He has the standard Japanese black hair and black eyes, with a pudgy build overall.  He has pockmarked skin and a smile that looks like a perverted leer.  Hes a very nice person, but he is terrible with women due to his somewhat lecherous nature.  He is an elf-otaku and someone I always argue with over whether cat-girls are better than elves.

  Kiyoshi was silent as expected, he simply gave me a thumbs-up to show that he approved.  Kiyoshi does not talk.  Hes not mute, he just chooses not to speak.  We dont know why.  He even has a voice projector he can type in to speak with instead of using his own voice.  He had shoulder-length brown hair with a beak nose and black eyes.  He is both tall and thin and towers over the rest of us.  He is a worshipper at the altar of everything mecha and is an avid model maker.

Mwahahaha! Another soul has chosen to succumb to the temptation.  Excellent, our secret organization shall grow to dominate the world!!!  Koji excitedly spoke as he started going off on a tangent.  His fine shoulder-length hair fell like silk on his shoulders as he moved.  His dyed hair is a platinum blond color and his eyes are a deep brown.  He is of average height with a statuesque figure and facial features.  He looks like he could be any girls fantasy bad boy, but unfortunately for women everywhere he is a massive chuunibyou with all kinds of strange delusions.

Whos the new member?  Aito asked.  I was about to answer when the doorbell rang.  Aito went down to answer it since we were at his house and shortly afterwards I heard him bellow REIJI!!! GET DOWN HERE AND EXPLAIN!!!!  I sighed as I trotted downstairs with Kiyoshi and Koji.

Minato was standing in the doorway with his usual impassive demeanor while Aito was glaring intensely at him.  Reiji, why did you invite my arch-nemesis?!?!  Aito demanded as he dramatically pointed at Minato, who remained unperturbed.  Well, you said you wanted as many members as possible, right?  I responded.  Yes, but not him!!  I cant stand people like him!!  At this point, Minato chose to interject You mean people with girlfriends?

A blood vessel started throbbing on Aitos temple and I quickly inserted myself between the two to defuse the situation.  No, thats not it Minato.  He knows I have a girlfriend and he has no problem with it.  Thats because of your girlish looks.  Im sure this pervert is willing to overlook anything about you since youre the closest hell ever get to a pretty girl.  Shit.  Aito has just developed a nosebleed, likely from a blood vessel bursting in his head due to rage.  Huh, I have never seen that happen before in real life.  Should he get that checked out?

Right before things went completely south, Koji swooped in to save the day.  I shall assist you Aito in repelling this foul being!!!  Take this!!!  SEAL OF THE ENLIGHTENED SHADOW EMPEROR!!!!  He then tossed a black talisman (which he probably got from the Shinto shrine his family manages) at Minato, completely breaking the confrontational mood.  Minato just gave a very long sigh as Aito wordlessly allowed him inside.

So Minato started speaking as if Koji hadnt just done anything.  what are we doing?  Aito, who also seemed to be focusing on ignoring Koji, replied Were starting up the Rin Yamamoto Fan Club.  At those words, Minato made an expression that I had never seen before.  The corner of his mouth twitched while his eyebrows furrowed momentarily.  Even I, the master of reading Minatos expressions to see his true feelings, didnt know what to make of it.  Could it be hes afraid?  Fear is the only emotion I have never matched an expression to.

My suspicion was only confirmed as Minato immediately turned around and attempted to walk out the door.  Good luck with that. He said tersely as he tried to escape.  Quick!  Stop him!  I yelled as I grabbed onto Minatos arm.  Aito blocked the door as Kiyoshi followed my lead and grabbed onto Minatos other arm while Koji leaped forward to grab onto his ankles.  Its too late to run! So, accept your fate as our fifth member!  I declared happily as Minato shoulders slumped over as if everything good in the world had vanished.

After Minatos failed escape attempt, we were back in Aitos room and discussing the charter of the fan club and why we love Rin Yamamoto.  By we I mean Aito, myself and Koji.  Kiyoshi participated with his usual gestures and silent body language, while Minato was quiet even for him with a dead-eyed look that would not look out of place on a survivor of a traumatic experience.  After a lengthy debate over what type of t-shirts we should make, our talks turned to other less important topics.  Fufu, guess what I managed to sneak my hands-on Reiji?  Aito started triumphantly gloating as I immediately understood what he was talking about No way, is that even possible?  I asked in shock.

Yep, I have managed to acquire a limited First Edition of the amazing Naughty Fantasy Girls, created by the legendary author #1-Otaku and filled with his iconic ultra-realistic drawings comparable to photography!  Aito removed a thick book with an old-fashioned leather binding while Koji, Kiyoshi and I all applauded appreciatively.  Aito started flipping through pages, showing us some of the best renditions of cat-girls, elves, succubi and other fantasy race girls in sexy poses.  I looked over at Minato to see that instead of a dead eye look his shoulders were shaking instead.  Uh oh, he must be mad that were making him look at ecchi stuff.

My misunderstanding was quickly resolved when Minato couldnt hold it in anymore after Aito starting talking about how awesome it would be to feel an elfs ears.  BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!  A full-throated laughter rang out into the room, interrupting Aitos soliloquy.  Aito glared at Minato Whats so funny? he demanded.  Minato just shook his head If I told you, youd probably try to kill me.  He continued chuckling, Anyway, its time for me to head out.  Later.  And with that he casually strode out the room and left, leaving the four of us behind.  *Sigh* Minato is just as bad with social situations as ever huh.  You dont just laugh at someone and then leave so rudely.

Kiyoshis voice projector rang out as it spoke Reiji, your friend is an ass.  Both Aito and Koji nodded in agreement.  Well, he kind of has trust issues, I think, but hes actually a really good guy once you get to know him.  Aito simply shook his head at my rebuttal Whatever.  Now, before we disperse we should go over the main mission of the Fan Club.  Koji, you have the floor, try to keep your delusions to a minimum.  Of course, Aito.  Rin Yamamoto is an enigma.  She never shared any personal information during her time on Japans Rising Idol nor did reporters ever have any success in finding out about her past.  Her mysteriousness is part of her allure, but as her devoted fans we must pierce that veil of mystery.  So, our mission is to learn more about the person herself.  Is she a fallen angel?  A kitsune stealing the souls of men?  Or is she a yuki-onna desiring the warmth of the crowd? Or  *Thwack*  OW!  Kiyoshi, how dare you strike this king!  *Sounds of typing* Shut up moron.

Aito cut in at this point Gentlemen please!  Lets not get off topic here!  The goal of this club is to show our support for Rins debut as an idol as well as to learn more about her.  Are there any objections?  There was silence for a brief moment before Aito continued Excellent!  With this the meeting is adjourned!


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