The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 20: Girl Power

Chapter 20: Girl Power

October 6th, 2088

The reason for my despair had arrived this morning in the mail, about 2 weeks after my infiltration at Japans Rising Idol.  It was a contract for Japans Rising Idol, apparently I had qualified.  I shortly afterwards got a call from the studio and was given the details about shooting for the upcoming season.  All competitors actually got paid an impressive amount for appearing on the show and their chances of getting scouted by other talent studios increase tremendously even if they fail to win.  I was about to decline, but then it was mentioned that the creator of the show and executive producer Fujioka-san was particularly impressed with my performance at qualifying and was looking forward to seeing me compete.  

Damn it, if I decline it will be too suspicious.  No one has ever declined an opportunity like this before so it would definitely set off a red flag.  Fujioka is cautious and if I screw this up things will likely go bad in a hurry.  Sooooo. it looks like Ill be gender-swapping again and not only that, but itll be in front of an audience of hundreds of people with millions more watching at home. EHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I CANT HANDLE THAT! I NEARLY LOST MY SANITY AFTER THE DEBACLE AT THE TRYOUTS!  THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR THE ACTUAL SHOW THAT IS ALSO LIVE??!?!?!?!?  AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! 

Wait, wait calm down!  Ive risked life and limb in many a situation, yet I cant handle a simple singing competition?  I can just lose in the first round and get booted, which wouldnt be suspicious at all.  I can just blame it on nerves.  Right, right I can do this And instead of thinking more about it I immediately left for the other world in order to do a bounty and forget about it.

I am currently standing in front of the mirror in my room back home about to shapeshift.  I had the blacksmith repair my weapons and could no longer find anything to distract me.  Hence, I am here preparing myself to go to the studio to turn in my signed contract.  Just like the first time I did it, I simply imagined all my Y chromosomes changing into X chromosomes.  After that I changed my brown hair to black and my dark green eyes to sky blue.  And thus appeared Yamamoto Rin. 

I stared at my peerless reflection and couldnt help but mutter My apologies to all boys in the world that I was born a guy.  I took some clothes from my closet and with a simple spell, had a full womens outfit complete with undergarments.  Yes, it is extremely awkward for me with a female body but it is not undoable.  Even when I first tried this form, it wasnt the first time I saw a naked girl.  In the other world many wanted men would hide in pleasure houses, which were full of sex slaves.  Some of the depraved acts I saw while bounty hunting in those places would even make a succubus uncomfortable.   

So the female form is not what really bothered me, it was the fact that it was MY female form that made it difficult to adjust.  The difference in height, weight, center of gravity, balance, hormones, etc. make it really awkward.  I also seemed to not have as good control over my emotions in this form.  Not to mention having to deal with clothes.  Thank goodness I can just alter my clothes with magic, I dont believe I could handle having to go shopping for them. 

After the ordeal of getting ready I have arrived at the studio.  I got escorted to a large conference room where the other contestants were also gathered.  There were 24 contestants including myself.  The shows competition format is that every episode 2 contestants are eliminated until the final 4, which is when the winner is chosen after a two-episode finale.  This means one season is 12 episodes of 1-hour hell for these contestants.  They dont bother with extensive interviews and in-depth looks of contestants until there are 8 left.  So all I have to do is be on stage for a total of 5 minutes and I am free.  The judges score the contestant based on singing and personality, but if the viewers call in enough support additional points are added. 

The other contestants are introducing themselves cheerfully and being really friendly but none of that act is gonna work on me.  These 24 girls were chosen from thousands of applicants, there is a slim chance of an actual normal girl being here.  Most of them are desperate aspiring idols who have gone through extensive training and preparation but just havent been able to break through.  They keep up a lovable persona because thats what idols do, but they would in fact not hesitate to sticking a knife in your back to get ahead.  The two or three lucky girls here who are completely new to this industry are going to be devoured alive. 

And now one such fearsome girl approached me and was about to introduce herself with a smile.  I cut her off curtly Not interested.  And I quietly sat in my seat without any further conversation for the rest of the hour-long meet and greet.  We were than introduced to the shows staff and given an extensive explanation of how things are going to be set-up.  We were also told to choose the songs that we would like to sing and let them know by the end of the day.  The first episode was set to air in a months time and we were told that although we would practice on our own there was a weekly rehearsal so that we would be familiar with everything for the live show.  With that we were dismissed and I eagerly started to leave. 

Was being here today that painful for you?  A teasing voice echoed from behind me.  Yes. I responded as I turned around and saw Fujioka-san leaning against a wall with a small smile on his face.  He gave a small laugh and said You really are the silent type arent you.  I wasnt sure when I first met you, but after seeing the recording of your interview Im convinced.  Recording of the interview. 

Those words made me stiffen ever so slightly (15% Damage).  Fujioka didnt miss that.  Yep, that absolutely adorable meltdown of yours was quite charming. (55% Damage) My stone-face managed to hold mostly, but this time my lips couldnt help but twitch.  This also didnt escape Fujiokas notice.  He seemed to be quite experienced with reading people.  Everyone on the show has agreed to do their best to help show that cute side of yours, so feel free to expect some fun questions during the show!  100% Damage, Player Terra has become unable to continue. 

I tried to give an icy glare to Fujioka in an attempt to recover, but since my mental state was an orz pose I dont know how it actually turned out.  All I know is that it finally stopped Fujiokas assault on my mental well-being.  Sorry, sorry.  I couldnt help teasing you since your reactions are so entertaining.  Anyway, what I really wanted to tell you is that you should try to open up some.  Singing is a performance which means you need communication skills along with musical talent.  You have the talent, but you will need to be able to communicate more in order to become a successful idol.  He nodded towards me and then casually sauntered away into his office.  His office drew my interest, as I noticed that it was heavily warded with powerful magic.  Ill have to break in there when I get an opportunity.  I have plenty of time right now, so Ill wait for a chance. 

After that I left the studio and managed to safely sneak back into my room.  I had changed back to my original form and was lying on my bed thinking.  I thought that Fujioka was using this producer job as a cover or a means to gain an income, but it seems like he genuinely enjoys the job.  He had given all the contestants advice on how to become idols and apparently he had always done that.  He also was still in close contact with all of the previous winners and even some of the contestants and has been an important mentor for them.  The crew also had nothing but good things to say about him.  Hell, I even heard he volunteers at a local orphanage.  Why would someone like that be supplying arms to slavers in the other world?  I fell asleep in bed wondering about that question.


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