The Bloodline System

Chapter 1440 Unsettling Omen

Chapter 1440 Unsettling Omen

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Endric laid out the items, forming a perimeter around a drawn runic circle.

The runes, etched into the ground with a precision that spoke of ancient knowledge, seemed to dance in the fading light, awaiting an infusion of energy to awaken them from their slumber.

They all stepped forward as Gustav directed them to stand in specific positions.

Gustav and Aildris stood at opposite ends of the circle, their hands extended as they gathered energy that permeated the ancient circle. Ria and Endric moved around the perimeter, ensuring each item resonated with the energy being channeled.

As the ritual progressed, the air around them became charged, the boundary between the physical and the ethereal blurring. The runes started to glow, a soft light at first, growing in intensity with each passing moment until the circle became a beacon of pulsating energy.

"Endric, now," Gustav announced, his voice steady, a counterpoint to the storm of energy that raged around them.

Endric's forehead emitted a bright green glow at that moment, causing the energy of the time candidate to spread across the vicinity.

He wasn't making use of his telekinesis, only Husarius was at work.

The energy around them peaked a crescendo of light and power that enveloped the group, the ancient items, and the runic circle in a dome of radiant energy. The heart of the mixedblood pulsed once, a beat that resonated through the ground and into the very fabric of the universe.

And then, as suddenly as it began, the energy receded, the light dimming until only the glow of the runes remained.


A violent ripping sound suddenly resonated across the surroundings and in the next moment, two rifts started to materialize, one on each side of the monolith.

The rifts continuously extended, till they become large enough to form a passageway.

Gustav opened his eyes and looked around at his companions in the intensity of the moment. "We've done it."

"It is time to rescue them," Aildris voiced with a tone of seriousness.

Ria gulped as the moment had been long anticipated.

"That one should lead to Falco, while this one leads to Angy," Gustav pointed at the one directly perpendicular to his location.

"Which one do you wanna take?" Endric asked.

It was a difficult question that Gustav hadn't been able to answer in weeks. He always said that he would cross the bridge when he got there and they had finally gotten there, but he still hesitated.

'I don't know what Falco might have become so despite this being a rescue, he might still be a threat. There should be fewer complications with Angy so I should let them handle bringing her back instead of going myself. I'll take on the bigger threat so as not to jeopardize their safety,' Gustav put the whole situation into retrospective view and made a calculated decision.

("Are you sure about that?") The system inquired internally.

'It's the best choice. A safer option for them,' Gustav answered.

The system bothered him no more afterward and Gustav decided to make his decision known.

"I'll leave getting Angy back into the hands of you two," He pointed at Endric and Aildris.

He believed that with their capabilities they would be able to handle that much.

"Ria, you're with me," Gustav said while moving towards the left.

"Alright," Endric nodded before heading towards the right.

"Use the cloaking tool and try as much as possible not to attract any presence. The rift will only be open for three hours... afterward, anyone still within, will be stuck in the other dimension forever," Gustav warned.

"Then, let us not waste another moment," Aildris peered forward in determination.

Together, they stepped forward, leaving the ancient structure and the activated runic circle behind. The path before them was uncharted, a journey that promised imminent danger and destruction yet they remained unfettered.




In the far reaches of the cosmos, nestled within a constellation seldom gazed upon by human eyes, laid a planet unlike any other. This world, known to its inhabitants as Orion, was a marvel of natural beauty and ethereal landscapes. Its sky, a canvas of vibrant hues, reflected the diverse and rich life forms that called Orion 'home'.

Among those beings were the Aetherials, a race distinguished by their luminous halo-like rings that floated gracefully above their skulls, and magnificent wings that unfurled with the colors of the dawn.

The Aetherials resided in a society governed by wisdom, harmony, and the pursuit of enlightenment.

High-ranking members of the society often gathered in a council, held in a location as breathtaking as their appearance—a floating citadel of light and crystal, suspended in the sky by ancient power known only to them. It was within that citadel that a council meeting unlike any other was taking place.

As the meeting commenced, the chamber was filled with the soft glow of the Aetherials' halos, casting ethereal shadows on the walls. The council members, each representing different facets of Aetherial society, were seated in a circle, their wings gently folded behind them.

At the head of the circle sat the Archon, a figure of noble stature, whose halo shined with a brilliance that signified their leadership.

"Esteemed members of the council," the Archon began, its voice echoing softly in the crystalline chamber.

"We are gathered here to discuss a matter of grave concern. Reports have emerged from the edges of our solar system of a phenomenon that disturbs the very fabric of our reality. Whispers of an omen of destruction plague our people, stirring unrest and fear."

A murmur of concern spread among the council members, their halos flickering with unease.

"Surely, we cannot lend credence to mere superstitions," argued Sraphel, a council member known for their rational mind and keen insights.

"Our ancestors have long taught us to seek explanations in the stars, not in the shadows of fear."

"Yet, we cannot ignore the signs," countered Lumina, a member whose wisdom was often sought in matters of the arcane.

"The celestial alignments speak of a truth we must acknowledge. The stars do not lie, and their message is clear—we face a threat that could unravel the very essence of Orion. It is much better to take it seriously than end up like the Ozis."

The council descended into a debate, their voices rising and falling like the tides. Some members dismissed the phenomenon as an unfounded basis for panic, arguing that their advanced knowledge and capabilities could withstand any challenge.

Others, however, sensed the weight of the prophecy and feared that dismissing it could lead to their downfall.

As the discussion reached an impasse, the Archon raised a hand for silence.

"It is clear that we stand divided on this matter," they stated, their voice calm but firm.

"However, we must act for the welfare of our people and our planet. There is one among us, a being of unparalleled insight and power, who can traverse the boundaries of our knowledge and seek the truth."

Heads nodded in agreement, the tension in the room easing at the mention of the revered figure.

"We speak of the Crackle," the Archon continued. "Let us call upon them to investigate this disturbing phenomenon. Only then can we truly understand the nature of the threat and decide our course of action."

The council members rose, their wings unfurling in a display of unity and resolve.



In the unfathomable reaches of a dimension far beyond the confines of human understanding laid an expanse where the fabric of reality twists into configurations impossible to grasp. The realm, shrouded in impenetrable darkness, defied the very notions of space and time.

It was a place where time did not flow, standing still in a perpetual now that stretched into infinity. The concept of distance there was equally elusive; locations seemed both infinitely far and unsettlingly close, creating an overwhelming sense of disorientation.

The structure of the higher dimension existed in a state that could only be described as roundabout and yet hollow. It was as if the very essence of being was both condensed into a single point and dispersed across an endless void.

The darkness that enveloped everything was not merely the absence of light but a palpable entity that seemed to consume any semblance of warmth or comfort. It whispered about forgotten ages and lost existences, filling the atmosphere with an eerie sense of ancientness and otherworldliness.

Amidst this indescribable setting, two figures emerged, their presence an anomaly in the timeless expanse. One with dirty blonde hair and the other with hair as dark as the void around them, they stood as stark contrasts not only to each other but to the very fabric of the dimension itself. Their arrival was silent, unnoticed by the unseen forces that dwelled within the darkness, yet it was a bold defiance of the natural order of the place.

The vicinity ahead of them, if one could even call it that in a place devoid of physical landmarks, appeared as a fluctuating mirage. It was an area where the dense darkness seemed to swirl with a purpose, hiding secrets that had never been witnessed by mortal eyes.


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