The Bloodline System

Chapter 1514 Heated Courtroom

Chapter 1514  Heated Courtroom

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Angy was expecting Jack to be here so she didn't understand why he was running late and now the trial was about to begin.

The chief judge was an elderly woman with a regal bearing and flowing white robes. She proceeded to call the court to order.

Her voice echoed through the hall, commanding immediate silence.

"Order in the court," she announced, her tone firm. "We are here today to address the charges against Gustav Crimson. The prosecution may begin."

The lead prosecutor, a sharp-featured man with a calculating gaze, stood and approached the front.

His name was Veran Kess, known for his ruthlessness in the courtroom. He wore a black suit that contrasted starkly with his pale skin, and his eyes glittered with a cold, determined light.

"Members of the court, esteemed panel, and citizens of the alliance," he began, his voice carrying an air of authority. "We are gathered here to seek justice for the countless lives affected by Gustav Crimson. He stands accused of heinous crimes that have brought turmoil to our universe. Today, we will present evidence that will leave no doubt about his guilt."

He gestured towards the tube containing Gustav. "Look at the man before you. Once a hero, now a symbol of destruction. We must hold him accountable for his actions."

The crowd murmured in agreement as doubts of Gustav's innocence rippled through the hall.

Veran Kess continued, detailing the accusations against Gustav with a meticulous, almost cruel precision. He painted a picture of a man whose powers had led to chaos and death, emphasizing the destruction of Planet Ozious and other incidents that had been attributed to Gustav.


Jack floated in the outer atmosphere of Earth, surrounded by a chaotic melee of spacecraft and assailants. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

His body glowed with blue energy as he moved with devastating intensity. Blasts of energy erupted around him as he ripped through the enemy ranks with unparalleled power.

He spun in mid-air, dodging a barrage of powerful bolts, and retaliated with a devastating wave of force that disintegrated a nearby spacecraft. "Where did these guys come from?" Jack muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the surroundings.

All he knew was that when he was about to head for Gustav's trial, the MBO higher-ups had contacted him.

They informed him of a threat in Earth's outer atmosphere that needed immediate attention. No further information was provided, just that these were people with nefarious intentions.

"They could've sent anyone else," Jack thought, effortlessly deflecting an energy beam with a flick of his wrist. He punched through the hull of another ship, sending it spiraling into the void. "Why me, and why now?"

His suspicion grew with every attack he parried. The timing was too perfect. "This has to be a delay tactic," he mused, realizing the MBO's ploy. They knew he was on Gustav's side, and by keeping him occupied, they ensured he missed the trial.

Everyone knew that Jack was someone who followed the rules and obeyed commands so this was a tactic that was most likely to work.

"Nice try," Jack said aloud with a growl of determination. "But you can only delay me, not stop me."

As if responding to his thoughts, the assailants intensified their assault.

 A group of them, humanoid and beast alike, converged their powers, combining their abilities into a massive net of energy.

 The net crackled with ominous power as it hurtled toward Jack.

Before he could react, the net ensnared him, the energy tendrils wrapping tightly around his form. Jack struggled against the binding force, his muscles straining as he tried to break free.

"Got you now," one of the assailants who was a reptilian figure sneered with glowing red eyes. "Let's see how powerful you really are."

Jack's eyes blazed with fury. "You think this will hold me?" he roared, his voice echoing through the void.

With a surge of raw power, he pushed against the net while the energy around him flared brighter.

The net tightened in response as if it was absorbing energy from him. "It's not just about strength," another assailant who happened to be a Mixedblood with cybernatic looks, voiced.


Veran Kess stood at the center of the courtroom, his presence commanding and his voice steady. He had already detailed a long list of accusations against Gustav, but he wasn't done. "Furthermore," he continued, "Gustav Crimson did not turn himself in when he was accused. Instead, he eluded the pursuit of the MBO for over a year. This in itself is also a crime."

Gasps and murmurs echoed through the hall. Angy clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. She exchanged worried glances with Aildris and E.E. Each of them felt the weight of the accusations piling up against Gustav.

Veran Kess wasn't finished. "In addition, Gustav's actions have led to numerous confrontations with the Alliance. He has been responsible for the destruction of several Alliance fleets and the deaths of both MBO officers and Alliance corps members who were simply doing their duty."

Gustav's defense lawyer, a seasoned advocate, Jareth Cole, stood up. "Objection, your honor!" He called out. "These claims are exaggerated and lack proper evidence!"

The judge banged her gavel. "Overruled. Mr. Kess, continue."

Veran Kess smirked. "Thank you, your honor. Not only did Gustav wreak havoc in space, but just weeks ago, he attempted to destroy Earth itself. Were it not for the intervention of Jack, the world's strongest, who then took Gustav into custody, we would not be here today."

The hall erupted in a combination of gasps and murmurs. People leaned toward each other, whispering in disbelief.

Jareth Cole rose to his feet once more. "Objection, your honor! This is a blatant lie! Jack can testify to the truth!"

Veran Kess turned towards her with a triumphant smile. "Then let's call upon Jack to testify," he said with his tone dripping in confidence. He looked towards the judge. "Your honor, I request that Jack be brought forward to verify these claims."

The judge nodded. "Agreed. Please bring Jack forward."

Everyone in the hall turned expectantly towards the entrance, but Jack was nowhere to be found. An uneasy silence settled over the room.

Angy's heart pounded in her chest. She looked to Aildris and Falco, her eyes wide with worry. "Where is he?" she whispered.

Falco shook his head. "I don't know, but if he doesn't show up soon, things could get even worse."

Veran Kess seized the moment. "It seems that Jack is unavailable. Convenient, isn't it?" he said, his voice carrying a tone of mock concern. "Without his testimony, we must proceed based on the evidence and witnesses we have."

Jareth Cole stepped forward again. "Your honor, Jack'stestimony is crucial to this case. If we could wait for a bit..."

The judge frowned as her patience wore thin. "We will proceed. Mr. Kess, you may continue."

Veran Kess's smirk grew wider. "Thank you, your honor." He turned back to the court. "I will now bring forward several witnesses who have firsthand accounts of Gustav's crimes."

One by one, people took the stand, each recounting stories of destruction and chaos allegedly caused by Gustav.

Each story was more damning than the last, and it was clear that many of these witnesses were either coerced or lying outright.

However, there was little they could do about this.

Angy could barely contain herself. She wanted to scream, to shout the truth, but she knew that any outburst could make things worse.

Jareth Cole did his best to cross-examine the witnesses, poking holes in their stories and highlighting inconsistencies, but the damage was done. The jury, and the public watching the live broadcast, were swayed by the sheer volume of accusations.

Veran Kess gave a final statement. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is clear that Gustav Crimson is a danger to our society. His refusal to submit to justice, his violent confrontations with our forces, and his attempts to destroy our very planet all point to one conclusion: he must be held accountable for his actions."


Deep in space, a strange calm washed over Jack as he thought of a way out. He couldn't afford to waste time here. The trial was too important to miss. He needed to break free and fast.

"Alright," he muttered to himself, "Let's see how much power you can really take."

Drawing on the deepest reserves of his strength, Jack concentrated his energy on a single area. The air around him crackled with electricity as he suddenly burst forth with unprecedented energy.

The tendrils tightened and strained... then began to tear under the pressure of absorbing way too much energy.

The assailants watched in shock as Jack's aura expanded, growing more intense by the second. "Impossible!" the reptilian leader hissed, trying to reinforce the net.

They begin to feel the energy choke them as overbearing pressure swept across the surroundings from Jack's position.

With a final, explosive burst of energy, Jack shattered the net, sending shards of energy flying in all directions.


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