The Bored Immortal

Chapter 134 - Something Isn’t Right

However, he had no idea that another guide walking nearby was continuously observing this group of unrestrained men and immediately called out as he rushed forward, "Stop! No photos allowed!"

"Fuck, get out of the way, old man. It's not like taking a pic will kill them," The man protested as he tried to push away the two guides before him.

The man was born with a silver spoon because of which he was used to breaking the rules and getting away with them. So he thought he could do the same here and didn't even consider the rules seriously.

Nyissa heard the shouting of the man and didn't even glance in his direction as she calmly said to one of her people, "Get rid of him."

One of the male attendants immediately bowed and rushed towards the young man who was causing a ruckus.

"Hey—" The young man was in the middle of wrestling with the two guides when suddenly a tall man dressed in robes grabbed his collar and began to drag him down the hill.

"What the fuck! Hey, get off me! You have no idea who I am! My father is—hrk!" Before the young man could complete his sentence, he felt a blow to the back of his neck before everything went black. And then there was only complete silence as everyone saw the young man getting dragged away like a euthanized dog.

The rest of the tourists gulped seeing this scene and then, with wary expressions, looked at Nyisaa and her group, wondering whether it was a good idea to tag along with them.

Even though they knew the young man got kicked out because of breaking the rules, they still didn't expect the Fujo Clan to be this strong-handed without showing any hesitation even after knowing that the young man was obviously coming from an influential family and that he could file a police complaint as well.

They also saw how that tall man in robes easily knocked out the young man with just a single blow, making them realize that these people can't be messed with.

Viktor was the only one who was least bothered to think about the details and had a smile on his face, thinking that the Fujo Clan was more interesting than he thought.

As everyone slowly walked through the hills, they found that the trees and flowers around the place were looking quite beautiful, with lots of greenery and even butterflies flying around.

It didn't seem like a scary place at all. At least, that was what Viktor and the others were thinking.

"Mijo, are you sure this is the Wailing Hills? I thought we were supposed to hear the wails of spirits like you said?" Viktor questioned casually, wondering what kind of response he would come with.

He didn't believe that there were supposed to be spirits making wailing noises, but he expected to at least hear something or at least feel a creepy atmosphere since this hill was famous for its horror element.

Mijo chuckled, "Even we can't predict when the spirits come out or if they chose to stay hidden at times. But let's enjoy the beauty of the hills at least. It's rare to see the hills this beautiful..." Mijo trailed off as his mind again went deep into thought, wondering why the hills were looking quite different today without any kind of sounds at all.

It was as if this hill was no different than an ordinary one. Mijo glanced at Nyissa to see if she knew anything and saw her brows pulled together as if she was also contemplating something.

Viktor inwardly shook his head, seeing that he was as always right about all these scary rumors. He wondered why people like Mijo even believe in these rumors without any solid proof and simply scare themselves.

Still, he felt that the reason for the Fujo Clan, who rarely shows their face outside, to come out today suddenly, meant that something was definitely up though he had no idea what their agendas were.

"You really want this place to be scary? I am glad that it is not. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take a walk peacefully," Brad said with a happy smile.

Viktor slightly laughed and asked, "Then why did you seem so interested in coming here?"

"Oh, that was just for the thrills. But now I realized maybe having a walk while enjoying the beauty of nature is better," Brad said with gleaming eyes.

"Wow, you are really hopeless. What's the fun if everything is peaceful? I came here for the thrill and to see what's so scary about these hills. But now I am disappointed," Viktor said with puckered lips.

Brad chuckled as he observed some people, "You are not the only one. It seems like most came here for the horror element only to be disappointed like you. Still, they should have just visited a scary house if they wanted to see some jumpscares."

"Ha, scary houses are overrated and boring. It is all made up, and they don't even bother to make things look really real. But nothing beats horror within nature," Viktor said with a smile.

"Stop!" Nyissa suddenly spoke in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

Her voice carried an air of authority and power, and before people knew it, they stopped walking as they looked at her with startled expressions.

"Young Mistress, is there something wrong?" Mijo asked with furrowed brows as he slightly bowed.

"You have to take all these people back. Something doesn't feel right. This hasn't been like this in a long time…" Nyissa said in a serious tone as her eyes scanned the surroundings.

Those who heard her had perplexed expressions, not understanding what she was talking about. They couldn't find anything wrong, and in fact, they felt that the place couldn't look more pleasing and refreshing.

Viktor inwardly felt puzzled because if a place didn't look like it was haunted, wasn't it supposed to be a good thing?

But seeing Nyissa and her people's expression, it was as if they didn't like how the Wailing Hills wasn't living up to its name.

Some of the tourists even thought that the locals fooled them into thinking this was a haunted place to attract more people and make money since the moment they stepped in here, they didn't hear any eerie sounds except for some birds flying over.

Mijo didn't ask for any further details and sighed as he turned around," Everyone, my apologies, but we have to go back and come here some other time."

"Nooo...what's the problem?" An adolescent boy cried out in a wailing manner.

"We came all the way here and spent so much money to come here. You can't just send us back like this."

"Yeah! We all paid to be here, and you should fulfill your services."

"I have to go back home today. How can I come back here later if I am not here? This is preposterous!"

"I know, right! Please don't create a fuss over nothing. We just want to enjoy walking through the hills and go back."

The people began to voice their concerns and protests for various reasons of their own. Some were already feeling cheated since the place didn't look or feel anything like what they heard from the locals and the brouchers.

But most of them didn't dare to protest too vehemently since they were a bit wary of the Fujo Clan kicking them out forcefully.

Mijo and the other guides had a difficult expression and said as he waved his hands, "Please come down. We will compensate for the inconvenience we caused, and you will all get your money back. So don't worry about it. This isn't something we want to do as well but a necessity."

Viktor also had the same questions, just like the other tourists wondering what the problem was. Even he couldn't spot or sense anything that was out of the ordinary and wondered what this lady Nyissa was worried about and if it had anything to do with their superstitions.

"Refund is not the only issue here. We wasted so much time coming here, and we have other places to explore as well."

"Yeah! A ticket to this island plus stay costs a fortune. How can we simply waste a day by going back and missing out on the experience we paid for?"

"We know the Fujo Clan is a pretty big name around here. But we got rights, and you people can't just make us leave without a good reason. This is unfair!"

MIjo and the other guides felt at a loss seeing the people getting even more frustrated and annoyed, nor could he find the words to appease them since they were voicing out genuine reasons.

"Rights? Reasons? Do you people want to know? Then let me satisfy all of your queries," A light, composed voice with a noble undertone somehow dulled the commotion while drawing everyone's attention towards Nyissa.


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