The Bloodline System

Chapter 1409 Unsettling Casualties

Chapter 1409 Unsettling Casualties

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


'The strength of this thing… it's… higher than the last time…' Grand Commander Shion could barely collect his thoughts at the moment.

Despite the incredible power of the being upon its first appearance, it was still known to be weaker than the world's strongest mixedblood, Jack, in terms of strength, but at the moment Grand Commander Shion wasn't sure anymore.

With the energy it generated, he felt like it could destroy the earth ten times over with ease if that was its objective.

The Death Angel laughed repeatedly as it watched the scene play out with immense excitement. It continuously repeated the same words it had spoken to Grand Commander Shion's face repeatedly.

The feminine humanoid raised its blade and casually cut a line across the air… a line that could cut through any surface no matter how dense. There was no doubt that the casual attack would end Grand Commander Shion and since it was instantaneous, the old man knew that he was as good as dead.


A line that severed the entire underground icy structure from the bottom up to the surface, ripped forward with intensity, causing its collapse. The scientists who had managed to make it to the surface were being carted away in emergency vehicles when the immense energy radiating from the casual attack blasted everyone into the distance.

They all felt the heat of the attack even though they weren't physically hit. Time had come to a stop as they watched the bodies of their colleagues disintegrate from the powerful shock waves.

As the environment was plunged into utter chaos, a loud voice rang loudly across the vicinity. "Space constructs," It was both soft and extremely loud at the same time.

A rhythmic energy pulsated as stars with triangular patterns formed an enclosure around the figures of the scientists who were currently still in mid-air from the blast of energy.

The moment the constructs were formed, the scientists were safe from the destructive energy that thrashed around.

Not a single one of them had noticed when Mack arrived. The speed at which he had activated his bloodline ability to protect them had been incredibly quick. Swwwhiii~

Loud whooshing sounds rang out as the twenty-seven in mid-air vanished briefly before threads of sizzling dark light blasted forth from below.


Everything within a radius of seven hundred miles instantly disintegrated, leaving a massive charred hole on the surface of the earth.

The sudden discharge had consumed everything in sight, Mack included.

It seemed like nothing would be able to survive within it. However, thirty seconds later, Mack remained in mid-air without any new injuries. The only injuries on his body were the few scalds and bruises he received from fighting Gustav but it was barely noticeable. Mack had successfully gotten everyone out of range except for Grand Commander Shion who was still underground when this happened.

Unfortunately, there was nothing left...

The research center along with the ice land that spanned for a couple of hundred miles was completely gone. It solidified the status quo... Grand Commander Shion was gone.

The only visible outline in the vicinity was an all-black creature with wings and horns who looked no different from the depiction of demons from children's fairy-tale, alongside a feminine white and black figure with a single inverted horn protruding out of her forehead. 'The death angel has been freed... and that creature beside it... that must be the creature I returned to earth for,' Mack's face retained a calm expression as he analyzed the situation. He now understood why they had him return... no one on earth would have been able to handle such a creature.

-'Mack... let's switch. You can have some of my time later.'

'Usually, I would say no but the situation does seem troublesome. You can take over,' Mack responded while letting out a small sigh.

While the conversation was ongoing in Mack's head the Death Angel below had pointed in Mack's direction.

It seemed like the Death Angel was complaining about his existence and possibly asking the feminine-looking being beside it why Mack was still alive.

The attack was immensely powerful after all and comparable to Gustav's Planet Decimating Orbs. They didn't seem to be aware that this was the strongest Mixedblood in existence.

The half dark and white feminine being reacted by raising the blade in her grasp to Mack who was still floating in mid-air.

Her blade emitted such powerful energy that caused the air around them to begin cracking like glass. It spread forth from her being as she drew a line across the air again.

It seemed like the world was going to split in two at that moment as the line surged forth with unparalleled intensity.

At that moment, the scenery around them suddenly changed.


The Death Angel and half dark and white being were left baffled upon realizing that they were now in an environment that possessed no physical matter.

They found themselves suspended in a surreal ballet of existence. The surroundings defied the very fabric of reality, a place where the concepts of land and water dissolved into the intangible embrace of air and vapor.

The air around them bore a translucence that hinted at the intangible nature of their surroundings. There was no up or down, neither was there any discernible orientation in the mesmerizing expanse.

Whispers of unseen forces resonated through the air, a haunting symphony that transcended audible sound.

Space itself seemed to fold and contort, creating optical illusions that challenged the very nature of perception.

They tried to pinpoint Mack's location in that realm but it brought them even more confusion to see a different humanoid being floating ahead of them in that space.

He looked to be around his twenties with jet-black hair and a charismatic-looking expression on his face. He gave off an overbearing aura that caused the realm to pulse as if in reverence to his dignified presence.

"I transferred us here because if we were to fight on earth... the world would come to an end," The voice of the entity rippled across the space like a newly arrived deity.

The Death Angel's hollow grey eyes widened in realization... it looked like a different person but it was the being that had manifested from the one that remained after the attack on the research center...

It was JACK.


"They were here just now... where did they go?" Gustav wondered with a conflicted look as he arrived above a space huddled with destruction. "Kyaaahhh!"



"Father... Mother... ~sniff sniff~"


"My legs... kiaahhh! My legs are gone!"

As Gustav's perception traveled across the globe, he could hear the cries of many innocents.

The destruction that had ensued from his fight with Jack was one thing but the energy that erupted from the attack of the half-dark and white being had wreaked more havoc than they realized.

Perhaps that was the reason Jack immediately transferred the fight to a different location but Gustav was unaware that this was the case.

All he knew at the moment was the fact that both his battle with Jack and the attack from the half-dark and white being had brought about a casualty of millions.

Gustav couldn't help but feel guilty as his perception continuously picked up on more destruction across the globe. Millions were confirmed to have perished already but even more were left with grievous injuries.

Alarms were going off all across the world as health practitioners moved to work despite having suffered casualties themselves.

The injured who were getting treatment at the moment weren't healing. It turned out that the attack from the half-dark and white being brought irrevocable damage that could not be reversed by even the best healing meds.

Gustav was feeling a bit guilty as he picked up on everything going on at the moment. Earth was on fire.

"Grand Commander Shion was here... I can't sense him anywhere on the entire earth," Gustav knew what that meant.

Grand Commander Shion was someone he had always respected. Not to mention the fact that E.E. informed Gustav of the Grand Commander standing up for him several times during his absence from Earth.


E.E. appeared in holographic format with a deadbeat look on his face, "Plankton City was affected too... Angy's brother is..."

After the call ended Gustav's remained in place silently for a few seconds as E.E.'s report echoed in his mind, mixing with the cries of earthlings.


"How unlucky can one person be... I just arrived on this planet yesterday and everything has gone to shit," Gustav lamented with a soft but slightly frustrated expression.

"I can't let things be..."

A glowing hourglass appeared in Gustav's grasp.

("What did I tell you about constantly using that?") The system instantly nagged.

"I will be fine," Gustav voiced while imbuing the Ancient Hourglass with his essence.

The item emitted an even brighter glow as its golden sands pulsated with mythical energy.

("You don't ever listen until something seriously bad happens,") The system stated with a dissatisfied tone.

"There is no other way... it is for the best that this battle never happens," Gustav voiced while turning the hourglass upside down.


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