The Bored Immortal

Chapter 154 - The Cursed Flames

If it was someone else other than Viktor, she probably wouldn't feel anything but Viktor was another story, especially after how much he tried to play her down with his words.

'No wonder…' Viktor then noticed how her eyes were strangely glowing with a mystical white and realized that she had some special ability using her eyes and wondered if that was the reason she was able to predict his movements.

"It's your eyes...isn't it…" Viktor asked with a narrowed gaze as he continued to press his sword against her spear. He had no idea what her ocular powers were, but he thought that it had something to do with how she could predict where he was going to appear next each time he teleported.

Nyissa gave a slight proud smile, "I told underestimated me. Now it's my turn.."

Just as she said her words, a wave of energy pushed back Viktor as her spear lit ablaze with black flames.

Black mists were continuously emanating from her spear, making it look quite eerie yet terrifying while the blade of her spear was blazing with black flames.

The flames gave off an ominous and chilling feeling and even seemed to twist the air around it.

The flames were similar to Ayana's, but Nyissa's seemed way more fierce and intense. If Ayana's flames looked like it could reduce a lion into ashes within a few seconds, then Nyissa's looked like it could reduce a dragon to ashes at the same time.

"Do you still refuse to surrender? This is the final time I am going to ask," Nyissa asked in a serious tone.

"Heh, for a man like me, the word 'surrender' doesn't exist in my dictionary," Viktor said with a smirk.

"Then you leave me no choice...You know what a vampire's weakness is?" Nyissa asked with a strange glint in her eyes and continued with a sharp gaze, "It's fire. Of course, ordinary flames might not affect you much, but how about magical flames like my cursed flames?"

"Master…" Ayana didn't know why but she didn't want her Master to hurt Viktor using those flames since she knew how frighteningly effective those flames could be against vampires.

In fact, she had heard rumors about how certain evil vampires who tried to cross her ended up as nothing more than ash after getting exposed to her cursed flames.

But she knew no matter what she said or does her Master wouldn't stop.

Viktor frowned, but before he could think about his next move, Nyissa made a slashing motion with her spear in the air in Viktor's direction, who got confused, wondering what she was trying to do.

But at that moment itself, a spear-like projection of cursed flames shot towards Viktor, who immediately teleported since he was not going to take the risk and see how the flames were going to affect him.

However, just as he reappeared, the spear-like projection turned in mid-air and shot towards him, making him feel confused, wondering how it was following him.

Still, he didn't let that stop him and continued to teleport around, hoping that the flames would simply just die out.

Nyissa could guess what he was thinking and said, "How futile. You can't keep avoiding my flames forever. I will offer you the chance to surrender yourself so that all this can end painlessly."

"It seems like you indeed don't know me. Beauties surrender to me, not the other way around," Viktor smugly said, making Nyissa crinkle her brows, wondering why this guy wasn't getting intimidated even after putting him on the defensive.

She thought by now he would have at least shown signs of fear since she knew how much vampires loathed fire and how they would do anything to not be anywhere flames, especially her cursed flames.

However, hearing him still talking frivolously to her made her frustrated since this was the first time she was even taking so much time to bring down a vampire, even if he was more than a thousand years old.

Nyissa said in a serious tone, "It seems you really consider all of this as a joke. Fine. At least I gave you the chance to surrender yourself. But if you refuse, so be it."

Saying this, Nyissa raised her spear and struck the ground with it as a powerful wave of energy rippled from her spear towards all sides, taking Viktor by surprise, who got caught in the shockwaves of the ripples of energy and got flung back, making him land on the ground with his butt.

But just as he got up halfway, the spear-like projection made up of pure black flames struck him, sending him flying towards the stone building in the back.

The stone building immediately collapsed, and the black flames immediately spread throughout the entire building, making it lit ablaze with her cursed flames.

"Master!" Ayana immediately ran forward and said to her in a pleading tone, "Master, can you please reconsider? I don't think he is really an evil person. At least not now."

"Silence, Ayana. It seems like being in the Blood Demon's company has started to corrupt your judgment. Don't speak anymore of this if you care about your own wellbeing. You will definitely be reflecting on our teachings the moment we get back," Nyissa said in a firm tone before walking forward and saying aloud, "I know you are still alive. It seems like you are more powerful than I thought. But if you come out now and surrender, I can put off those flames so that you wouldn't have to undergo the excruciating pain. Our clan specializes in killing evil beings, especially vampires, since you were a vampire, to begin with. Our cursed magic specializes in dealing with vampires. So it would be in your best interest to make things easy for you and me by surrendering. If you continue enduring the flames, not even your corpse would be left behind after a minute."

Ayana remembered how Viktor saved her and her friends at the time of need and felt that what her Master was trying to do now wasn't right even though she understood her perspective as well.

After all, for someone who spent 900 years trying to find and kill the Blood Demon, not only because it was their duty but also because of her own motivation to get rid of all evil before her, what she was doing seemed normal.

Ayana also knew if the patriarch was here, he wouldn't even show the least leniency or mercifulness as Nyissa and would have burned Viktor to death the moment he saw him or used every single clan member to kill Viktor faster if he had to.

After all, their whole clan was founded because of the mission of killing Viktor. In fact, if she protested anymore, she would be seen as a traitor and executed no matter what.

Because of this, she was inwardly thankful to her Master for not considering her a traitor already after speaking up for the Blood Demon. She was sure that if it was the patriarch, then she would have already received her death sentence.

This was why even her friends, who might also have different opinions, chose to remain silent and even gestured to Ayana to remain silent and not invite trouble unnecessarily.

Because of all these reasons, Ayana could only sigh and remain silent since there was nothing more she could do for the person who helped her.

Nyissa inwardly frowned since she didn't expect Viktor to be this tenacious since she could imagine how potent her cursed flames were against vampires. In fact, there have been vampires who begged for mercy the moment they just saw the flames.

Just being near those flames was like a death sentence for vampires since it would eat away at their bodies, making them even unable to heal, leading to their eventual yet painful death. The pain was worse than what a human would feel from having their body lit ablaze.

Usually, a vampire would feel cruel, agonizing pain over their entire body as it slowly disintegrates, making them feel an endless and eternal pain that even eats away at their mind.

So she couldn't understand how Viktor could even endure her flames for even a second, let alone a couple of seconds.

Nyissa wasn't planning to kill Viktor but merely force him to surrender so that she could use him to take care of the evil spirits and get out of this place.

She also was eager to report to her father about defeating the infamous Blood Demon her whole clan was hunting for and finally fulfilling her and her clan's sacred duty.

Still, seeing no signs of his surrender, she had no idea what to do and was about to extinguish her flames when she heard a burst of thunderous laughter from inside the stone building, " this your so-called cursed flames? What a disappointment. Sigh, I expected better."

Hearing these mocking words coming from the burning stone building, Nyissa, Ayana, and the others had stupefied expressions.

Nyissa activated her ocular ability again, her eyes turning a mystical white, only to have her eyes become even wider with shock as she mumbled, "Impossible…How could this be..."


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