The Bloodline System

Chapter 1480  Second Trial

Chapter 1480  Second Trial

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"We have to figure out the motive behind this trial," Gustav voiced in response while his face displayed a contemplative expression.

"Is that before or after we've been burnt to a crisp?" Stark said rhetorically.

"There's a pattern to the beam's targeting. It doesn't just strike; it lingers, building intensity over time once it hits a target," Gustav voiced out his analysis.

"So, it's testing endurance rather than strength?" Stark had an expression of realisation.

"Possibly. Perhaps to see how much I can handle," Gustav mumbled.

Deciding to test his theory, Gustav positioned himself directly in the path of the next beam. He knew this was a risky move, but it was the only way to potentially uncover the mechanics of this trial.

"Gustav, what are you doing?!" Stark yelled out in disbelief.

"Testing the theory. Just keep clear, Stark," Gustav stated.

As the next red beam surged towards him, Gustav activated his Iro Sik ability. A radiant sheen enveloped his body, forming a crystal-like armor that shimmered with the resilience of diamond. The beam struck him full force, its red light enveloping him like a fiery cocoon.

The intensity of the beam increased with each passing second, but Gustav stood firm, his body encased in the protective layer of Iro Sik. The heat was immense, and under the relentless energy, even the diamond-hard armor began to show signs of strain.

Stark, watching anxiously, shouted over the noise, "Gustav! How much longer can you hold on?"

Gustav, his voice strained but resolute, replied through gritted teeth, "Keep watching the statue! Look for any changes when the beam's at full power."

As the seconds ticked by, the beam's intensity grew exponentially. The air around Gustav shimmered with heat, and the ground beneath him started to crack from the energy overload. Despite the immense power bearing down on him, Gustav's focus remained unwavering.

However, as the statue's relentless beam intensified, Gustav realized that the Iro Silk alone was insufficient against the growing power. In response, he layered Atomic Disintegration over it, enveloping himself in a milky energy. This was designed to break down the beam's atoms on contact, transforming lethal energy into harmless particles that drifted away like dust in the wind.

Initially, this combination of defenses seemed to hold, creating a spectacular display of light and energy where the destructive beam met the milky shield around Gustav. Sparks flew off in every direction as atomic particles were obliterated, illuminating the chamber with each collision. The air crackled with released energy, filling the space with the scent of ozone and the sound of sizzling power.

However, as the statue continued its assault, the beam's power escalated beyond Gustav's calculations. The energy began to penetrate the milky layer of Atomic Disintegration, each photon and particle straining his defenses to their limits.

Gustav gritted his teeth as he felt the beam's heat pierce through the protective layers, the force of the energy pushing him back step by step.

The situation deteriorated quickly. The protective energies of the Iro Silk and Atomic Disintegration, once a formidable shield, started to falter under the relentless assault. The beam, now a brilliant shaft of pure destructive power, began to sear through Gustav's defenses, reaching his very skin. With no further options left, Gustav resigned himself to face the beam with only his physical resilience as a shield.

"Stark, stay clear!" Gustav shouted, his voice echoing ominously in the chamber as he seemed to have noticed that Stark was about to make a move.

 Stark, watching helplessly from a distance, felt a surge of frustration mixed with admiration for Gustav's courage.

As the beam hit Gustav directly, the impact was monumental. Gustav's body absorbed the full force of the energy, his skin glowing red as it began to burn under the intensity. The ground beneath him cracked, creating a crater from the sheer force of the beam's impact. Gustav's muscles tensed as he fought to remain standing, his body a conduit for the incredible power being unleashed upon him.

The pain was excruciating, a burning agony that would have felled anyone less resilient. Gustav's resolve, however, was ironclad. He stood his ground, channeling every bit of his innate power to withstand the torture. His skin blistered and peeled, the smell of burnt flesh filling the air, but his spirit remained unbroken.

Amid the chaos, Stark watched in horror and awe. "Gustav! You have to move! You can't take much more of this!" he yelled, but his words were lost in the roar of energy.

But Gustav remained unmoved. With each passing second, his resolve seemed to harden even as his body bore the brutal consequences of the energy assault.

Finally, as if acknowledging Gustav's incredible fortitude, the statue ceased its attack. The beam tapered off, receding back into the silent maw of the stone giant. The chamber fell eerily silent, the only sounds the heavy breaths of a severely wounded warrior.

Gustav collapsed to his knees, his body scorched and steaming, but alive. Stark rushed to his side, supporting him as he struggled to stand.

"That was insane! You okay?"

"Yeah..." Gustav mumbled amidst hurried breaths.

"You did it, Gustav... You survived," Stark said, his voice thick with emotion.

"I almost didn't," Gustav could tell that he would have been a goner had that continued.

"So it was indeed a test of endurance," Stark mumbled.

With the trial apparently concluded, the room began to transform once more. The oppressive atmosphere lifted, replaced by a calm clarity. A new pathway opened at the base of the statue, leading deeper into the temple.

"Looks like we passed the test. Let's see what lies ahead," Gustav said, his body fully regenerated thanks to his remarkable healing abilities.

They entered a narrow pathway flanked by glowing walls that pulsed with a soft, ambient light. The walls seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance, guiding them deeper into the unknown.

Minutes into their walk, Gustav's expression turned thoughtful. Stark also seemed perturbed, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"My perception can't give me a feel of what lies ahead... It's almost like it's beyond reach," Gustav voiced.

"I can't see what lies ahead... Almost like it is out of range," Stark revealed as well.

Their mutual suspicion grew. Without another word, they both darted forward at full speed, hoping to outpace whatever strange phenomenon was affecting their senses.

[ Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated ]

Gustav, activating Lightning Blitz, became a blur of motion while transforming into a lightning streak. Despite his speed, however, the end of the pathway remained elusive. He repeated the attempt, yet the result was the same.

"Impossible. I would have rounded Earth at least sixteen times already with the distance I've traveled... This doesn't make any sense," Gustav said with suspicion evident in his eyes.

He turned around to meet back up with Stark.

"Could the pathway be infinite?" Stark wondered aloud.

Gustav shook his head; "It can't be. There has to be a trick to this."

Stark, unable to transform into his dragon form due to the confined space, tried to think of another solution. "What if the pathway isn't about distance at all? What if it's about perception or some kind of puzzle?"

They continued to struggle with trying to figure out the mystery of the pathway. Each step they took seemed to get them no closer to the end. The glowing walls were disorienting, and the ambient light made it hard to focus.

"Let's try something different. We'll mark our starting point and see if we actually move at all," Gustav suggested.

He scratched a mark on the floor with his nails morphing and lengthening.

After Stark and Gustav marked their position, they darted forward with extreme speed.

Gustav grabbed Stark and activated Lightning Blitz, pushing their velocity to its limits.

[ Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated ]

The glowing walls streaked past them in a blur as they surged ahead. After what felt like an eternity and yet a single second, they arrived at a very far distance.

Gustav looked back, expecting to see the mark they had left far behind.

"It's gone," Gustav said, his brow furrowing.

"What do you mean?" Stark asked while turning around as well.

"The mark I made... it's nowhere to be found," Gustav explained.

"Could the pathway truly be infinite?" Stark had expected them to be in some kind of loop environment.

"It isn't," Gustav shook his head slightly.

Stark had a look of confusion etched on his face. "If this pathway isn't infinite, then what's happening?"

Gustav's mind raced with possibilities, analyzing the situation with every bit of his vast intellect. "I think this is the work of space manipulation. The pathway must be shorter in reality but elongated through spatial distortion."

Gustav suspected this was the case from the start but couldn't sense any space disruption device so he knew this was sorely done with supernatural abilities.

"So, is there a way out?" Stark inquired, concern creeping into his voice.


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