The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 62: Slaughter

Chapter 62: Slaughter

March 20th, 2089

The headquarters of the Blood Dragon Yakuza was a non-descript 4 story commercial building located in a bad neighborhood.  It was a little before midnight and the majority of the group was here calculating the days take and discussing any issues that had occurred.  This yakuza was actually a relatively small-time operation.  

Organized crime in general has become more prevalent over the past few decades in Japan, and there were far scarier groups out there.  I know because I had done dealings with some of these groups to get various banned equipment such as explosives and grenades for my other world work.  No one would really miss some minor loan sharks nor would they be shocked at their annihilation.  They would just chalk it up to a rival group.

 I calmly walked in through the front door while Rin was coming down through the roof.  The two guards who tried to stop me were both knocked out cold with blood dripping from severe head injuries.  I had a simple aluminum baseball bat slung over my shoulder along with a hanya mask on my face.  My non-descript black hooded sweatshirt and black jeans blended into the shadows of the ill lit hallways.  I also had my music player with me and was listening to music as I walked along.


This entire Yakuza barely counts as a threat level 1, so I needed something to keep me from being bored.  I could tell Rin had already absorbed 6 sleeping gangsters like she had done with the earlier thugs from the alley.  As a demonic fox she could grow more powerful more quickly by absorbing the life force of sentient beings such as humans.  This absorption leaves no trace after it and even a wizard specialized in detection would find it hard to notice. 

Who the hell are you?!?  Ah, another gangster has come.  He fumbled as he tried to draw his pistol, but before he could even cock it I had closed the distance.  I gave a light swing of the bat and the man was down as his teeth flew all across the floor.  I calmly stepped over him as I continued walking in tune with the song I was listening to. 

The various cameras were zooming in on me and I could tell that the rest of the Yakuza was on alert.  But as their attention was focused below, they failed to notice the danger from above.  Rin was sneakily picking off the stragglers who were headed towards me one by one.  The group of 53 men was already down to 34 when I burst open the doors of a conference room to see 12 men wielding a variety of melee weapons waiting for me.  Crowbars, katanas, brass knuckles, baseball bats and tire irons were all present. 

A man with a katana stepped forward and sneered You fuckin punk!  Were gonna beat the shit out of you and then find out who youre working for!  Get im!  The group of 12 men split into two groups of six and went around each side of the large conference table in the center of the room.  I calmly walked up to the table that was bolted to the floor and kicked at it from below.  It was ripped from its bindings and flew to the left, pining the 6 gangsters on that side and incapacitating them. 

The other 6 paused for a moment, completely stunned by my inhuman display of strength.  That was a mistake.  I suddenly appeared among them, my bat whistling through the air.  Blood was spurting everywhere, teeth were flying, but there were no cries of pain.  One hit, one knockout.  Before anyone could even to attempt to resist they were all unconscious and bleeding into the carpet. 

The total number now was down to 22.  They were split up into two large groups.  I could sense one group of 9 was on the floor above, in a big office that likely belonged to the boss.  The other 13 looked like they were trying to meet up with the 9 in the office, but Rin had intercepted them.  She was happily devouring their life force while playing around with them, so I had nothing to worry about.  I continued to calmly walk until I reached the office doors. 

I pushed them open to the scene of the 9 gangsters hiding behind overturned furniture and they were all armed with pistols.  I was unperturbed, with my augmented body I was basically immune to low-caliber sidearm fire.  They would need something larger than a .40 caliber pistol before they could actually start doing notable damage.  I could see a scarred old man amongst the gangsters, he must be the boss.  My assumption was confirmed as he tried to speak out to me What do you want you bastard?  I ignored him and simply kept walking towards them like a veritable shinigami. 

The remaining men couldnt handle the tension and started to unload entire clips of ammo at me desperately.  But not a single shot hit me as I continued walking.  I predicted the flight paths of the bullets and avoided them ahead of time.  Even with my augmentation I am not yet at the level where I can dodge bullets by reflex.  Yet.  I can feel my strength increasing as I havent yet finished growing.  In a few years I will definitely become a cheat-level individual. 

I came up to the barricade and gave it a light kick, sending a 200-pound desk and the 5 guys behind it flying towards the wall.  The remaining four men were swiftly dispatch with a single swing to the head each.  It was all quiet again in the room as I started searching through the bosss memories to find the security room and where they stored their money.  Rin by this point had finished off the others and reported in. 

I notified her via our bond that she should devour all of the unconscious gangsters I had left behind for that purpose.  She eagerly left to clean up as I destroyed all the video evidence from the cameras and also stored a large amount of money into my dimensional storage.  This new infusion of funds was truly welcome as I was starting to run low.  Providing for two people is more expensive than I thought.  I cheerfully hummed along to my music as I exited the now empty building with a somewhat plumper than usual Rin on my shoulder.


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