The Bloodline System

Chapter 1588 I Will Look For You

Chapter 1588  I Will Look For You

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


In another memory, Gustav saw the moment the Death Angel had escaped its prison on Earth. The seals that had been placed to trap it were broken. Something catastrophic had happened on Earth—something big enough to release the creature.

Finally, Gustav let go of the Death Angel's head, stepping back as the creature slumped in defeat, its wings hanging limply by its sides. It was still trapped, but it had no more fight left in it.

Endric and the others rushed forward, sensing that Gustav had uncovered something important.

"What did you find?" Endric asked, his voice filled with concern.

Gustav turned to them, his expression grim. "The sword was taken by someone who looked human..." he said, his voice tight with disbelief. "I don't know how or why, but that's who the Death Angel had contact with. Falco's father wasn't directly involved."

Ria's eyes widened in shock. "A human? How could—"

"There's more," Gustav interrupted, his voice darkening. "The Death Angel was freed because something terrible happened on Earth."

Endric's face paled. "Something on Earth…?"

Gustav's expression hardened. "We need to get back to Earth. Now."


Gustav nodded in understanding. "So no powers..."

"Yes... Don't channel at all."

They began their descent, using the rough edges of the chasm to slowly make their way down.

The walls of the crater were uneven, with sharp protrusions and narrow ledges that offered precarious footing. They jumped from one protrusion to the next, each movement calculated and deliberate.

The descent was slow and treacherous. The deeper they went, the more intense the heat became, and the glow from the magma pits below grew brighter.

In as much as Miss Aimee had told Gustav not to channel his bloodline, he was still very much unaffecfed by this level of heat. A normal Mixedblood would have been toast by now but Gustav still had inbuilt durability.

"How deep do you think this goes?" Gustav asked while maintaining a steady gaze.

"It's hard to say," Miss Aimee replied, her voice calm and steady. "But it might take a while." n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

As they continued to descend, the walls of the chasm seemed to close in around them. The air grew thicker and more oppressive. The glow from the magma pits illuminated the rocky surfaces, casting a reddish hue that made the entire scene feel surreal.

Gustav glanced over at Miss Aimee, who moved with ease. "You seem to know your way around here," he remarked.

"I've had some time to explore," she said with a faint smile.

The ledges grew narrower the further they descended, forcing them to be even more cautious.

Gustav's entire body was at a very high temperature at this moment but he maintained an unfazed look.

After what felt like hours of careful maneuvering, the walls of the chasm were now almost vertical, forcing them to rely on handholds and footholds that were barely wide enough to support them.

The air remained thick with heat and the stench of sulfur.

Despite the challenges, they pressed on. The glow from the magma pits made the rocky surfaces appear almost molten.

"Watch your step," Miss Aimee cautioned as they approached a particularly narrow ledge. "One wrong move and we could fall and you'd have to use energy which could cause a split."

Gustav nodded as he carefully navigated the narrow path. His fingers clung to the rough rock as he maintained his balance. The ledge was barely wide enough to support them, and the heat from the magma pits below was becoming unbearable for his special made outfit.

The walls of the chasm seemed to pulse with a rhythmic energy.

Miss Aimee and Gustav continued their descent into the chasm. The journey had bee ongoing for twelve hours at this point and they were still at it.

The terrain was a mix of narrow ledges, steep drops, and jagged rocks. Sometimes the edges were sloppy enough for them to walk down, but other times they had to jump from one protrusion to the next.

Each step brought them closer to the heart of the desolate planet, and the bubbling sound of magma below grew louder, accompanied by an increasing heat that would have been unbearable for anyone else.

Despite the oppressive environment, Gustav and Miss Aimee powerful bodies remained unaffected by the extreme conditions.

The glow from the magma pits made the entire descent feel like a journey into the underworld.

"It almost sounds like the planet is breathing..." Gustav voiced.

"The core of a planet is a place of immense energy. It's feels alive because we're getting closer," Miss Aimee responded without coming to a stop.

Gustav looked around as his face was illuminated with red glow. "I've been thinking about the Slarkovs. They must have had some way of predicting this catastrophe. But how did they know it would happen?"

Miss Aimee considered his question while they kept stepping forward. "The Slarkovs were masters of advanced technology and foresight. They likely had systems in place to monitor their solar system. When they detected the warp demolator, they would have known it was only a matter of time before their world was dragged through it."

"But why Earth?" Gustav asked while leaping to a lower ledge. "Of all the planets, why choose Earth as their refuge?"

Miss Aimee moved almost like she was floating while answering Gustav. "They must have seen some kind of potential on Earth. If there's more to it, I have a feeling you'll find out down there,"

Gustav nodded thoughtfully. "They sure had everyone fooled. There better be a good reason why they never mentioned the warp demolator..."

The path grew steeper, and they had to slow their pace to navigate the treacherous terrain.

"Will I truly find out everything in Dimension Six?" Gustav wondered out loud.

"I believe so," Miss Aimee replied with a confident tone. "Unless that time candidate person is wrong."

Gustav took a deep breath,

They continued their descent and the bubbling sound of magma growing louder with each step.

"I wonder what would have happened if the Slarkovs had stayed and found a way to save their planet? Mixedbloods most likely wouldn't exist and all the technology..." Gustav realised how choosing Earth really set many things motion.

Miss Aimee shook her head. "The Slarkovs made the best choice they could under the circumstances. Staying would have meant certain death. By fleeing to Earth, they ensured their survival and the continuation of their legacy... As much as I hate the existence of mixedbloods which was due to their decision, I am grateful for your existence. So I guess it's not all bad."

Gustav glanced at her briefly; "Pffft... It's the same for me Miss Aimee. Although I can't help but wonder if the world would have been kinder without bloodines..."

The glow from the magma pits grew brighter, casting an almost blinding light on the rocky surfaces. The heat was now beyond bearable for fabrics. Scorched holes were starting to appear on Gustav's clothes.

"How much further do you think we have to go?" Gustav was worried about being stripped completely naked before they arrived at their destination.

"We're getting close," Miss Aimee replied.

Gustav was sure he had heard that before but he decided to take Miss Aimee's word for it.

They continued to navigate the treacherous terrain, the path becoming increasingly unstable. Rocks crumbled beneath their feet, and the air was filled with the sound of distant rumbling.




Back on Planet Agon, it had already been a couple of days.

Yet, the air still carried the scent of Gustav's bittersweet departure.

The group stood in a clearing surrounded by towering trees, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze.

Endric stood at the center of the group, his expression resolute. "I need to find the other Time Candidate," he announced. "The fifth sacred item of the Outworldly is crucial, and it's taking too long."

"Understandable but not outerspace missions for me at the moment. I think I need to spend some time with my earthly father. I haven't properly caught up with him, and I owe him that much," Falco said to everyone.

Angy looked at Endric in concern. "I wanted to wait here on Planet Agon, but Aetherial informed me that when Gustav returns, he will appear in a different location."

E.E. stepped forward. "Angy, do you want to go back to the MBO in the meantime? It's better than waiting here without knowing where Gustav will show up."

Angy sighed, her shoulders relaxing a bit. "That's true. I'm still an MBO officer after all."

Aildris smiled with a calm look. "I need to return to my family. It's time I take my position as the leader. I can no longer ignore my father's legacy. Besides, those bastards don't deserve it."

A spark of excitement appeared in Ria's eyes as he spoke up. "Endric, I'm coming with you. I want to go on missions outside Earth."

Endric turned to him, his expression serious. "Ria, it's going to be dangerous. We're going after a Time Candidate. There's no teling what we might encounter."

Ria's resolve was unwavering. "I know. But I'm ready for it."

The group fell silent, the weight of their decisions hanging in the air. They had been through so much together, and now it was time for some to go their separate ways pending Gustav's return.

Endric suddenly cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Listen, everyone. We need to be prepared for Gustav's return. When he comes back, a battle line will be drawn. We have to be ready for whatever challenges lie ahead."

E.E furrowed his brows. "A battle line? What do you mean, Endric?"

Endric met his gaze with a serious expression. "Gustav's return will mark the beginning of a new conflict. I believe it will be at a time where he is ready to face them head on. We must be ready to stand with him. The fourth premonition is only a few months away."

Angy had a perturbed expression. "What if Gustav doesn't return in time? What do we do then?"

Endric took a deep breath. "If Gustav hasn't returned by then, it will be up to us to prevent the devastation. We must be prepared for anything."


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