The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 120: New and Improved

Chapter 120: New and Improved

January 16th, 2090

Hikaris POV

I opened my eyes, basking in that refreshing feeling that one gets after a good nights sleep.  The room was dark, yet strangely enough that didnt hinder my vision in the slightest.  Huh, thats new.  I got out of bed, feeling much lighter on my feet than usual.  Did I lose weight?  I also dont remember being this top-heavy, not that Im complaining.  And since Im asking questions, am I taller?  I silently stalked into the bathroom of the apartment, trying my best not to wake anyone else who was sleeping.  I then glanced into the mirror and

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!  my scream of surprise set off the dogs nearby and caused everyone else in the apartment to run over to the bathroom.  Minato, Kira, and Vera all stood at the doorway in various stages of undress.  I locked onto Minato, who I instinctively knew was responsible for whatever the hell was going on.  You.  Explain.  Pronto.  I gave him my fiercest glare (which now comes in a RED VERSION APPARENTLY) as I waited for his explanation.

After your heroic stand against Pandemonium, you were cursed with an overpowered blood magic.  You fell into a near-death coma for a month before I managed to develop a ritual to cure you after acquiring the necessary items in the other world.  Vampires are the only creatures that are immune to blood magic, but I figured you didnt want to become an Undead.  Thus, I had you contract vampirism and used an Elixir of Life to counteract the Undeath that comes along with it.  Long story short, youre a Dhampir.  Minato said all in one breath, as if giving it piecemeal would have been far worse.

Maybe it would have been worse hearing it piecemeal, but either way I was pissed.  So youre telling me that I now have to drink blood regularly, avoid daylight, and fear holy objects?  I said with a quiet fury that is infinitely scarier than shouting.  I know that he had no choice, but the shock of waking up as a DIFFERENT SPECIES has made me somewhat irrational at the moment.  Minato shook his head at my question.  If you were a vampire, then yes, but youre not a vampire.  A Dhampir is stronger, heals faster, has better night vision and senses, lives far longer, and does not need to consume blood to survive.  Otherwise, they are the same as a living human.

Tch, that still sounds rather different to me.  Kari, I know its a lot to take in, but look on the bright side!  Terra says that youre now going to live just as long as the rest of us!  Thats a good thing, isnt it?  Kira reassured me.  I let out a sigh as I let go of my irrational anger.  Kiras right.  Minato did extend my lifespan like he promised, the thoughtful jerk.  He also saved my life by doing this.  Sorry about the outburst, Minato.  I guess the surprise just got to me.  I apologized.

Minato walked over to me and took me into his arms as he looked into my now crimson eyes.  Its fine.  I know its a lot to take in.  I leaned into his embrace, deciding to ignore the grumbles of Irene as she acknowledged that Minato won the betting pool involving my reaction.  Huh, so this is what enhanced hearing is like.  I chose not to ruin this moment, opting instead to take out my irritation on him later in the bedroom.  Speaking of which

I drew Minato into a deep, passionate kiss.  I then whispered seductively into his ear Do you mind helping me adjust to this new body?  We should figure out its capabilities after all.  Shortly after that, we were headed to the bedroom with Kira and Vera following close behind.  Fufu, Im looking forward to finding out how I stack up against them.  I have a reasonable suspicion that tonight will be the night that we conquer Minatos seemingly inexhaustible stamina.

After a particularly wild night, I discovered that my suspicion was incorrect.  Minato is still an untamable beast, although I no longer finish earlier than the others.  Currently, however, I am standing in a sparring ring.  It was agreed amongst everyone that we should fully examine my newfound capabilities, so I have been paired against Irene for a mock battle.  You ready to go?  Irene asked me.  Yep!  Lets do this!  I replied as I readied Dynamo.  Minato stood between us, hand raised in the air as he prepared to give the start signal.  Alright, show us your strength, Hikari!  He called out as his hand dropped and the match began. 

Irene sprinted forward towards me with such strength that the stone beneath her cracked with every step.  She brought her bat down in a fearsome overhead swing which I chose to block with my sword.  I felt great force in the strike, but my arms did not waver.  I kicked Irene away, sending her flying as I swung Dynamo.  Its enchantment activated, and the strength of my swing was potent enough to send a powerful bolt of mana towards Irene.  She sidestepped, and retaliated by taking out her big-ass gun.

The machine gun roared as it spewed forth hot lead, but I was able to dive away.  I sprinted around the arena, going so fast that the surroundings were a blur.  My eyes were locked onto to Irene, and the instant that she had to reload I turned on a dime with an inhuman agility and charged back into the fray.

Irene was forced onto the defensive as I swung Dynamo around with impunity.  A grin came onto my face as the fight became drawn out.  It is only to my advantage the longer a fight goes on, since Dynamo stores more and more energy as a result.  A circuit board like pattern appeared on Irenes bat, indicating that she was forced to Optimize it to keep up with me.  I immediately disengaged, not wanting to find out exactly what she perfected.  I readied Dynamo for a grand finale, while Irene braced herself for what she knew was coming.

Light em up, Dynamo!  I cried out as I swung my blade, releasing a large beam of magic that tore up the ground as it went for Irene.  Youve gotten better Doll-face, but dont get cocky!  Irene bellowed as she stood firm in front of my attack.  I heard her say Optimize:  Magic Reflection. before swinging her bat, diverting the path of the beam away from her as she struck it.  It then was immediately dispersed by Minato before it could leave the ring.  Okay!  Im declaring the match over.  Well done, both of you.  Minato said as he came over to us.

He then patted both of us on the head.  I took it in stride, although it was amusing to see Irene blushing.  Amongst the gossip and news that Kira and Vera were catching me up on was the fact that Irene has officially confessed to Minato.  It was about time.  Their first date should be in a few days.  Looks like the harem is going to be growing again.

How are you feeling?  Minato asked me.  Great!  Im not tired or sore at all!  I replied cheerfully.  It still feels rather strange, becoming a different species all of a sudden, but I think I can get used to all the perks that come along with it.  Okay, I think thats enough for today then.  Lets go Hikari, I need to make you an illusion artifact, we have to go pick up all the school work youve missed, and I have to go and undo all the cover-ups Ive done to hide your absence.  Minato said as he held out his hand.  Irene and I both touched it, feeling that familiar pulling sensation of teleporting.

A thought suddenly struck me as we reappeared in the apartment.  Has anyone told Reiji yet?  I asked Minato.  No.  He didnt even know about your condition.  He has enough issues to overcome, I didnt want to add to his worries.  An evil grin appeared on my face at his words.  So, are you telling me we have an opportunity to completely blow his mind?  Minato paused at my words for a moment, then he had an evil grin just as fearsome as mine despite lacking elongated canines.  Poor Reiji, he wont know what hit him.  Its going to be so much fun!

While giggling over imagining Reijis reaction, I remembered what Susan said before I passed out.  Minato, I just remembered something I should tell you!  What?  I heard the succubus mention a name right before I blacked out.  Name?  Yeah, it was Hayashi.  Does that mean anything to you?  As soon as I said the name Hayashi, I noticed Minato stiffen.  Something wrong?  I asked.  Minato shook his head as he replied Not yet.  Something is clearly wrong, but I decided to let it go for now.  Even if he is currently emitting an intense bloodlust.


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