The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 24: The 5 Chains of Adligo

Chapter 24: The 5 Chains of Adligo

October 25th, 2088

Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink.  The rattling of chains was echoing everywhere in the massive cathedral.  There were many elaborate mosaics and sculptures everywhere.  Most of the light was blocked from entering, creating a dark ambience that seemed like it should be in a dungeon.  Chains and manacles hung from the ceiling and they were freely clinking about despite the still air.  All in all, this place looked to be the fusion of a Roman Catholic Cathedral with a gothic prison.  

There were many Bound Ones, slaves and other members of the Cult around.  They all wore outfits of black leather and metal that made me think I was at a BDSM convention.  One such individual walked over to me where I stood in this place and bowed.  Greetings Mr. Peerless, the High Inquisitor was delayed in his previous engagement so it will be a while still.  He should be free by the end of the Dutiful Eriloms sermon so please wait until then.  I nodded in response to the servants message and picked a seat in the far back. 

*Sigh* I dont really like the atmosphere here at the Temple of Adligo.  It is the headquarters of the Cult of Chains in the Darkmoon Queendom and is located in Obsidia.  But I have to meet with the High Inquisitor, a senior figure in the Cult who is in charge of hunting down and killing all heretics as well as being the enforcement arm of the Cult.  Normally I would never get an opportunity to meet such a powerful figure, but after reporting in my encounter with the slavers (omitting the gun and my magic use) I was told to feel free to ask for a favor when necessary.  I had been holding onto this favor until now, but I need to call it in to investigate the rogue Bound One. 

The High Inquisitor is in charge of the Inquisition, which hunts down heretics and it is the equivalent of the armed forces for the Cult of Chains.  They are a separate entity within the Cult and answer directly to the Dutiful One, who is the head of the entire Cult.  They are the perfect people to collaborate with on my investigation.  While I was waiting, the large temple was filling rapidly with devout believers in anticipation for the Dutiful Ones sermon.  However, these people all were ones who wanted to come.  There was no kind of pressure to be religious in this world like there is back home.  As long as you dont break one of the 5 Chains of Duty the Cult doesnt care about what you do.  They believe in the freedom of the individual after all.

Finally, the door to the side of the large black granite pulpit adorned with chains opened.  A lovely mature dark elf woman walked out in what appeared to me to be a rather risqu outfit.  Frankly speaking, she was wearing nothing but chains made of a grey metal.  They tightly bound to her figure accentuating it excessively and yet miraculously somehow managed to cover up the bare minimum that clothes should cover up. 

She had blond hair and green eyes along with a well-endowed figure and light brown skin.  The Dutiful Erilom Senria has been leading the Cult for the last 300 years.  She was the 3rd daughter of a frontier count who joined the Cult when she was only 172 years old.  She quickly rose through the ranks as a Bound One and eventually became the Dutiful One at age 337. 

She smiled to the massive delegation gathered and spoke Everyone, thank you for coming.  Today, I have decided to speak on the 5 Chains of Duty that Adligo has demanded that we all be bound by.  As she was speaking, several Bound Ones came up onto the stage carrying 5 different chains.  I couldnt help but secretly roll my eyes at this.  The 5 Chains of Duty are the basis on which the Cult enslaves people.  On the surface the rules seem righteous, but look between the lines and youll know the truth. 

The Dutiful Erilom picked up one of the chains, which was made from gold.  This is the Chain of Contract, which represents the duty that we all have requiring us to honor our sworn promises.  Whether it is paying back a debt of coin, giving tribute to our overlords, or upholding a vow made in the name of Adligo, promises which we stake our honor on must be kept.  This one is probably responsible for the majority of enslaved individuals.  You cant pay tax or pay off a loan youre enslaved.  Even if you are 1 iron coin short or simply late with a payment you will be enslaved.    Make a careless vow with Adligos name when youre drunk and fail to keep it, youre enslaved. 

She let go of the golden chain and it started snaking through the air in a circular pattern.  She then grabbed another chain, made of white orichalcium.  This is the Chain of Law, which represents the duty that we all have to respect the laws of our society.  Law is the basis of civilization and we must follow it in order to prosper.  This one is probably the most reasonable of the 5 although it means that both theft and murder can have the same punishment of enslavement.  Even if you are later proved to be innocent, its too late. This chain flew out of her hand at these words and started intertwining with the gold chain dancing in the air. 

A chain made of a corroded red hearts iron was chosen next.  This is the Chain of Blood, which represents the duty that we all have to our kin.  A parent must care for their child, spouses must be devoted to each other and family must stay together.  We must also take responsibility for the sins of our kin and take their place in judgement if necessary.  Sounds good at first, but since slaves are considered property you can have sex with them and it wont count as being unfaithful.  Slave marks have a side effect of sterilizing the slave, so you dont even have to worry about pregnancy.  This chain also has the ability to pass someone elses sins to you.  If your cousin cant pay off a debt and dies or escapes, it becomes your problem and youll get enslaved if you cant pay.  Same goes with criminal punishment and everything else. 

Again, the chain floated into the air as she finished.  She grabbed a chain made of black shadowsteel and spoke once more.  This is the Chain of Dominance, which represents the duty we all have to be strong in this unforgiving world.  It is the rule of nature that the weak submit to the strong.  Only the victor deserves the glory that is freedom.  Once we lose, we must submit to survive.  The warriors who show mercy to our defeated selves in battle deserve obedience.  The conquerors who choose not to slaughter us deserve obedience.  The saviors who spare us from a gruesome death deserve obedience.  If we are dominated, our lives belong to them and should be spent serving them with reverence.  You lose a duel and survive you become a slave.  A noble fights another noble and takes over their land everyone living there can be enslaved.  Someone saves your life when a monster attacks, they have the right to enslave you. 

She took the last chain, made of silver mithril, as the black chain flew into the air.  This is the Chain of Command, which represents the duty we all have to those who put their faith in us and to those we put our faith in.  Rulers must be fair in judgement, nobles must try to bring prosperity to their domain, and when we lead we must take responsibility for our decisions.  As followers we must obey those chosen to lead us.  This chain means dont be a tyrant and it prevents nobles from making extremely high taxes to force their people to become slaves.  It also means that if you screw up as a leader of a group you can be enslaved.  It doesnt matter if youre a general after a lost battle or the choirmaster after a horrendous performance at the local talent show, you can be enslaved if your subordinates petition for it successfully.  Any disobedience to authority can also result in enslavement, no matter how minor.

As the Dutiful Erilom finished her sermon the last chain flew up with the rest.  We are always bound by these chains; we are always in the embrace of Adligo.  Wear the chains proudly, as they are a sign of his favor and never let them break!  At these last words the flying chains flew towards her.  They quickly bound her up as the gray chains dissipated like smoke.  They constricted tremendously and I watched as Eriloms face had an expression of both agony and ecstasy on it.  Whether that expression was from religious fervor or masochism I do not know. 

She now had a new outfit with these multi-colored chains that bound her so tightly I was surprised certain parts of her hadnt burst from the pressure.  This seems far too inappropriate for a religious service but thats why it is another world I suppose.  May Adligos blessings be with you all.  She gracefully left the pulpit to the roaring applause of the believers.  I was not as moved.  In the end they are just slave traders who have cleverly used religion to justify their existence. 

Slavery in this world is so deeply embedded there is no chance of it fading.  It the basis of the economy, a major facet of their religion and there is no chance of rebellion thanks to the Slave Mark.  But still, those 5 chains were each obscenely powerful magic artifacts.  Furthermore, they were a set item which meant their power increased exponentially when used in tandem.  They were usually worn by the Dutiful One over their robes as a sign of Adligos favor, although only Erilom chose to wear nothing but them.  I made a note to myself to never pick a fight with her.  She was scary in more ways than one.  I saw her bishounen slave harem waiting for her through the side door and wished I hadnt.  Whatever, its time to meet the High Inquisitor.  Hopefully they arent as colorful.  I muttered to myself as an attendant approached. 


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