The Bloodline System

Chapter 1448 The Coming Of The Third

Chapter 1448 The Coming Of The Third

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Falco, surrounded by Gustav and the others in the dimly lit control room of the spacecraft, delved deeper into the origins of his existence.

"My story," Falco began, "is one of convergence and destiny, a series of events orchestrated by powers beyond the understanding of most beings." He explained that his father, a being that governed the dark plane, sought to create a bridge between his realm and the human world. A way he could be in both at the same time.

"He conjured a rift, a tear in the fabric of reality, through which he marred a link of his essence and consciousness, casting it across the dimensions in search of a vessel."

This link, as Falco described, was no mere thread of energy. It was a potent mixture of essence and consciousness, a soul of its own, seeking a connection, a union with another being.

"It found its way onto Earth, intertwining with an item that had been gifted to my parents. This item, seemingly innocuous would change my fate forever."

The moment his mother, pregnant with Falco at the time, touched the gift, the link activated.

"She instantly lost consciousness, alarming my Earthly father then." Falco paused, the gravity of the moment hanging heavily in the air.

"What no one realized then was that the link had found its mark. It embedded itself within the unformed fetus in her belly, my nascent form."

Falco's existence, from that moment, was irrevocably altered. "The essence of darkness, the consciousness that was a soul of its own, merged with me. It marred me with dark changes from the very womb, weaving its threads through my being, marking me as a creature of two worlds."

His revelation, profound in its implications, laid bare the complexity of Falco's nature. "I was born of Earth, yet not solely of it. Which is why I could also be a mixedblood despite the nature of my abilities being starkly different. Dark Falco was put in place to hide that."

Falco's narrative illuminated not just the mystery of his birth but also the delicate balance of forces that shaped his life.

The others shared looks that hinted at understanding after hearing Falco's narration.

"So it's like you have two fathers..." Aildris muttered in apprehension.

"Basically, yeah... I have two fathers," Falco voiced in response.

"And since he is the Lord of that dark plane... it means you're some sort of prince of darkness. Which explains the crown..." Gustav chipped in.

Falco nodded not denying the fact that he was royalty in that plane.

"As his offspring, are you going to take over from your father? And become the Lord of darkness?" Ria inquired.

"I'm not his only offspring so, no. I don't like that plane... I don't like the darkness... I don't like the corruption... I don't like how it snuffs out any medium of life and light..." Falco shook his head repeatedly.

The spacecraft, a silent witness to the unfolding revelations and introspections of its occupants, hummed quietly through the vastness of space.

Falco's narration had laid bare the extraordinary circumstances of his birth and existence, a tale that bridged worlds and challenged the understanding of nature and nurture.

Yet, amidst the awe his story evoked, Gustav found himself grappling with a lingering question, a piece of the puzzle that seemed crucial to the full understanding of Falco's father's motives.

With a thoughtful expression, Gustav turned to Falco, the question forming on his lips.

"Falco, your father's actions, to create this... connection with you, to give himself a foothold in our plane—it's strategic, cunning even. But what exactly was his ultimate motive for doing this? There has to be more to it."

Falco, who had shared so much, seemed to pause, a depth of unspoken knowledge in his gaze.

"There is indeed another reason, one far more significant," he began, his voice taking on a serious tone.

"My father, in binding part of his essence with mine, sought not just a leg in this plane but—"

His revelation was abruptly interrupted as Endric, usually composed, called out to Gustav with a sense of urgency that instantly commanded attention. "Gustav, we have a problem," he announced, his voice cutting through the hushed atmosphere of the cabin.

The shift in focus was immediate, the air thickening with tension and anticipation as all eyes turned to Endric. The gravity of his interruption suggested that the matter at hand was of considerable importance.

Endric continued, the urgency clear in his tone.

"The third premonition is coming." His revelation hung heavily in space, a portentous declaration that seemed to echo with ominous undertones.

Gustav, recognizing the significance of Endric's words, pressed for details.

"You had a premonition of the premonition? What's happening?"

Endric demeanour had a blend of focus and concern as he explained, "During the time of the second premonition, I marked the energy signature, creating a sort of alert with my time candidate ability so I would sense when it was about to happen again so that we won't be taken off guard.... and just moments ago, I sensed it. The third premonition is imminent."

Everyone stared at each other, their faces displaying varying degrees of expression while Endric continued earnestly.

"Another good thing about this is, I know where it will happen. We need to get to the location of the third premonition as soon as possible," Endric urged, his gaze locked with Gustav's.

"If we fail to act quickly, it could cost the lives of many."

The weight of Endric's warning settled over the crew, a sombre realization of the stakes at hand.

"Close to a planet again?" Gustav almost got PTSD from memories of the last premonition.

To think it had only been a year since the second premonition and now the third was upon them.

"Close to a planet," Endric confirmed.

Gustav acknowledged the urgency of the situation with a nod.

"Set the course, Endric. We'll try to make it in time," he stated, determination steeling his voice.

"Are you sure this should even be considered? If things go awry again you will be blamed for yet the destruction of another planet," Aildris despite being a tender person by nature knew the risks involved with participating in such a venture.

"I know. But if things happen like they did the last time where the premonition lasted longer than normal... who knows what they could unleash onto our plane? I think that would be even riskier," Gustav answered with a tone of concern.

They understood that Gustav wasn't just doing it for the wellbeing of the planet but instead to make sure that their plane wouldn't get more tampered with than it already had.

As the spacecraft adjusted its trajectory, racing against time to intercept the third premonition, the control centre was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation and resolve. The stakes were clear, and the objective was set.

Falco's untold reason, a secret that promised to shed further light on his father's motives, would have to wait.




On planet Orion, bathed in the fading light of a dimming sun, the beings known as Aetherials faced a crisis unlike any before.

The creatures, with their ethereal silver beauty, luminous halo-like rings floating gracefully above their skulls, and magnificent wings unfurled from their backs, found their existence threatened by the celestial anomaly that cast their world into chaos and pandemonium.

The planet, once vibrant and teeming with life, was now an epitome of despair and destruction.

The sun, the source of life and light for the Aetherials, was slowly losing its brilliance, its dimming rays casting long shadows across the landscapes that were once illuminated by its glow.

It was slowly turning black.

The celestial phenomenon was not just a fading of light but brought with it a destabilization of the planet's gravitational forces.

As the gravitational force became erratic and unstable, the Aetherials, beings who once soared the skies with ease and grace, found themselves grounded, their wings rendered useless.

The oppressive gravitational forces pressed down on them with such intensity that even the mere act of moving became a struggle. Their wings, once symbols of their freedom and power, lay limp and unused by their sides.

The planet's surface bore witness to the toll of the catastrophe. Structures that had stood tall and proud, marvels of Aetherial architecture, were now bending and crumbling under pressure.

Landscapes that had been meticulously tended and cared for were scarred by fissures as quakes tore through the ground.

The air was filled with the sounds of horror and desperation. Screams and yells pierced the dimming light as the residents of the planet confronted the reality of their situation. Families huddled together, seeking comfort in their shared despair, as they watched their world fall apart around them.

Amidst the chaos, the council of the Aetherials convened in an underground chamber, a sanctuary untouched by the turmoil that ravaged the surface.

The council, composed of the wisest and most powerful among the Aetherials, had gathered in an urgent meeting to devise a plan to save their dying planet and its inhabitants.

There, in that place of calm and deliberation, the council members sat in a circle, their faces etched with concern and determination.

"We cannot let our world end like this!"


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