The Bloodline System

Chapter 1487 Longer Maintenance

Chapter 1487  Longer Maintenance

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om


It was an intricate dance, each aspect needing to fall into perfect harmony with the others. Gustav visualized a triangle, each point representing one of the three elements. They needed to converge at the center, creating a unified force.

The yellow shade of Gustav's body deepened to a low shade of gold. He felt himself drawing closer to the goal, the connection between his soul, mind, and body growing stronger.

Every fiber of his being thrummed with energy, a resonance that felt both alien and deeply familiar. It was as if he were reaching out to touch the fabric of the universe itself.

Stark watched with a mixture of awe and frustration. His own attempts at the transformation had yielded no results, and he could only admire Gustav's tenacity and progress. "You're almost there," Stark murmured, more to himself than to Gustav.

After what felt like an eternity but was only a few hours, Gustav entered a peak focused state.

His breathing slowed, his heart rate dropped, and his mind cleared of all distractions. In this heightened state, the alignment he sought finally clicked into place. It was like the chime of a bell, clear and pure, resonating through his very being.

Suddenly, Gustav's body transformed. His skin turned a radiant gold, glowing with an otherworldly light.

He felt an unfathomable and indescribable connection to realms beyond human understanding. It was as if he were one with the cosmos, able to perceive and interact with the very essence of existence.

For that brief moment, everything made sense. Gustav's awareness expanded, touching upon the infinite possibilities and knowledge that lay beyond the mortal plane.

He felt invincible, omnipotent, and yet profoundly at peace. It was a state of perfect unity, the culmination of his efforts and determination.

'Is this... It feels like I have transcended mortality...' Gustav had never felt anything like this before.

But the moment was fleeting. No sooner had he achieved this transcendence than it began to slip away.

Gustav felt a wave of immense fatigue wash over him, his golden form flickering before reverting to its original state. He gasped, his body trembling with exhaustion. The transformation had drained him, leaving him weakened.

"It's gone," Gustav muttered, wiping sweat from his brow.

Stark stepped forward, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay? You looked like you were there, just for a second."

"I was," Gustav replied, his voice strained. "... but I couldn't hold onto it."

Stark placed a hand on Gustav's shoulder. "You've practically done it. You've made more progress than I have. Just rest for a bit and try again."

Gustav nodded, taking deep breaths to steady himself. He couldn't give up now, not when he had come so far.

The brief taste of the three in one golden body had only fueled his determination. He needed to achieve that state again, to master it.

He closed his eyes and resumed his meditation, focusing on the alignment of his soul, mind, and body. Hours passed as he cycled through moments of near-transformation and intense fatigue.

 Each attempt brought him closer, but maintaining the golden state eluded him.

 He visualized the triangle, the convergence point, the harmony he needed to achieve.

Stark watched, his own frustrations momentarily forgotten as he saw Gustav's determination. He knew that if anyone could achieve and master this transformation, it was Gustav.

Another hour passed, and Gustav felt the familiar resonance building within him. His body began to glow again, the yellow deepening to gold. He focused all his willpower on maintaining the alignment, on keeping his soul, mind, and body in perfect harmony.

For a brief moment, he achieved the transformation again. His body shone with a radiant gold, the connection to the cosmos once more within his grasp.

But the strain was immense, the energy required to maintain the state overwhelming. Gustav felt himself slipping, the golden glow fading as exhaustion took hold.

"Achieving it seems to be more easier than holding onto it," his voice was a mere whisper as he slumped to the ground.

Stark knelt beside him, offering support. "You're doing great, Gustav. Just rest for a bit and try again."

Gustav nodded, too tired to speak.

After some time, Gustav took a deep breath, gathering his strength. "I need to find a way to channel the energy more efficiently. The trials... they were about testing my limits, pushing me to adapt. I need to use that adaptability to sustain the transformation."

Stark nodded, understanding dawning. "You think you can do it?"

"I have to try," Gustav replied, determination hardening his features.

With renewed focus, Gustav resumed his meditation. He visualized the energy flowing through him, seeking ways to channel it more effectively. He remembered the strain of the trials, the need to adapt and overcome.

Slowly, he began to adjust his approach, finding a rhythm that felt more sustainable.

The yellow glow returned, deepening to gold. Gustav felt the alignment once more, the connection to the cosmos within his reach.

However, no matter how much he tried, maintaining the three in one Golden body seemed like an impossible task.

Gustav sat on the cold, stone floor of the temple, his body trembling with fatigue but his spirit unbroken.

Suddenly, a familiar glow filled the room, and Miss Aimee's projection appeared before them. Her long, greyish hair flowed like a river, and her eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and warmth.

"Well done, Gustav," Miss Aimee said, her voice gentle yet powerful. "You have made remarkable progress."

Gustav looked up with a face full of fatigue;  "Miss Aimee, I managed to achieve it, but I can't seem to maintain it for more than a second."

Miss Aimee nodded, her expression understanding. "The three in one golden body is not something that can be easily attained or maintained. Even achieving it for a few milliseconds is a tremendous feat. It takes an incredible amount of energy and focus."

"But how can it be useful if I can't hold it for longer?" Gustav asked, his frustration evident.

"The fact that you can activate it at all is a testament to your strength and potential," Miss Aimee explained. "You are a Cosmic Superior being, Gustav. This is why you were able to achieve it within a couple of weeks. For anyone else, it would take years of dedicated training."

Stark, who had been silently listening, let out a sigh of relief and frustration. "So, it's not something I can achieve anytime soon?"

Miss Aimee turned her gaze to Stark, her eyes softening. "Your efforts are commendable, but this training was originally built for Gustav to participate in alone. I don't think anyone else will be able to match his pace."

Stark nodded, accepting her words. "Alright, I understand."

Gustav still looked troubled. "But how do I improve on maintaining it for longer?"

Miss Aimee smiled gently. "You must continue to activate it as many time as possible. The more you use it, the longer you will be able to sustain the transformation. It will take time, but with your determination, I have no doubt you will get it."

Gustav took a deep breath; "Thank you, Miss Aimee. I'll keep working on it."

For the next few hours, Gustav resumed his meditation, focusing on the alignment of his soul, mind, and body. Each attempt brought him closer to maintaining the golden state for longer periods. The brief moments of success fueled his determination, even as the strain of the process took its toll.

Gustav's focus intensified with each session, and the intervals of golden transformation grew longer. The process was grueling, but he could feel himself getting more in tune with the cosmic energy that flowed through him.

He wanted to test it out to see the capabilities of the golden body but he still needed it to be maintained for longer first.

As the days passed, Gustav began to notice subtle changes in his perception. The alignment of his soul, mind, and body felt more natural, as if they were becoming a single entity.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the temple, Gustav felt a surge of clarity. He sat cross-legged, his breathing steady and his mind calm. He visualized the triangle once more, each point representing an essential aspect of his being.

With a deep breath, he focused on the convergence point, the moment of unity that would trigger the transformation.

The yellow glow began to spread across his body, deepening into a rich shade of gold. Gustav concentrated on maintaining the flow of energy, adjusting and adapting as needed.

For over two minutes, he held the golden state, his body radiating with an otherworldly light. The connection was strong, the alignment stable. He could feel the potential within him, the power that came with the three in one golden body.

Stark watched in awe, sensing that Gustav had finally found the key to maintaining the transformation for longer. He remained silent, not wanting to disrupt the moment.

As the golden glow persisted, Gustav felt a profound sense of peace and empowerment.

He could perceive orbital bodies in space as his mind merged with constellations and stars like he was a part of them.

'It almost feels like I can be everywhere at once... What is this power?' Gustav felt like taking it further and letting himself go.


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