The Bloodline System

Chapter 1460  Haven't We Already Been Through This?

Chapter 1460  Haven't We Already Been Through This?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


After their separate forays into the shadowy corners of the Nereus Sector, Aildris, Falco, and Ria reconvened with Gustav in a nondescript room they had rented in the eastern docks—the heart of the sector's clandestine activities.

The room was a small, stark space, minimally furnished with a durable metal table, four chairs, and a couple of dim overhead lights that gave the room a gritty, unwelcoming ambiance.

The windows were shielded with heavy drapes, ensuring their discussions remained private from the prying eyes common in that part of the sector.

Aildris spread out a digital map on the table, highlighting key areas with a laser pointer.

"Based on what we've learned, Vlaid Zenith frequents a complex here," he pointed to a heavily guarded compound on the map.

"He oversees his operations from this point, but getting to him directly has proven difficult."

Gustav, listening intently, nodded.

"Two days and still no sight of him. We need to be there when he returns. Timing is crucial."

Falco chimed in, "Sources say Vlaid is due to return tomorrow. He's been off-sector, likely securing another one of his illicit deals. We should position ourselves around the compound early."

Aildris looked over the map, strategizing their next move.

"We'll split up and cover various points. I'll take the north side; it has fewer guards but more surveillance. We'll need to be discreet."

Gustav agreed with the plan.

"Once he arrives, we need to instantly get to him before he vanishes again."

With their strategy set for the next day, Gustav left to explore the streets.

The streets of the eastern docks were dimly lit, lined with derelict buildings and the occasional flickering signs. The air was thick with the stench of oil and damp metal, the ground littered with debris from daily commerce and less savory transactions.

Gustav crossed over a few corpses on the pathways with a straight expression.

It was normal to witness two or more crimes that involved death in the Nereus Sector so it wasn't a surprising view.

As they navigated through a narrow alley, a sudden clatter echoed behind them. Turning, they saw some figures emerging from the shadows—Rylon and a group of rugged individuals, each exuding menace and confidence.

Rylon stepped forward, the light glinting off his scarred, rugged face.

"I think it's time we settled our differences."

Gustav stopped and looked around, his posture defensive yet calm.

"Haven't we already been through this?"

Rylon smirked, cracking his knuckles audibly.

"This sector doesn't welcome heroes. Especially not those who interfere in its… commerce."

"Oh, believe me, I'm no hero. But for your sake, I'd advise you to let this go," Gustav cautioned coldly.

Rylon gestured to his crew, a motley collection of hardened criminals from various species, each more formidable than the last.

"You see, around here, power respects power. You took something of mine, and I intend to reclaim it."

The tension in the air was palpable, a spark away from erupting into conflict. Around them, the alley seemed to close in, the shadows deepening, the distant sounds of the sector's nightlife muffled by the impending showdown.

"You're getting nothing," Gustav stated.

Rylon laughed, a harsh sound that echoed off the metal walls.

"If it's a demonstration you require, then my friends here are more than capable of enlightening you."

Eyhrum leaned in close to Gustav, his voice tense with a warning.

"I told you there would be repercussions, Gustav. The people he's brought aren't just any thugs—they're some of the most dangerous mercenaries on the Nereus, each with powerful abilities."

Gustav, his expression stoic and unyielding, kept his focus on the looming figures before him.

Rylon, seeing the steadfastness in Gustav's stance, sneered, "Last chance, hand over the girl, or face the consequences. You're outmatched."

Gustav replied calmly, his voice resolute, "She's under my protection. I won't hand her over to anyone."

Rylon's grin faded, and he nodded to one of his companions, a hulking brute known across the sector for his ruthless strength.

"Gorath, show our friend here why that was the wrong choice."

The massive figure stepped forward with a menacing snarl and swung a massive fist toward Gustav. However, Gustav's response was swift and brutal.

He sidestepped the punch with surprising agility, grabbing Gorath's arm, and using his momentum to throw him against the metal wall with a resonant thud.


A burst of wind spread in every direction as Gorath crumpled, unconscious. His strength had been turned against him.

The alley fell silent for a moment, the remaining members of Rylon's group taken aback by the display of raw power.

Then, without a word, they attacked in unison, their supernatural abilities coming to the fore.

One unleashed arcs of electricity from his fingertips, another morphed his arms into blades of pure energy, and a third's skin turned to stone, making him nearly impervious to physical attacks.

Eyhrum, standing back, muttered under his breath about each adversary.

"That's Voltor, he can manipulate electrical currents more powerful than thunderbolts. The one with blades, that's Krixxus, a metamorph. And the stone-skin is Tarn said to be indestructible."

As the attackers converged, Gustav's right arm began to morph, muscles bulging and skin shifting to a reddish hue that shimmered with a strange, inner light.

With a low growl, he charged forward, meeting the electric arcs with a swipe of his arm that sent a shockwave through the air, disrupting Voltor's focus and knocking him backward.

Krixxus lunged, his blade arms slashing in deadly arcs. However, Gustav ducked and weaved stealthily. After which, he responded with a precise and powerful blow that shattered the energy blades with his hardened arm, sending Krixxus reeling.

Tarn moved next, his stone form lumbering yet surprisingly quick. Gustav faced him head-on, the two forces colliding with a sound like thunder.

Tarn swung, his fists harder than boulders, but Gustav caught one, his grip iron-tight.

With a fierce pull, he unbalanced Tarn and delivered a devastating uppercut with his enhanced arm, the impact resonating through the alley.

Tarn's rocky exterior cracked, and he staggered, stunned by the ferocity of the blow.

With Tarn momentarily incapacitated, Gustav turned to face the final threat. Using his augmented speed, he dodged another flurry of electrical attacks from Voltor, closing the gap between them.

The surroundings were instantly fried as the arcs created deep flaming crevices.

In one swift move, Gustav grabbed Voltor by the collar and delivered a concussive punch straight through his defenses.


Gustav's fist phased through his supposed impervious chest, causing blood to jet out like a fountain as Voltor fell to the ground.

The battle ended as quickly as it had begun, with Gustav standing amidst the defeated foes.

He had decided to end it quickly to minimize damage to the surroundings and not bring too much attention to himself.

His transformed arm slowly receded, returning to normal as he surveyed the damage.

Rylon, who had hung back during the fight turned around to flee. His confidence had been completely shattered.

In the shadowy recesses of the Nereus Sector, a figure watched from a distance, his eyes wide with disbelief as he witnessed the swift and brutal dismantling of Rylon's crew by Gustav.

The observer had never seen such a display of power. There was no doubt that the person ahead of him was no ordinary person.

He couldn't believe his luck—or misfortune—to have stumbled upon such a figure. His initial instinct was to turn and run, but curiosity and the potential for a lucrative tip-off compelled him to follow Gustav covertly.

Using the cluttered environment to his advantage, he moved from shadow to shadow, his light steps barely making a sound against the metallic floor.

As Gustav's arm transformed and he dispatched his foes with terrifying efficiency, his mind raced with recognition—this was Gustav Crimson, the universal fugitive whose exploits were legendary across galaxies.

He couldn't believe his luck—or misfortune—to have stumbled upon such a figure. His initial instinct was to turn and run, but curiosity and the potential for a lucrative tip-off compelled him to follow Gustav covertly.

Using the cluttered environment to his advantage, he moved from shadow to shadow, his light steps barely making a sound against the metallic floor.

The Nereus Sector was a labyrinth of narrow alleys, creating a maze of hiding spots. He utilized them to keep himself hidden as he tailed Gustav, who seemed to be heading towards a quieter part of the sector.

However, as Gustav suddenly paused and glanced back, he quickly ducked behind a rusty storage unit, his heart pounding.

He waited, scarcely breathing, until he thought it safe to peek out again. When he did, Gustav had vanished.

He let out a quiet sigh of relief, his body relaxing momentarily—until a voice from behind him shattered the silence.

"Why are you following me?" Gustav's voice was calm but carried an edge that spiked a surge of adrenaline through him.

Panicking, he attempted to flee, his feet slipping slightly on the slick metal floor. But before he could get far, Gustav's hand clamped around his neck, lifting him off the ground with effortless strength.

He clawed at Gustav's grip, his legs kicking as he struggled to draw breath.

Gustav repeated his question, his gaze piercing. "Why are you following me?"

As Sael gasped for air, his eyes wide with fear, Gustav's attention shifted slightly. He noticed the uniform the person was wearing—it was remarkably similar to the one Eyhrum had on when they had rescued him. The realization brought a slight pause to Gustav's actions.

"A Triton guard?"

My April WPC Novel  


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