The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 130: Last Stand

Chapter 130: Last Stand

April 1st, 2090

Hikaris POV

I sprinted through the streets at a pace that I would have never even driven at in this area.  There was screaming, gunfire, and explosions in my surroundings.  I ran past the devastated store front of an ice cream shop I liked to visit from time to time.  The burning bodies within were likely the store owner and his family.  I felt sorrow at the sight, along with the other dead and dying people here in Tokyo.  Nevertheless, I maintained my composure.  I cant help if I dont remain calm.  I can grieve for the dead later.  This area was not under aerial assault, instead it seemed to be a focus for long-range missile strikes, bombing runs, and the like.  This was good in the sense that I didnt have to slow down, my enhanced reflexes being good enough for me to dodge everything sent my way.  While I ran, I was contemplating the situation.

Pandemonium subverting a Council of Nine nation was beyond everyones expectations, even Minato, whom Ive come to associate with being infallible.  They must have used magic to brainwash the leaders, or maybe they possessed them instead.  China has an ironclad information control and propaganda network, so they only needed to go after the government and military.  Hell, I bet the general population doesnt know anything other than that theyre going to war.

The stuck-up slut who nearly killed me last time was located the furthest away out of all the demon lieutenants.  Minato and the others were already engaged with the other demons while Im still traveling.  She was also in the opposite direction of the invading Chinese army, meaning that I had no opposition on the ground as I proceeded.

After a long run, I finally arrived at the region that was burning with the familiar green flames. Ara, ara, if it isnt the little girl from way back when.  How are you still alive?  Mannequin said as she emerged from the flame.  It was a dramatic entrance, yet unlike last time I was not intimidated in the least.  My increased heart rate was from fighting spirit.  She wore the same revealing attire from last time, and she glared at me with her yellow snake eyes.

Meh, things happened.  How about you?  How have you survived until now without dying from a heart attack?  Fatty.  There was no further conversation as I had to dive away from a green fireball that decimated the building behind me in a fiery explosion.  I jumped back to my feet with Dynamo drawn and shot back a magic blast, forcing Mannequin to conjure up a wall of green light to block.  With her vision obscured, I moved in close and tried to decapitate her with Dynamo.

To my pleasant surprise, I succeeded.  Mannequins face was frozen in an expression of shock as it parted with her neck, showering me with blood that sprayed out.  However, the body kicked me away as it began regenerating like last time.  Hoh, looks like youve improved from our previous encounter.  Well, how about this?  Mannequin cut her wrist, taking the blood that leaked out and muttering some words I couldnt hear over it.  The blood disappeared, and I felt a kind of ticklish sensation as I briefly had some sort of red light surround me.  The light faded quickly, leaving me standing no worse for the wear and causing Mannequin to show a trace of panic.  Why didnt the blood magic work? she yelled in confusion and anger.  She looked at me once more, this time really taking in my appearance.

You became a vampire!??!?  But youre still alive, how is this possible!?  Mannequin screeched, and then I felt it.  The smallest hint of fear now seemed to be coming from the succubus at her discovery that she had the worst possible match-up with me.  I said nothing, opting instead to initiate combat once more.  I slashed through Mannequin a variety of times, causing her to gush out blood before regenerating once more.  Its become obvious to me that Mannequin is a caster type, relying on her magic more so than her martial skill to fight.  Now that there is no longer a massive gulf between us in terms of physical prowess, I easily carved her up with Dynamo.  The street was running red with Mannequins blood, but she still healed after every injury.

Dont count me out just yet!  she cried, conjuring her toxic green fire in her immediate vicinity.  I evaded it with ease, and retaliated by cutting off her left arm.  She cried out in pain, giving me another opening.  But before I could stab Dynamo through her chest, I heard a whirring noise that made me dive behind cover as a glob of plasma landed right where I had been.  Tch, seems like the Chinese army has arrived.

I poked my head out to see Mannequin standing up and ordering the 10 or so troops to attack.  I swung Dynamo, firing a cutting crescent of magic that sliced open two of those soldiers before taking cover again as Mannequin lobbed a green fireball in my direction.  More troops started arriving, indicating that things were about to get worse.  To add to the problem, demons from Pandemonium also arrived as reinforcements.  The street turned into a fire fight of magic and plasma as I held them off.  Damnit, I had Mannequin on the ropes!  I continued exchanging long-range attacks with my opponents as I tried to figure out how to turn things around.

Reijis POV

Everyone, get inside!  Quick!  I yelled, herding a group of 30 or so people into a nearby bank.  They joined another 50 people I had already gotten off the streets and into cover.  And I was not a moment too soon.  A pair of Chinese bombers razed the avenue we had just evacuated from.  Damnit, its like theyre more interested in exterminating us than invading.

Whats worse is the fact that the demons of Pandemonium have now spread out into the city, gleefully murdering anyone they come across.  My defensive artifact glowed as it negated yet another hex thrown my way as a group of 3 imps and one lesser demon are sieging the bank I am currently holed up in with the survivors I had rescued.  I shot back a magic arrow from one of the artifacts Minato gave to me, which homed in on one of the imps as it frantically tried to evade.  The imp was hit in the head, barely having time to screech before dissipating in a puff of black miasma.  The demons retreated after that casualty, either to wait for reinforcements or to reorganize their assault.  I took the opportunity to fall flat on my ass, gasping for breath as I did so.  Using magic artifacts takes a lot out of you.  Unfortunately, I had long ago run out of ammo for my dads pistol, meaning Ill have to keep using the artifacts.

Are they gone?  A middle-aged salaryman asked me tentatively.  No, theyre just regrouping.  I replied, gratefully accepting a bottle of water from a teary-eyed high schooler when she offered.  I drained it instantly before standing back up.  Hey mister, are we going to die?  a little boy asked me in a soft voice.  That was the first he had spoken since I had found him crying over the body of his dad.  Of course not!  I replied with false bravado.  Youve seen the awesome things I can do, right?  I said, puffing out my chest in a show of confidence.  Some of the other onlookers chuckled at my actions as the boy nodded his head.  Theyre back!  And theyre more of them!  An elderly granny called out while looking out the corner of a window.  It was a risky job, since there was a high chance of being hit, but the woman insisted on doing it.  She had said These old bones should be good for at least that.

I ran back to the front entrance, readying myself for another round.  I guess I could use the telepathic artifact to call for help, but from what Ive been hearing the others arent available.  I chose to do this, Ill suffer the consequences.  Theres no way Ill distract them now.  A familiar face was there to see me.  oH, IT SeemS tHAt We mEeet Again.  The hideous cylindrical head of Ori greeted me in her creepy little girl voice.  ILl enjOy fInisHing whaT I starTED!  She roared before launching a salvo of lightning bolts at the building.  My defensive artifact shined brightly, creating a half-dome that blocked her attack.

I kept the dome going, weathering the onslaught of curses and hexes as the demons slowly advanced.  Damnit, theres nothing I can do to stop them!  I groaned under the strain of actively using the defensive artifact, but I refused to yield.  I want to protect the people behind me, innocent people with families and friends waiting for them back home.  They dont deserve to die like Akemi did.  I fell to one knee to brace myself as the attacks increased.  I could feel the defensive artifact start draining my life force now that I had run out of stamina.  Should I be completely drained, Ill die.  Minato had warned me of this feature during training.  Ori, stop fooling around.  The boss is waiting for back-up to deal with his woman.  A fat little imp that looks like a cross between a bat and an obese goblin spoke to Ori.  YEs, LORd Jumbo!  she replied hastily.  This Jumbo glanced at me indifferently before waving his hand, causing a surge of magic to break my artifact.

I spat out blood at the overload, falling prone to the ground as I struggled to get up.  Damnit!  After all this, am I going to die just like that?  No, I refuse.  The people behind me are counting on me!  I promised the little boy that Id take him home to see his mom!  Even if I die, I will save them!  I staggered to my feet, coughing out another mouthful of blood as I did so.  Oh?  Youre still alive?  Thats impressive willpower you have there.  Jumbo said casually as a flurry of large fireballs appeared around him.  Unfortunately, I have things to do so I cant play with you.  Die.  The fireballs zoomed in towards the bank as I let out one last yell of defiance.


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