The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 26: Going Fishing

Chapter 26: Going Fishing

October 25th, 2088

Silence pervaded the small study made with oak and marble as I finished my explanation of why I was there.  I had of course left out most of the details and merely spoke of my investigation into the slavers due to a direct request of someone they attacked.  Kovart sat at his desk, listening intently the entire time.  He sighed as I finished and spoke A traitor in the Cult and for it to be a Bound One at that.  This is truly a serious matter.  It would also explain why the slavers have become so much more active.  

I nodded in agreement and said Yes, which is why I would like to request your assistance.  My sources indicate that this individual has also been hindering the Inquisition in its duty to hunt down the slavers, so the person in question must be a truly influential figure.  Are there any who come to mind?  Kovart frowned as he thought.  There are a few, but I am hesitant to name names without any proof.  Give me two days to look into this further.  Ill send someone to contact you so we can meet in a different location, the walls have ears here so we should take this precaution.  I nodded in agreement and shook his hand before turning to leave. 

During that handshake, a few extremely thin crystal clear centipedes slipped from my sleeve and into his.  These centipedes were unnoticed by Kovart and seemed to get absorbed as they touched his skin.  As I left the temple and walked a few blocks, I noted the lackeys who were following me from the moment I exited the temple.  I couldnt help but smile to myself as I now knew the fishing expedition was a success. 

Rather than skulking around and combing through the many members of the Cult to find the traitor, its much simpler to make a bit of an uproar and force him to come after me instead.  I dare say that my visit here along with all the enquiries I have been making are enough to make the executive concerned.  But this immediate response to my visit makes it likely that either Kovart is involved or someone close enough to him to set up surveillance on his private study is instead.

I highly doubt that anyone apart from the Dutiful One can truly hinder the Inquisition, so the executive must be working with the Inquisition to some extent.  I do find it strange that one of the most fanatical wings of the Cult of Chains would work against the Dutiful One and collaborate with slavers though.  I guess thats what you get for putting faith in a slave trading organization.  I would never trust a slave trader to begin with, so I had slipped several centipede golems to Kovart as insurance in case I have to fight him again.  That battle junkie is likely a threat level of 12 if he got serious in a straight fight.  No way am I winning that without using my magic at full power.  But just a little subterfuge and hes no longer a threat.

 I smiled to myself again as I thought about where to spring a counter-ambush on my pursuers.  A very handy skill I have picked up over the years is the ability to notice stalkers.  Whether it is a monster hunting me in the forest or a thief trailing me in the city I can notice them.  If a monster or an amateur is following me my honed senses and intuition will spot them.  This doesnt work if a professional is following me, so I have developed a different way in order to notice them. 

I walk at an irregular pace of fast and slow which also has a unique rhythmic pattern to it.  Professionals always maintain a set distance from their target when tailing them by matching their pace, but if they do that with me it means they are also using that rhythmic way of walking.  My footsteps are nearly silent, while my ears are listening for that walking rhythm.  Thus, I noticed those slaves from the Cult immediately.  And heres an isolated alley near enough to the noise of the marketplace to mask screams yet far enough that there shouldnt be much foot traffic.  Perfect. 

I casually walked into the alley with the 4 lackeys following close behind.  I didnt even bother with using my weapons, I simply beat them to a pulp and used telepathy to probe their minds.  And so I finally got a look at my target:  he was a lanky elf with blond hair and silver eyes.  He had ordered these slaves to follow me for observation and to only come back and report if something notable happened. 

Apparently Kovart had immediately gone to speak with him after our meeting.  Kovart had come in as the slaves were leaving to discuss the ambush site and I heard the words Bittergourd Canyon come up.  I stopped using telepathy at that point and promptly killed the four slaves with four quick stabs of my ninjato.  The ground beneath the bodies opened up and swallowed them whole, leaving no trace of their existence behind.  Kovart and the executive wont miss them until it is too late for them. 

I had to resist the urge to let out an evil laugh as I started to plan.  Bittergourd Canyon is a smaller canyon to the south of Obsidia, I bet theyll say the meeting place is at the bottom and have their men up top to bury me under a deluge of missile fire.  Im sure that they will bring as many people as they can to ensure I die.  Despite my abilities, even I cannot win against overwhelming numbers head on.  But whatll happen if all the cliffs are seeded with explosives?  I dare say I can overcome the numbers disadvantage with enough traps and preparation.  With these thoughts in my head I continued to one of my safe houses.


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