The Bookstore Mage

56 Chapter 56

After Ian left, Lucien brought out the old spell he 'gave' him and studied it for a while. A few minutes later, he took a deep breath and placed it back on the counter.

"I don't think anything is wrong with the spell itself, though. Besides the fact that it's incomplete. What do you think Tam?"

The fairy glanced at the old yellowed piece of paper and nodded:

"It is as you said, my lord."

Lucien then threw his head back and glanced at the ceiling while scratching his head.

"I don't know, I'm curious about these spells and experiments they have been working on."

Tamellalt hesitated for a few seconds before he spoke, "I don't think it's safe, my lord.

"I know, but then again this might be related to the grimoire after all."

The fairy didn't argue, and instead simply lowered her head.

"Do you think I shouldn't go?" Lucien asked.

Tamellalt quickly shook her head and replied:

"I dare not question you, my lord. I simply believe you should be more careful."

Lucien nodded and stood up, he used Imer to make the paper and grimoire float behind him as he made his way upstairs. Once there he went straight to his desk and laid the grimoire down.

It was time to increase his arsenal of spells. He first went through all of his learned spells, before he opened the book to a new one he intended to learn.

His previous trip to the other dimension had made him painfully aware of how much he lacked offensive spells. It took him more than one Tajajiht spell to take down that monster. And here he used to think that its fire output was too high...

Then there was the problem with Usem. It was strong, very strong, but he could only use it once instantaneously, and that was with the aid of the bracelet, otherwise, the casting time for it was too long.

This was why he needed something new. Thankfully, he already had a couple in mind. The first was called; Tazzalt, a haste spell that gave him a surge in speed. This would be particularly useful as it did not need any complicated hand gestures to cast, nor any chant. The only problem was the somewhat confusing mana pattern that he had to follow.

The second spell was; Adu agestur. It translated to a wind sword or wind blade. And as the name suggests, it summoned a sharp wind blade that could cut through its target. Lucien wasn't completely sure about its fire output since the notes on the grimoire were a little vague when it came to it.

This one was relatively easier to cast, so Lucien wasn't expecting much. The only hand gesture he had to make was that of a slashing motion. The mana pattern wasn't too complicated either. It was more straightforward since he did not need to circulate the mana throughout his entire body, only his arm. This helped reduce the casting time.

Lucien predicted these two spells to be helpful when he encountered a sticky situation where he had to quickly retreat. Adu agestur would be used for cover, while Tazzalt would help him escape.

And so he began his study. He first attempted to memorize the mana pattern for Tazzalt which proved to be quite difficult as it was quite confusing. His entire day was spent on it with him attempting to circulate his mana to follow it for a few times to get a better feel for the spell.

Thankfully, he had Tamellalt to help him with his and Moon's meals. Lucien only stopped when it got too late. A yawn escaped his mouth as he grabbed his phone.

"Oh, a message from Estrea."

He smiled as he read through the text, which was just her checking in on him and asking how things were with the council. Lucien replied with a smile, his mood elevated for the better before he threw his phone to the bed and made his way to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Once that was done, he quickly changed into his pajamas and jumped under the blankets. Estrea had not replied so he assumed she was already asleep. Another yawn escaped his lips as turned off the lights and closed the door with Imer.

Moon who was already in the room decided not to sleep next to him this time, instead, she lay on top of the desk by the window.

"Good night, Moon. Good night, Tam."

"Sweet dreams, my Lord."


A vast open world greeted Lucien as he opened his eyes. He scanned his surroundings in confusion. He was standing on top of what looked like water. The sky was grey, but the world below was strangely well-lit.

"What the? I remember going to bed and then - Is this a dream?" perplexed, Lucien began to walk around.

His first thought was that he was back inside the dream world, but that was quickly rejected since he had no control this time. He tried to summon wings again but to no avail. He even tried to cast a spell but couldn't sense any mana.

It was like he was back to being a normal person. No magical powers, no strange abilities, nothing.

After a while of walking about aimlessly, a sudden sound made him pause. Footsteps were approaching him. Lucien glanced around but failed to find anyone.


The footsteps grew closer and closer with no sign of the person. His heart began to thump loudly in his chest as he called out once more.

"Hello?! Who's there?"

The only reply that came was that of the footsteps drawing closer. At first, it sounded like someone was walking, but then the pace picked up to that of a run. Once it felt like the footsteps were about to reach him, they abruptly stopped and the world turned deathly quiet.

Lucien's breathing turned rough as he kept turning around anxiously when suddenly his eyes spotted a familiar figure. His throat turned dry, and his voice cracked as he called out:


The figure that was standing a few steps away from him was none other than his old pops. An old man with thick grey hair and a well-kept grey beard. His face had almost no wrinkles which made him look surprisingly young for his age. He had an overall amicable face.

The only eerie thing about him, however, were his eyes. They were crimson red. Lucien hesitated as he glanced at his grandad. His eyes in particular caused a shiver to run down his spine.

He blinked, only for his grandpa to disappear in his stead was another figure that made him pause in shock.


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