The Bloodline System

Chapter 1425 Dark Sample Acquired

Chapter 1425 Dark Sample Acquired

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The world's strongest surely can't be a forgetful person. Right?

"Sir Jack, he is here to check on us," One of the MBO researchers voiced from behind while approaching.

They walked through the underground passage entrance and surrounded E.E.

"Sure, just be careful," Jack stated before ascending across the air in the next instant.

He went back to watching over the vicinity from up there while the researchers welcomed E.E.

They led E.E. towards the underground entry point and he followed them with a look of relief on his face. The main hindrance had been avoided.

They walked through icy tunnelways leading to different spots within the research facility. The place was quite massive and E.E. couldn't help but think that despite its size, only one entity was being held within.

E.E. passed by a couple of underground research stations where different scientists were working on projects related to the Death Angel. He then asked to check in with some of the stations and even discovered what they were each working on before moving toward the next.

'How to weaken a death angel.'

'How to harness the death angel's power.'

'How to make the dark creature submissive.'

E.E. made sure to note down the objectives of each research station, as well as how far they had come in achieving them.

'Trust the government to always want to get the power of anything without fully understanding it yet,' E.E. secretly shook his head disapprovingly.

He wasn't too surprised by all he was seeing but at the same time, he hoped that they wouldn't end up messing things up.

Judging by how much time the death angel had been underneath the surface, it seemed like no intelligible decision had been undertaken yet.

When E.E. thought about it, he felt someone had to be responsible for keeping things in order and he was right. Grand Commander Shion had been making things look superficial on the surface because of the others. Only he and a few researchers knew the true objective they were working on.

After scooting about the place, the researchers finally brought E.E. to the precise location where the restrained Death Angel was situated.

"It's been a while," E.E. muttered while standing before the massive reinforced metal transparent glass.

On the other side of the glass that separated them was the Death Angel, whose dark limbs were firmly bound.

The creature's hollow ashy eyes made contact with E.E. and it suddenly began making a strange noise.

"Kukukukukuku!" The Death Angel sounded like a chattering monkey but continued to make a noise.

"Happy to see me again, huh? Well, the feeling isn't mutual," E.E. retorted with a look that expressed his disgust at the creature.

"We understand that this isn't your first encounter but it is the first we've ever seen it react this way," One of the researchers voiced in astonishment as they watched E.E. approach the glass.

"This one and his buddies nearly did away with me and my friends. We did all we could to keep them away but they brought death to whatever they touched..." E.E. folded his arms while reminiscing.

"We were told that the nine others merged to become an even more powerful being," Another researcher voiced with newfound interest.

"Yes. Gustav Crimson had to face it all on his own to protect the rest of us and despite missing one, their merge was still so immensely powerful..." While E.E. was explaining, his left hand was secretly twirling by his side.

Barely noticeable glows could be spotted on his fingertips which also appeared behind the restrained death angel. A very tiny vortex pocket encircled a protrusion on the back of the Death Angel's head before sucking it in and vanishing.

"Gustav had to put himself in a state of matter just to get it away. If Grand Commander Shion hadn't forcibly trapped this one, their merged version would have been way more powerful and maybe I wouldn't be standing here right now..." E.E. paused briefly as if pondering on what he had just said.

He internally sighed in relief after getting exactly what he came for. All that was left was to write a few more words in the recording tab and get out of there.

"That is quite the fascinating tale, officer E.E..." A strong female voice suddenly drifted into their hearing.

Everyone turned to the side to spot a female MBO officer approaching.

She had a long, green, ponytail while the rest of her hair was sky blue. Her face had cat-like features with whiskers but overall, her body was humanoid in structure.

Trotting behind her was a five-foot-tall male with green, hairy skin and glowing lines in his eyes. He of course was also clad in an MBO outfit, although it was quite obvious that he was levels below the woman due to their uniform differences.

"General Reina... we didn't know you were coming," The researchers voiced respectfully as soon as they sighted her, even though they were clearly shocked to see her in their midst.

Although the research facility was an unauthorized location for MBO officers, General Reina was a very high-ranking officer so it didn't apply to her. She could visit the place whenever she wanted but it didn't stop the researchers from appearing shocked.

This was because MBO Generals and higher were very busy individuals. They wouldn't just show up at the facility unannounced especially when they had already sent a lower-ranking officer to visit for weekly inspections.

"Don't worry about me, just passing by and decided to say hi," General Reina's face bore an intensity that anyone would find terrifying.

"General, welcome," E.E. bowed slightly in respect.

"I am just taking Commander Xanatus's place for the inspection today," E.E. added despite never having seen the woman before.

"Oh, never mind my presence here. I was enjoying your intriguing tale so please by all means continue," She spoke while pausing to lean against the wall by the side.

"Ahaha, maybe another time then, General. I've spun enough tales for today. I need to get back to submit my report," E.E. bowed slightly once more before turning around in a bid to leave.

"I couldn't help but notice something, officer E.E.," General Reina began speaking again, causing E.E. to pause in place.

"It almost seems like you made Gustav Crimson look like a hero in that tale of yours," She added.

"This happened before Gustav Crimson was branded as the sole party responsible for the destruction of planet Ozious. Grand Commander Shion can attest to the fact that we were indeed protected by him. He played a huge role in helping us survive," E.E. turned around to give a proper explanation.

"So you think he is a hero... the earth prodigy responsible for the death of billions... I see," General Reina voiced with a tone of understanding.

"I don't..." E.E. paused and let out a small sigh.

"The world seems to have forgotten his deeds so quickly. Two things can be true at the same time, General. And one of them happens to be the fact that he has indeed saved the entire planet more than once. No matter how much everyone tries to deny it, the deed is already written in the history books," E.E. smiled while pointing out.

The entire place descended into utter silence as the researchers refrained from butting in. It was a sensitive topic after all.

"Now, if you will excuse me, General," E.E. said respectfully before turning around to leave.

General Reina watched his departing figure with a keen gaze, 'Thank you for telling me that you are aware of Gustav's return to earth.'

"Come, Gohan. Let's go," General Reina stood upright and proceeded to walk out.

After they were all gone, the researchers let out sighs of relief as the pressure in the air lessened.

"That was intense..."




As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the skyline of Plankton City. The setting sun painted the sky in a stunning array of warm hues.

Ribbons of pink and orange streaked across the horizon, blending seamlessly with the deepening shades of purple and blue that signaled the approaching night.

Skyscrapers of sleek glass and steel shimmered in the fading light, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the enthralling setting sun. Vibrant colors filled the evening sky as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting a breathtaking tableau of natural beauty that stretched out as far as the eye could see.

"I have gotten the sample,"

E.E. appeared within his apartment from a swirling violet sea of energy.

"You're back."


The group who had been awaiting his return the entire time, chanted in excitement.

"Sorry I took so long, I still had to submit my report," E.E. said while staring at the sunset view from the window by the right.

"So long as you got it. That is all that matters," Gustav stated with a nod of satisfaction.

"Hmm? Where did Aildris and Ria go?"


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