The Bloodline System



Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Although Ifeiev was faceless, one could sense the frustration in his voice as infuriating energy spread forth from his being.

Gustav reappeared within the spacecraft, causing the others to let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Good thing you managed to outrun him," Aildris muttered.

"I didn't actually outrun him. He caught me but it's good that he did..." Gustav responded while holding onto a strand of Crimson hair.

"You got the hair from him? How?" Their faces bore puzzled looks.

"Wasn't that difficult..."

Gustav went on to explain how he sneaked his hand into Ifeiev's personal space at the last moment and pulled the hair out before vanishing.

He knew how to make spaces collapse so it wasn't much of a difficulty for him.

Fortunately, he activated the dimensional bracelet seconds before getting caught by Ifeiev or things would have gone in a completely different direction.

"Does this mean he won't be able to track us anymore?" Ria questioned.

"Yes, he won't," Gustav voiced in confirmation.

"But we still have to get to the focal point and get rid of this loop," Aildris pointed out, receiving a nod from Gustav.

"What happens if five days go by and we haven't managed to get rid of the loop? Does the hair go back to him when this whole thing resets or...?" Ria asked looking confused.

"Good question... let's hope we get rid of the loop before then so we don't have to find out," Gustav said before heading for the seat before the control panel.

"Bad news though... the focal point is that way so we will have to turn around," Endric voiced while pointing towards the south.

"You mean we have to go back there?" Ria asked with a horrific tone.

"Not entirely but we do need to turn around if we want to get to where it is located," Endric answered while displaying a wry smile.

"We're dead," Ria mumbled while shaking his head.

"Relax... we can count on the fact that he is trying to come after us again but he doesn't know where to look so he could be anywhere right now," Gustav said to Ria.

"That does make me feel less worried," Ria stated.

"Let's just go around like clockwise... might take longer to get there but we'd have lesser chances of bumping into him," Aildris suggested.

"I'll take you up on that," Gustav steered the spacecraft around and began flying in the eastern direction.

The engines emitted a faint, pulsing glow, propelling it forward on a course set towards a new destination.

For over twelve hours, the spacecraft continued its relentless traverse across the vast expanse of space. Inside, Gustav and the others made plans on how to deal with any unexpected situation that may arise.

As the journey continued, the spacecraft skirted through the edges of gas giants, behemoths of swirling colors, and storms that could swallow the vessel whole without a trace.

Each obstacle was navigated with a mixture of skill and technology, the ship's advanced navigation systems plotting a safe passage through these cosmic hazards.

Finally, the destination loomed ahead, emerging from the darkness like a vision from the depths of the most daring imaginations.

In the distance, a black hole revealed itself, a monstrous entity suspended in the void, its gravitational pull bending light itself into a mesmerizing halo around its event horizon.

The celestial phenomenon, a singularity where the known laws of physics contorted and broke, cast an awe-inspiring if not ominous, presence.

The spacecraft slowed its approach, its engines dialing back the thrust to a gentle hum as it entered a cautious orbit around the black hole.

Gustav and the others gathered at the observation windows and screens, watching in silent reverence as the spectacle unfolded before them. The black hole's accretion disk, a swirling maelstrom of matter being inexorably drawn into the abyss, glowed with a fierce, ethereal beauty.

"You're saying the focal point is a black hole?" Gustav questioned with a look of disbelief.

"That is exactly what I am saying," Endric answered.

"This is crazy! What do we do to a black hole to get rid of the loop? Destroy it?" Ria voiced sarcastically.

They all turned to stare at him with faces devoid of mirth. The smile on his face instantly dropped.

"You guys are kidding right?" Ria voiced in disbelief.

"The focal point is within the black hole. That monster is powerful enough to enter a black hole and activate a five-day loop that spans across hundreds of light years without as much as breaking a sweat..." Endric began explaining.

"So unless someone can go into the black hole and get rid of the focal point without any adverse effect then, it's the only choice we have... Or are you perhaps offering to go into the black hole and get the job done?" Endric asked him.

"You want me to perish... I'll pass on that," Ria decided to keep his mouth shut at that point.

"Going in there is also a feasible option..." Gustav voiced from the side as he peered at the abysmal swirling darkness.

"But it's much easier to just get rid of it," He added while turning around to head out.

"So that's it... you're just gonna go out there and get rid of an entire black hole?" Ria was still in disbelief.

"Pretty much," Gustav answered without turning around.

"You should know what he is capable of by now," Aildris patted Ria's back while chuckling.

"Would you be able to do that?" Ria asked him.

"I wouldn't know since I've never tried it," Aildris voiced in response while they watched Gustav reappear ahead of the spacecraft.

He flew in the direction of the dark mass unfettered and at that moment, his dirty blonde hair captured the light of distant suns.

His undeniable aura of divinity, an almost ethereal quality that seemed out of place amidst the cold, impersonal expanse of the cosmos, beamed as he floated serenely before one of space's most awe-inspiring and terrifying phenomena—a black hole.

The black hole itself, a boundary beyond which nothing could escape, pulsed with the last echoes of light from matter being inexorably drawn inward.

Against this backdrop of ultimate destruction, Gustav observed, his gaze intense yet unfazed, as if understanding the very essence of the cosmic existence before him.

After a moment that seemed both an instant and an eternity in the vast, timeless expanse of space, he extended his left hand toward the black hole. His arm does not tremble; instead, it thrums with an energy that is both terrifying and beautiful in its intensity.


From his fingertips, a glow began to emanate, spreading to engulf his hand in a spectrum of light that defied description. The colors combined and shifted, radiating outwards in hues that human eyes had never seen and minds had never imagined.

Suddenly, with a purpose that was as deliberate as it was mysterious, a succession of massive, rhombus-shaped lights burst forth from his arm. These lights, each a different, vibrant color, phased into existence.

They moved with a synchrony that was both mesmerizing and purposeful, aligning themselves into a formation that was geometrically perfect and stunning in its complexity.

As the colossal, multicolored rhombi cascaded toward the black hole, space itself seemed to warp and shimmer around them. They approached the event horizon, not with the hesitance of matter doomed to be devoured, but with the assurance of entities that commanded their fate.

In a spectacle that would render the most eloquent of poets speechless, the lights enveloped the black hole, their brilliance challenging the darkness that had consumed all light.

With a silent command that resonated through the very essence of reality, Gustav caused the lights to converge, their energy intensifying to a crescendo that outlined galaxies.

In a moment of cosmic defiance, Cohilia reared its mouth in full form and swallowed the black hole whole, enveloping it in a luminance that rewrote the laws of physics with its sheer will.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the display ended. The black hole, that insatiable maw of destruction, vanished without a trace, leaving behind a void where once stood a titan of the cosmos. The multicolored lights, having accomplished their unfathomable task, faded into the ether, their purpose fulfilled.

Gustav lowered his hand, the glow dimming, then extinguishing, leaving no trace of the monumental power it had just channeled.

All of a sudden, cracks began to appear all over the surroundings.

It was like reality and all of existence was cracking like fractured glass.


Gustav floated in place as the cracks ultimately spread across the entire vicinity and shattered.

Blinking for a split second, Gustav found himself in a different environment.

"Gus? You listening?"

A familiar voice called out to him from behind, causing him to turn around.

Aildris and Ria were strapped into their seats and it seemed like they had been engaged in a conversation with him while Endric was seated to his right within the spacecraft.

"Oh? So it's over?" He looked forward after noticing that they were cruising through space.


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