The Bored Immortal

Chapter 254 - Clearing Up Things

*Tralala! Tralala!*



"Uh…Viktor! You broke my alarm!"

"Oops, sorry. I was just feeling a bit cranky, and this thing just messed with my head. Why do you even keep an alarm with such annoying sounds at 4:30 AM? Not even the chicken in my previous house would wake up at such early hours."

"Annoying? This was the only one in the city with the sweetest tune, and I had to keep it early; otherwise, I would be late for my job. Besides, your chicken must have been lazy and bored just like you, hmph," Taya petulantly pursed her lips while lying on the bed, fully awake, realizing that having a super-strong lover was indeed going to make her life different yet again.

Viktor softly chuckled as he smiled and hugged her soft naked body, "Relax…I will buy Your Majesty the best alarm clock in town. By now, you must have known how rich I am."

Taya felt her face heat up, feeling embarrassed in Viktor sarcastically addressing her with lofty titles and said as she timidly drew a circle on his chest, "As expected, making money is like a left-hand job for you. But I only gave you that challenge and asked for rent so that you would do some real jobs after college and learn more about how the modern world works. Anyway, it's not like I was going to really take rent from you. All of this is yours as well. Without you, I won't be here."

Viktor squeezed her silky buttocks as he said with a charming smile, "Don't be like that. It was you who made yourself the most renowned doctor in the world. I am really proud to brag that my lover is the best doctor in the world, haha."

Taya's cheeks turned red as she lightly smacked his chest, "Come on, Viktor. You are teasing me too much. Surely I am not the best doctor in the world."

However, even though she said this, she couldn't help but feel like being on cloud nine. After all, who wouldn't love to get praises like this from their lover?

Viktor turned and positioned himself over her body as he hooked his fingers onto hers, "But to me, you are. I also realized having a doctor as your girlfriend is really convenient. You can inspect my body whenever I want personally," Viktor said with a wink as he rubbed his knee against her delicate honeypot, making her bite her lower lip, beginning to feel aroused.

Taya grabbed his muscular arms as she said with a heated breath, "Viktor~I have work…I can't now…Mmh~"

"Work? But don't you need a workout first? I can be your trainer so that you will be fresh and nice while going to work," Viktor smirked as he let his naughty hand stroke her navel before squeezing her milky breasts.

Taya was feeling really sore on her pink pussy with Viktor ramming her all night. At that time, since she was drowning in pleasure, she never noticed, but now she felt as if she wouldn't last another round. But at the same time, she did not want to resist completely since it had been a long time before reuniting and clearing misunderstandings with him. And so, she didn't want to push him away for certain other reasons as well.

Viktor noticed how Taya seemed a bit tired and knew it was because of the intense workout yesterday. Usually, he wouldn't go too aggressive on her, especially since she was a Regular. But decades of his love and longing for her had made him unconsciously lose some of his self-restraint, ravaging her entire body.

There were even red marks of his grip here and there on her body, especially her arms and legs.

So he got off her body and laid on the side and lovingly caressed her cheek, making Taya smile with an enamoring gaze, realizing how he understood her without her even saying anything. She knew how much Viktor wanted to share his love with her, and she wanted to, though her body was holding her back, and this was something she felt worried about.

"Viktor…I am sorry…" Taya couldn't help but say, feeling a bit guilty.

"Shh…why are you apologizing. If anything, I should be the one for going a bit hard on you yesterday. I am sorry," Viktor said with an affectionate smile as he stroked her cherry red lips.

Taya kissed his hand affectionately and hugged his arm to her body as she asked, "By the way…did you notice the strange thing about Umilia? She just looks a bit different…and even seems a bit different. Is it just my imagination, or does it have something to do with you?"

Viktor sighed as he remembered that he also had to talk about Nyissa and what all happened while he was away and could only imagine how Taya was going to react to all this.

He hugged her close and began to retell the events that happened while he was away slowly and in a low voice.

As Viktor continued to explain, Taya's shapely eyebrows began to rise and slowly began to crease, her expression becoming complicated as she pressed her lips together.

Viktor could feel how emotions were constantly changing, but he still continued to tell her everything that happened. Since he had already decided to tell her about Nyissa, he decided to tell about Sae or how his first wife and Umilia were essentially the same people.

Taya was silently listening to him, but no matter how shocking the things Viktor was telling her, she completely believed them, especially since how Viktor was seriously telling her everything.

However, when she heard about Viktor getting engaged to Nyissa, she couldn't help but feel a sense of danger and insecurity as she pressed her hand against her chest.

But still, she kept on listening without saying anything, and Viktor was already starting to feel bad seeing her like this. He felt as if he should have let her know early though he couldn't, and this was not a wedding where he would have gotten the time to at least inform her.

After telling everything, Taya silently sat up on the bed as she looked away, making Viktor feel worried as he got up and asked while placing his hand on her shapely back, "Taya…are you angry with me?"


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