The Bloodline System

Chapter 1451 Hail Gustavo Alliance!

Chapter 1451 Hail Gustavo Alliance!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


As the spacecraft continued its journey through the cosmos, the atmosphere inside was a mixture of relief and tension. The recent victory over the gargantuan hand was still fresh, yet Falco's words lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the celebration.

"I don't feel like I did much," Falco remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Estroel is just too powerful."

His statement hung in the air, puzzling the crew. Ria, always quick to probe deeper into matters, turned towards Falco as his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Estroel? Who is that?" He asked sounding perplexed.

Falco looked around realizing that they still hadn't grasped what laid beyond.

"Estroel is the second most powerful among the Ancient Executioners," he explained, his voice steady, trying to provide clarity yet aware of the enormity of the information he was disclosing.

His revelation did not alleviate the confusion; if anything, it deepened it. All except Gustav and Endric seemed lost in the web of confusion.

Endric, sensing the growing bewilderment, decided to elucidate.

"By now, you all should know that the premonitions are not mere anomalies. They are, in fact, manifestations—body parts, of the five Ancient Executioners," he said, his voice firm, trying to instill some sense of understanding.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the crew digested the information. Gustav, who had been silent, finally spoke, turning to Falco with a serious expression.

"What more do you know, Falco?"

Falco took a deep breath, the weight of his heritage and knowledge evident in his demeanor.

"The reason my father made me... its beyond just wanting to have another offspring," he began, his voice low.

Gustav felt he was finally about to hear what the system had been hiding from him the entire time.




[ Earth ]

The once vibrant cityscape of Neo-kyo had transformed into a battleground, its architecture marred by the ravages of conflict.

Neon lights flickered erratically, casting eerie shadows across streets littered with debris. Hovercars lay overturned, their sleek designs punctuated by bolts of energy, while digital billboards streamed chaotic scenes of the ongoing battle below. The air was thick with the smell of ionized energy and smoke.

In the midst of the urban chaos, two groups clashed with devastating ferocity.

One group, donned in MBO uniforms, wielded their bloodline abilities, manifesting glowing weapons, firing waves of kinetic energy, and causing explosions based on their specific bloodlines.

They faced opponents clad in weird robe-like uniforms, complete with masks that gave them an almost ritualistic appearance. The adversaries were not mere fighters; they wielded supernatural abilities that seemed to warp the fabric of reality around them.

The battle was intense, with the MBO officers finding themselves increasingly pressed. Their numbers dwindled under the relentless assault of the robed figures, whose mysterious powers allowed them to manipulate elemental forces, casting bolts of lightning and summoning ethereal fire from the air.

The MBO officers, despite their training and powerful abilities, were being overwhelmed and pushed back by the frightening intensity of their foes.

As the situation grew dire, the last standing MBO officer, a young man named Lieutenant Haruto, found himself cornered. The remnants of his squad lay scattered around him, and he braced for a final stand.

Just as the robed figures closed in, preparing to deliver the coup de grace, a dramatic shift occurred.

From the sky descended a figure like a meteor, her arrival heralded by a purplish beam of energy that erupted from the large eyeball on her forehead.

The beam swept across the battlefield with devastating force, creating a shockwave that sent the robed assailants flying, their forms tumbling through the air like leaves in a storm.

The battlefield fell silent for a moment, all eyes turning to the new arrival. She landed gracefully amid the ruins, her azure hair flowing in pigtail waves.

Her face, marked by pale red lips and a strikingly beautiful visage, bore an expression of calm determination. The purplish energy that surrounded her caused the air around them to thrum with power, an aura of might that seemed to stabilize the chaotic energies around her.

"Young miss Elevora!" Haruto exclaimed, relief flooding his voice as hope was rekindled in his eyes.

He recognized her immediately—not only as a fellow officer of the MBO but as a prodigy within their ranks, famed for her formidable powers.

Elevora nodded at him, her gaze sweeping the area with tactical precision.

"Help people get to safety, Haruto," she commanded, her voice resonant and authoritative. "I'll handle them."

Haruto hesitated for a moment, torn between his duty and the instinct to fight alongside her. But recognizing the disparity in their power—and the strategic sense in her command—he nodded, sprinting away to find cover and rally any other survivors.

As Elevora stepped forward, the remaining robed figures regrouped, their supernatural abilities flaring up once more. They unleashed a barrage of ethereal assaults towards her, from spectral flames to shards of ice conjured from thin air.

Elevora responded with a display of her own power. The eyeball on her forehead glowed with an intense purplish light, amplifying the energy around her.

With a swift motion, she drew the energy into a condensed orb, then released it in a spectacular explosion of light and power, neutralizing the incoming attacks with precision.

As the robed figures regrouped and launched a renewed assault, Elevora's azure eyes narrowed, and the large eyeball on her forehead began to glow ominously. The air around her crackled with energy, the atmosphere thick with the scent of ozone and the sharp tang of fear emanating from her foes.

The first to strike were two who combined their mystical forces, hurling a volley of dark energy spears toward her.

With a slight tilt of her head, Elevora focused her gaze through the third eye, and beams of light shot forth, intersecting the spears. Under her manipulative gaze, the spears shrank into harmless dust that fluttered to the ground like ash.

Emboldened by her display of power, Elevora advanced. Her movements were a blur like a specter of vengeance in the night. Another assailant attempted to ensnare her with glowing chains conjured from thin air, designed to bind and strangle its targets.

Elevora, with a flick of her wrist, directed a beam from her forehead, the chains not only halted but reversed in size, becoming so small they were rendered ineffective, clattering uselessly to the ground.

The battle escalated quickly as Elevora tapped into the darker aspects of her power. Her third eye glowed with a deep, malevolent purple, and with a piercing gaze, she unleashed a devastating dark beam.

This beam, a concentrated burst of destructive energy, cut through the battlefield like a scythe through wheat. Buildings, vehicles, and unfortunate assailants in its path were reduced to atoms, obliterated without a trace, leaving behind a swath of destruction.

As she wove through her enemies, her physical prowess was undeniable. She moved with an otherworldly grace, delivering precise and ruthless strikes.

Bam! Bam!

Each motion was fluid, yet each impact was brutally effective, rendering her foes incapacitated or lifeless in mere moments. Blood spattered across the dented pavements as her fist pierced through the chest of another assailant, causing his innards to spill like soggy noodles.

The robed figures, though numerous and armed with supernatural abilities, found themselves outmatched by Elevora's ferocity and raw power.

One by one, they fell, their numbers dwindling rapidly under her relentless assault.

"Yeah I'm in one now."

"Don't worry I'm almost done with them."

"I couldn't miss your call E... no you're not distracting me."

She seemed to be in a call as she took off the head of yet another masked robbed assailant.

"Come on... you know I... don't hang up."

"Alright then. You can call me later. I'll tidy things up here in a bit."

The air was filled with the sounds of battle—the clash of energies and the cries of the fallen but Elevora seemed to be in her own world as she dealt with them without breaking much of a sweat.

As the dust settled, only one of the robed assailants remained. The survivor, bloodied and battered, stood trembling before Elevora, who approached with slow, deliberate steps. Her third eye ceased its glow, the battlefield around her eerily quiet except for the soft whir of distant sirens and the crackling of fires that consumed what remained of the surrounding structures.

Elevora paused before the last assailant, her expression inscrutable.

"Tell me... who are you guys? Who sent you lots?" She inquired.

The assailant shaking in fear tried to stab herself with her sinuous limbs while yelling with a crazed look; " Hail Gustavo Alliance!"

Elevora caught her before she could kill herself.

"You're coming with me," She grabbed her and instantly flew off into the distance.



"My father, the Lord of the Dark Plane, needed a way to puncture even the tiniest hole in a seal—a cosmic seal that binds an ancient power we can scarcely comprehend. That seal is in place to protect weaker planes like ours."

Everyone listened as Falco narrated.

"The seal was so strong, so impenetrable, that not even the might of the Ancient Executioners could break it on their own. My birth—my very existence—was the key to creating the first breach..."


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