The Boss Lost His Memory and Only Remembers Me

Chapter 2

The Bigshot Lost His Memory

With a thunderous crash, the Bentley flipped to its side and finally landed upside down on the field, white smoke billowing from the front. Amid the blaring of the siren mixed with the sound of rain, Wen Qiao felt her heart stop beating for a moment.

If Fu Nanli dies, am I going to die as well?

She held up her umbrella and pushed open the car door. She had only walked two steps forward when she retraced her steps. “Sir, hurry up and call the ambulance.”

“You’re not going to the airport anymore?”

“Hurry up and call the ambulance!”

“Okay, okay.”

With an umbrella in hand, Wen Qiao dashed outside the wrecked guardrail. Amid the misty rain, she could see that the car was badly wrecked and oil was leaking from it. Even now, rain was battering upon the muddy ground. Transportation had come to a standstill and there were plenty of people watching outside the rails.

Wen Qiao saw the man in the backseat. With the misty rain and car window fogging her vision, she couldn’t get a clear view of the person inside. She could only vaguely make out that he was unconscious, and that his forehead was bloody.

Scanning the surroundings, she found a large rock and violently smashed the car window until it broke, before exerting force and pulling open the car door.

The man was wearing a captain’s uniform. Even in a life-and-death moment like this, Wen Qiao couldn’t help sighing with emotion. The cab driver sure wasn’t lying, he was indeed incredibly handsome.

She stuck her body into the car to help him unbuckle his seatbelt.

Behind, a man shouted, “Young lady, the car is about to explode! Just leave it be and come back quickly!”

How could Wen Qiao just leave him be? The safety belt buckle was stuck and despite her best efforts, she couldn’t unbuckle it. She could even hear the sound of oil continually leaking from the car. More and more white smoke was coming out from the engine cover. Throughout the entire ordeal, the man before her remained motionless.

Wen Qiao was going mad from the anxiety. Summoning all the strength she had, she laid on the ground and stepped on the seat with one foot, exerting as much force as she could as she pulled at the safety belt. With a loud crack, the buckle finally came unstuck and the man came tumbling out into her arms.

Thank goodness!

The unconscious man slowly opened his eyes, the blood on his eyelashes carried away by the heavy rain while fresh blood seeped out from the wound on his head. With scarcely any breath left, he gazed at her. “You… you are…”

“I am Wen Qiao.”

The man closed his eyes and lost consciousness once more.

Not daring to delay any further, Wen Qiao weaved both hands under his armpits and dragged him towards the highway. With much difficulty, she had only managed to move less than ten meters whenー BOOM! The car she had just escaped from exploded into flames. In the end, his chauffeur couldn’t be saved and ended up dying in the explosion.

Alas, Wen Qiao didn’t have the time to grieve over it. After dragging the man to the highway, the ambulance arrived. The paramedics speedily lifted Fu Nanli onto a stretcher and asked Wen Qiao, “Are you his family?”

Wen Qiao replied dazedly, “Yes… Yes, I am…”

“Since you’re his family, get into the ambulance with us. Hurry, the patient’s injuries are severe.”

With that, Wen Qiao quickly got into the ambulance and went to the hospital with them.

Fu Nanli went through the resuscitation procedures on the ambulance. Oxygen mask, defibrillator, stopping the bleeding, there was suddenly a pile of blood-drenched gauze and cotton balls on the stainless tray, all a shocking sight for Wen Qiao.

They arrived at the nearest hospital in fifteen minutes. Fu Nanli was pushed into the operating theater and the nurse at the nurse station lent Wen Qiao a nurse’s uniform for her to change out of her drenched clothes.

After changing into the nurse’s uniform, Wen Qiao waited outside the operating theater for an hour, before the door finally opened. The main physician removed his mask and asked Wen Qiao, “Are you his family member?”

“How is he? Is his life in danger?”

“No, his life isn’t in any danger.”

Upon hearing this, Wen Qiao’s rose heart finally lowered. Since Fu Nanli’s life wasn’t in any danger, that meant her life wasn’t in any danger as well.

“The patient’s main injuries are in his brain. We’ve taken a look at his brain CT scan and electroencephalogram. After he comes to, there might perhaps be some sequelae.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s possible he might have amnesia.”

The corners of Wen Qiao’s lips lifted uncontrollably. “Did you just say amnesia?”

The doctor cast a dubious glance at her. Wasn’t this his family? Why did she seem so happy to hear that he had lost his memory?


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