The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 38: The Dutiful One’s Request

Chapter 38: The Dutiful One’s Request

November 19th, 2088

Erilom pulled me along out of the office with my arm still pressed into her chest.  I naturally enjoyed the sensation, but Im not losing my mind over it like most boys my age would.  I wont be so easily twined around her finger, but I still need to be cautious around her.  Although I am well-aware of her reputation and I am not an easily swayed individual, this is someone with centuries of experience seducing teenage boys like me.  As Veronica had demonstrated, even I am weak to the right tactic.  

We finally arrived in front of a different door and to my relief Erilom let go of my arm so she could unlock the door.  She walked on in ahead of me, giving an excellent view of her bare back and ass along with her hips as they swayed back and forth.  Tch, this woman is something else entirely. She looked over her shoulder with an enchanting smile on her face.  This scene would drive anyone wild with desire, but I remained unmoved.  This is my personal room, come on in.  Let me know if youd like any refreshments.  She said cheerfully.  

I came and sat down on the indicated couch and Erilom then said Do you mind if I change out of these clothes?  These chains are my official attire, but they can become quite uncomfortable to wear.  Thats fine.  I responded.  Great.  Erilom smiled and the chains started moving on their own, unwrapping from Eriloms body and coiling up on some hooks over the mantel that seemed to be made for them.  Did I mention that the chains were the only clothing she had on?  She then luxuriously stretched like a cat in front of me as she casually talked Ahh, it always feels so nice right after I get out of those chains 

I am maintaining my composure albeit barely.  Shes really managed to checkmate me here.  As long as she acts like its no big deal, I cant bring it up without giving her an opening where she can go Oh?  Youve never seen a womans body before?  Are you interested?  Would you like onee-san to teach you about it? or something like that.  And if I continue to ignore it, shell get a free pass to wield her ample assets however she wants.  I weighed my options and decided to go down the whatever route.  Hopefully my indifference will deter her. 

I said nothing and did nothing as she casually sat down next to me and leaned on my shoulder as she spoke.  Well, my personal request is about an ex-lover of mine.  He is a wizard of minor talent that goes by the name of Ino.  We had a bit of a thing going on, but he quickly became obsessed with me beyond my wildest expectations.  It was to the point where I needed to set the Inquisition after him to finally scare him off.  High Inquisitor Kovart was the only one who could reliably keep that bug away from me, but hes disappeared.  And I have received reports that my stalker will be back in Obsidia in the next month or so.  I dont want to have to look over my shoulder for who knows how long until the Inquisition manages to finally get him.  So Ive decided to do something unexpected.  And thats where you come in. 

Her hands started to rove as she spoke, theyre currently tracing the outline of my abs.  My, youre truly fit arent you. She murmured softly before continuing.  I want to lure him out by using myself as bait and finish things quickly.  He is the jealous type, so hell be sure to act if he sees me on a date with another man.  It is a well-known fact that the Cult has no use for bounty hunters since we have the Inquisition for that sort of thing.  But Ine knows the Inquisition very well since theyve been chasing him all this time, so hed easily notice them if they were my escort.  But if it was you, hed have no clue.  Youre rather mysterious after all and no one knows your face.  And you were able to fight with Kovart to a draw, so that means youre definitely strong enough.

 I couldnt help but ask at this point Even if it is a wizard, wouldnt the 5 Chains ensure your safety no matter what?  Erilom made a cute pouty face as she responded Unfortunately, it is in the scripture that the 5 Chains may only be used for official duties.  I cannot use them for a personal matter like this one.  Whats the pay?  It will have to be impressive considering youre asking me to break my secrecy.  For escorting me, Ill pay 300 gold coins regardless of whether the plan works or not.  If you can catch him, Ill pay an additional 700 gold coins.  Erilom then smiled seductively and pressed in closer to me as she said And Ill even throw in a night with myself into the mix.  Considering how you havent complained at all about my nakedness and my familiarity with you, I have to assume youre interested."  

I had to think about it.  Not the naughty offer, Ill decline that immediately.  But 1000 gold coins (8,000,000 dollars) is an obscene amount of money in this world.  As expected of the Cult of Chains, theyre absolutely loaded.  My future plans may not require this money, but if I can get this bounty I can splurge on all sorts of things before I leave this world for good. 

Its tempting, although I would have to deal with this pervert constantly trying to get into my pants for the duration of the job.  And the opponent is a wizard, which makes things much more difficult.  I cant resist the reward though, so I said Ill do it, but only for the money.  Tell me the details of the plan.  Erilom delightedly proceeded to talk while I continually had to avoid her now blatant advances.  Im already starting to regret taking this job.


Kiras POV


Its been nearly 2 weeks since Veronica has come to live with me and Granny at Terras request, but Ive already come to like her a lot.  Shes just like Terra in a lot of ways and thats made it easy for me to interact with her.  Shes withdrawn and seems scared to open up, but we certainly have become friendly with each other even if we havent quite yet become friends. 

Ive taken to calling her Vera so people dont get suspicious about her name.  I really admire how she was able to gain Terras affections.  I plan to do the same thing as Vera and it is nearly time.  I finally felt the growing pains that signal the start of the rapid maturation today, so my chance to tell him how I feel is coming soon.  Vera has thankfully been very supportive of my desire to become one of Terras mates. 

A person having several spouses is uncommon but not unusual.  The Cult is fine with it as long as the spouses are faithful to each other as set by the Chain of Blood.  Its uncommon because most people are only attracted to several people at once because of sexual desire.  But those people can simply buy a slave for that or go to the pleasure house so they dont bother with multiple spouses.  Hopefully Terra wont mind.  I just hope that he doesnt get involved with any bad girls *shudder* why am I getting such a bad premonition right now?


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