The Bloodline System

Chapter 1429 Leaving Earth Again

Chapter 1429 Leaving Earth Again

Author's Note: Unedited Chapters


"Goodbye, General," a swirling mass of milky-colored energy materialized above his palm.

"No... please I wo-n't te..ll..."

Her pleas were cut short as Gustav waved his palm downwards.

The milky-colored mass that resembled a flame, descended upon her torso.

General Reina was unable to scream as her vocal cords got obliterated along with the rest of her body. Within seconds, not even a shred of her existence could be spotted before Gustav.

"Congratulations, you just killed a General," E.E voiced from the side.

"No one will know," Gustav hinted at erasing Gohan's memories.

"She's a General... Her disappearance is bound to raise suspicion," E.E pointed out.

"It won't be a problem. She made sure of that by being so greedy about not informing any other person," Gustav tried to ease E.E.'s worries.

"...any other person except for him... Who do you think they will question first?" E.E voiced while gesturing at Officer Gohan.

"What if they investigate his movements and everything points back to me," E.E added, sounding distraught.

"E.E... relax. When I say I'll take care of it, I mean I will take care of it," Gustav stood to his feet while speaking.

E.E decided to calm down after hearing him. It wasn't Gustav's first rodeo after all. He had done worse and still managed to cover them up till that very moment.

When the entire saga began, Gustav put a sound restriction on the environment to prevent voices from escaping the confines of the apartment.

So, despite General Reina's screams, not a single soul outside of their apartment would have heard her.

Gustav walked towards Gohan who was still shivering in horror after watching General Reina get completely obliterated without as much as an expression of guilt or remorse on Gustav's face.

All Gohan could think of was how much he had heard of Gustav's mercilessness and now he was vividly going through an experience that confirmed them.

"Please, please..." His throat was dry because of the numerous times he had gulped down saliva, but he still managed to utter with a croaked voice.

"Keep quiet. I'm not gonna kill you," Gustav commanded while placing his hand on Officer Gohan's head.

Gohan muffled his heavy breathing in fear of pissing Gustav off.

[ Mental Manipulation Has Been Activated ]

"I'll just modify your're gonna forget that any of this happened," Gustav stated with a tone of certainty.

Almost immediately, Gohan's eyes suddenly turned listless.




"We're back," Ria voiced loudly as he arrived in E.E.'s apartment alongside Aildris.

"Welcome," E.E raised a cup of tea to them.

"Hehe. We did it," Ria yelled excitedly.

"Where is Gustav?" Aildris inquired after noticing that only E.E and Sersi were in.

"He's out tampering with some records. He'll be back after getting rid of traces of the incident that occurred here today," E.E answered with a slightly exhausted tone.

"Eh? Incident?"

"What happened?"

Ria and Aildris questioned simultaneously.

"Well... we got ambushed... kinda. That place you're stepping on right now is where an MBO general died," E.E pointed at Ria's legs.


"An MBO General died?"

Both of them were mostly shocked because the apartment looked completely normal. It didn't seem like anything crazy had happened during their time away.

This was because Gustav had gotten rid of all the bloodstains using atomic manipulation. He had returned Gohan to the MBO tower after manipulating his memories and knocking him out.

E.E went on to explain everything that had happened while they were away and how Gustav's timely intervention pretty much saved the day.

"Are you okay, Sersi?" Aildris asked Sersi who was lying on the sofa towards the left.

"I'm good. Father erased that unruly woman from existence," Sersi voiced joyfully.

Aildris nodded in response while Ria made a strange face.


The Sacred Jewel appeared in the middle of the apartment emitting a bright glow.

"Turn it down SJ," E.E complained while shutting his eyes.

A red robe materialized out of nowhere and covered part of SJ's surface. Arms and legs grew out of his sides as well and soon SJ was standing on two feet.

"Thanks," E.E voiced while opening his eyes once more.

SJ proceeded to sit on the other end, waiting for Gustav's return.

"What about Endric?" Aildris questioned once more.

"He should be back in the spacecraft. Gustav sent him there."



Within a marvelously designed and computerized location, one could see a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics tailored for the unforgiving void of space.

Directly ahead where the command center lay was a semi-circular array of control panels and holographic displays stationed before ergonomically designed seats.

Two of the seats were occupied by a male and a female figure.

"You really can't be here," Endric said to the pretty girl on his left with white short hair.

"She is my best friend, remember? There is no way I'm missing out," Matilda responded with a stubborn expression.

"He won't let you," Endric shook his head.

"Gustav can suck on my toes for all I care. I am coming!" She voiced, undaunted.

"I won't suck on your toes but you are not coming,"

A familiar male voice rang out from behind.

"Big brother..."


They both turned around at the same time in shock.

"When did you...?" Matilda was more astonished than Endric since she had no idea of Gustav's current strength.

"It doesn't matter," Gustav cut her off while approaching.

"Hello to you too, hmph!" Matilda voiced begrudgingly.

It had been months since they had last set eyes on each other and yet Gustav couldn't even say hello to her.

"When did you return to earth? Shouldn't you still be there?" Gustav pointed up.

"Someone who was supposed to inform me about any matters relating to Angy chose to keep it to himself and wanted to go on a journey of recovery himself...

Thankfully, I put a bug on him the last time I saw him so of course I became aware of the happenings," Matilda crossed her arms while shooting a glare at Gustav.

Gustav rolled his eyes, "I should have known."

"Listen, Matilda, this isn't a joke. You cannot come," He added while gently shoving her towards the side.

"Hey Matilda,"

Aildris and Ria voiced while stepping into the spacecraft.

"But they can?" Matilda felt betrayed.

"They're stronger than you," Gustav tilted his head slightly.

Ria and Aildris had passed the test he set for them so he could no longer deny them access to join his endeavor.

"That is unfair. You and I worked side by side to restore planet Abruikis. If anything, I am more qualified than them," Matilda stomped furiously like a high school girl throwing tantrums.

"Ouch," Aildris muttered.

"I'm sorry Aildris, I was just trying to get him to see the point," She turned around while opening her arms to embrace him.

Aildris hugged her back, "It's been a while," He displayed a warm smile.

"Yes, it's been. How have you guys been..."

"We don't have time for this," Gustav interrupted before pleasantries could be properly exchanged.

"I'm leaving now before another crazed MBO officer comes in search of me. I don't want to leave a pile of bodies behind," Gustav proceeded to take a seat right before the main control panel.

The spacecraft engine came alive after Gustav pushed some buttons. It then quaked a little in anticipation of Gustav's directives.

Aildris and Ria swiftly moved towards the sides to also take their seats. They strapped themselves in and Matilda did the same.

"I thought you said she wasn't coming with us, " Endric said to Gustav.

"She isn't," Gustav responded while tapping the bracelet attached to his left wrist.

< Spatial Point Selected >

< Dimensional Travel In... >

< 3... >

Gustav stood to his feet once more and reappeared before Matilda.

"What are you doing?" Matilda questioned with a look of suspicion as Gustav reached out to grab her shoulder.

"This is for your good," Gustav stated in response.

< 1... >

Before Matilda could react, a burst of blueish light engulfed her figure and she vanished.

"Sheesh. That's harsh," Ria whistled from the side.

"Like I said, for her good," Gustav returned to his initial sitting position and pushed a throttle.


The world before them turned blurry as white lines appeared all around because of the speed of the spacecraft. Within a second, they had left Earth and arrived in outer space.

"Second time leaving the planet... I hope it doesn't turn out as bad as the first," Aildris muttered with a reminiscent tone.

"We're stronger now compared to back then," Ria folded his arms while voicing.

"Don't be overconfident... you have no idea what lies ahead," Gustav stated while peering at the view of the orbital bodies that lay before him.

The expanse of outer space spread vividly, charging their bodies with tension as a sense of foreboding overcame them.


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