The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 54: 3 Is My Favorite Number

Chapter 54: 3 Is My Favorite Number

February 5th, 2089

Knock it off Hikari.  I cant help it though *Pat* *Pat* *Pat* Im not a dog, Hikari.  I know youre not, but petting you is rather addictive. *Sigh* Do as you like.  Yay!!!  *Pat* *Pat* *Pat* *Pat* *Pat* *Pat* Its a little before the school day starts and Hikari is enthusiastically patting my head.  My augmentation has made more changes to my body than I realized, one of which was my hair was softer.  I underestimated the newfound fluffiness of my hair and ever since my augmentation Hikari has enjoyed playing it.  

The bell finally rang and Kawaguchi-sensei walked in, forcing Hikari to take her seat.  Class was boring as usual and then it was finally lunch break.  Hikari and I ate together in the classroom, where I enjoyed Hikaris excellent bento as usual.  I ate calmly as Hikari happily chattered away at me.  Her modeling was going well and she was getting along with Akemi-sempai.  Snoozer was also doing great it seemed and was as adorably sleepy as ever. 

It was the same as usual until the classroom door was opened and an ikemen walked in.  He was the star of the basketball team and was also on the Student Council.  He had black hair and eyes with a handsome face.  He was the most popular freshman and even had his own fan club.  His family also owned a successful company and he was the next in line to inherit it.  I would say his name, but I neither remember it nor care to remember it. 

He walked over to where we were sitting and approached Hikari.  He gave a winners smile as he spoke Hikari-chan, could I have some of your time?  Sure Shirou-kun, whats up?  Are you and Cross-san dating?  At that direct question every eye in the classroom turned towards us.  Shit, the Hikari barrier had been so effective up until now I hadnt thought anyone would notice.  At Shirous question, Hikari turned red as she stammered N-no, but I would lik-, I mean no. 

A commotion was raised in the classroom as the guys got excited that the school idol was available and the girls got excited because I was available.  Haaa, Im going to have to start rejecting confessions again now.  So Hikari-chan, would you like to go out with me?  Shirou-kun gave a smile to Hikari as he confidently asked in front of the class.  Wow, he is really bold isnt he?  I couldnt help but get a sudden urge to punch his face in.  Is it because hes asking Hikari out? 

I looked over at Hikari with a slightly more serious expression than usual.  Hikari glanced at me before responding to Shirou-kun with a curt I refuse.  The class broke out in whispers at her response and I saw an ugly expression flash across Shirou-kuns face.  Ah, so hes that type huh.  Hes nice as long as everything goes his way but he is in fact a major asshole when it doesnt.  Can we talk in private for a moment?  Shirou-kun asked as he reached for Hikaris hand to pull her along. 

But before his filthy hands could touch her I had already grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the ground.  Fuck off.  I growled at him with quite a bit of hostility.  Damn, Im really protective of Hikari arent I?  I then proceeded over to the classroom door and tossed him out like the trash he is before walking back to Hikari and continuing eating the bento she made for me.  I have met Shirous type in the other world before.  This wont end so simply, but I dont care.  He cant have Hikari.


Hikaris POV


Today was an interesting day.  The misunderstanding the entire school has had about me and Minato dating for the past few months has been resolved due to Shirou-kuns meddling.  When he exposed the truth I had become rather worried about Minato being swarmed by a bunch of annoying bugs, but then I saw his reaction when Shirou-kun asked me out. 

By this point thanks to Reiji-senseis guidance I have become proficient in reading Minatos facial expressions.  And that extra serious look he gave me meant that he was upset.  YES!!!! FINALLY, A SIGN THAT HE MIGHT HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME!!!!  Hes obviously too dense to realize it, but that look was all that I needed to confidently reject Shirou-kun.  Then Minato literally threw him out of the classroom. 

He was so forceful and domineering.  It was super sexy.  He gave me a deep and possessive gaze that sent shivers through me before going back to eating the bento I had made for him.  Shirou-kuns intervention was unwanted, but it has created a perfect opportunity to put into motion my plan that I had developed after my first model shoot.  I happily walked home with Minato and then immediately went to Father to make my request.  Fufufu, youll soon be mine at last Minato!


Terras POV


After todays incident at school, I walked back home with an oddly cheerful Hikari.  I dropped her off as usual and headed to the other world.  What greeted me as I arrived was a tearful Kira.  Grannys starting to fade. She cried to me.  She knew that there was only a week left, but she still couldnt help but get tearful as the final day arrived.  We went up together to see Grandma Kuma on her death bed. 

She gave us a big smile as she spoke her final words Theres nothing left to say except that Im so happy that the two of you are together at last.  May Adligo bless you both.  She closed her eyes for the last time as Kira cried into my chest.  I too couldnt help but get watery eyes as I saw the person who was a grandparent to me die.  My father is an orphan and my mother is estranged from her family, so Grandma Kuma was the only grandparent I have ever had. 

I casted a spell and her body turned to a sparkling dust that faded into nothingness.  The dead are not buried in this world due to fear of them rising as undead.  They are cremated instead and with little fanfare unless they are a noble.  Kira too was quick to recover and had already stopped crying after several hours after Grandma Kumas passing.  Death is a common thing here, so people have become more resilient as a result.

We are currently downstairs with Veronica.  The shop was empty like it had been since Grandma Kuma had become frail.  I looked at both Kira and Veronica as I spoke I never said this outright before, but I think that it has become fairly obvious I am not from this world.  My girls showed mild surprise, but like I had said it wasnt a big secret.  I am a human after all, so it makes sense that I am not from around here.

I have been traveling between my world and this one since the very beginning.  But I no longer plan on returning here.  This world has caused me endless grief and misery and if it werent for the two of you I would have left already.  Will you come with me?  I had barely finished the question before both Kira and Veronica had responded Yes! 

My heart couldnt help but grow warm at their quick response but I had to make sure.  If you leave with me you will never be able to return here.  My world is one entirely comprised of humans.  Youll have to hide your identities to a certain extent, and learn an entirely new way of life.  Are you prepared for that? 

Kira responded confidently You are my world, so as long as I am with you I am happy.  Veronica nodded in agreement and added This world has not been kind to the two of us either.  I have no attachments here so as long as I am with you I will be content.  I looked at the firm resolve of the two and couldnt help but smile at them.  Thats good to hear.  But rest assured, my world may have its faults but I feel it is a far kinder place than this one.  Well be able to have peaceful lives there together. 

Both Kira and Veronica smiled happily at that thought and the atmosphere has become rather pink.  The two girls looked at each other and flashed mischievous grins before looking back at me.  You know, for the past week you have spent all of your time with Terra.  It has made me feel kind of lonely. Veronica teased Kira as she started to strip.  Kira nodded in agreement as she too started to strip Yeah, I havent been able to spend much time with you at all. 

Both of them completely ignored me as they became stark naked. So will you stay with me tonight?  Veronica asked.  Sure! Kira responded and the two embraced each other sexily while leaving me completely out in the cold.  I am extremely turned on right now, but I have no idea what to do.  The two girls turned towards me while still holding each other close and asked in unison with wicked smiles on their faces Would you like to join? 

Thank goodness they finally said that.  My response was to grab them tight and teleport them up to the bedroom where I then discovered that my augmentation had improved my stamina in all aspects.  My first three-way only ended as dawn broke.  Kira and Veronica were asleep in my arms and I was as happy as can be as I too drifted off to sleep.  Ill take them to their apartment in the afternoon tomorrow and settle them in.  Ill also tie up all loose ends here before finally leaving for good.  Ill then just have to stop the end of the world and Ill finally be able to live a normal life again.


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