The Bloodline System

Chapter 1389 Discussing The Fate Of The Ozis

Chapter 1389 Discussing The Fate Of The Ozis

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Stepping through the imposing double doors, Endric was immediately greeted by an awe-inspiring sight. The vast expanse of the chamber stretched out before him was adorned in a palette of metallic hues and sparkling lights. The ceiling, seemingly reaching for infinity, posed a mesmerizing projection of a star-studded cosmos, casting a gentle, ethereal glow on the proceedings below.

At the center of this majestic room sat the apex of authority – a throne. Seemingly crafted from the rarest alloys. The ornate seat emitted an otherworldly brilliance that couldn't be properly described.

Intricate patterns of interwoven circuitry and delicate filigree adorned its surface, hinting at the mastery of technology that lay beneath its breathtaking exterior.

Hovering effortlessly above the throne was a shimmering holographic display showcasing the vessel's status, vital data, and real-time communication feeds, all visible to its beholder. Through this advanced interface, Siefiling could effortlessly control every aspect of the Vessel's operation, from navigation to defensive systems, with a mere flick of their fingers.

However, where was the being that governed this Vessel? Endric looked around but still couldn't find any signs of life around.

On the projections that displayed different locations within the spacecraft, Endric spotted Gustav and the others.

'Looks like he managed to meet up with Osiark and Lhiark,' Endric said internally after noticing that the three had united somewhere on the lower levels of the vessel.

"Welcome, you got here first."

A voice suddenly rang out behind Endric.


Endric swiftly reacted by turning around and jumping backward as great amounts of telekinetic energy pulsed from his being.

"Relax… If I wanted to, I would have attacked you already," The familiar voice stated, causing Endric to squint his eyes before slowly releasing the energy circulating through him.

Endric stared at the figure before him.

It was a 5'3" figure with a vibrantly glowing, long, black jacket. The face of the figure was shaped like a cylinder with two eyes centered above and beneath its face. Their chest was wide open and it wasn't in any way broad. They seemed rather tiny with their brownish-red skin and tube-like necks.

The one before him at that moment was none other than the being that had been giving them the runaround since they arrived on this space vessel… Siefiling.

He looked nothing like Endric envisioned in his head. If anyone else were there they would have felt duped as well. Siefiling looked like what someone might call a malnourished teenager but the long black jacket on him was the only feature that made him look unordinary.

However, one thing Endric couldn't dispute was that despite the looks of the being before him… he was powerful.

Siefiling had just appeared behind him and he didn't sense it till he spoke. It was just as Siefiling said, if he wanted to attack, Endric wouldn't have sensed it till the last moment.

"You already know why I am here," Endric stated.

"You want to try to convince me to release them no? Or were you looking to start a fight with me instead? I would advise that you have a much better chance with the first option," Siefiling responded while taking a sip from a crystalline-looking cup in his grasp.

"Like I said, you are too full of yourself," Endric answered without an iota of fear.

"Maybe I might be the one who gets to convince you to join me," Siefiling chuckled a bit while the cup in his grasp vanished.

Pah! Pah!

He clapped his hands twice and they suddenly appeared in a new room.

"Where are we?" Endric questioned in bafflement the moment he realized they were no longer in the makeshift throne room.

"Don't be alarmed. It is just my dining room," Siefiling voiced while moving to sit on a chair positioned before a massive floating table.

To the left was a breathtaking view displayed through the grand window pane. An awe-inspiring vista of stars and distant galaxies stretched out before them.

Beside the window pane lay a shimmering pool, its crystalline waters inviting and tempting.

Mirroring the twinkling stars above, the pool added a touch of tranquility to the dining room, creating a harmonious blend of cosmic grandeur and aquatic serenity.

'He has a pool here? In space?' Endric couldn't help but wonder how someone could be living such a lavish life while being wanted by the alliance.

The room itself was a testament to luxury and sophistication. The walls were adorned with polished metals, reflecting the gentle glow of the nearby stars. Soft, ambient lighting accentuated the curves and edges of the meticulously crafted furniture, creating an atmosphere of refined opulence.

Every meal in this exalted space was a celebration of the senses. It was unknown who Siefiling chefs were but Endric was sure their skill didn't pale in comparison to Gustav's. Exquisite aromas mingled with extraordinary presentation, transforming each plate into?a work of art.

"Have a seat," Siefiling gestured.

Endric wasn't letting his guard down but since he was there to talk first, he decided that there was no harm in taking a seat.

"Now let me hear what you have to say about the release of the Ozis species," Siefiling voiced while taking a bite from the dish before him.

"I will make things very simple since we already had this conversation. My brother and I came here to help the Ozis return to their people. We are on a tight schedule and need to move on to other things as quickly as possible so the moment you free them, we will be out of your hair… well you don't have any hair but you get what I mean," Endric explained calmly.

'I don't think he will buy that,' Husarius said internally.

"Is that all?" Siefiling said while elegantly cleaning his mouth with a towel.

"Yeah," Endric responded.

"No," Siefiling stated.

"No?" Endric voiced with a glare.

"No. You are not convincing enough," Siefiling picked up another utensil and began to slowly cut down a piece of meat.

"Do you realize that you are holding captive people who lost their entire planet and billions of their species," Endric pointed out.

"Wasn't that because of your brother?" Siefiling bluntly replied.

"No. He has no hand in that, it's just the narrative the alliance put out," Endric instantly defended Gustav.

"I see," Siefiling didn't try to argue.

"These people practically lost everything. If anything, they deserve to be reunited with the ones that are left instead of being held captive here," Endric added with a justifiable tone.

"Hmm, I see, and what of the other species in captivity? They don't deserve the same treatment just because their planet hasn't been destroyed yet?"

Siefiling voiced calmly.

"I didn't say…"

"They don't deserve to get reunited with their people too?" Siefiling cut Endric short before he could complete his statement, "They deserve to be left here while only the Ozis attain freedom?"

"I'm not saying…"

Endric suddenly paused as he thought about it… the more Siefiling spoke the more sense he made.

"You see how flawed your line of thought is? If you care as much as you claim to do, you would want to save them all and not just a single specie," Siefiling stated with a tone of certainty.

Endric was silent for a bit as he sat in place contemplating.

"It is obvious that this venture of yours came from a place of selfishness yet you call me a selfish being. If anything, I care about the universe more than any of you. I am building a universe to save our species. A universe with no strife and want. A universe where every species can coexist naturally without wars or divisions yet you and your selfish companions want to ruin that," Siefiling continuously berated Endric.

"Just let them go," Endric voiced out.

"My answer remains no. You are free to join me in my quest if you wish to stop being selfish," Siefiling voiced while taking a sip from the cup before him.

"Can't you see how instead of building a new universe you could just try to save the one we have?" Endric questioned.

"No. There is no way out of this universe. It is doomed," Siefiling stated like he could see the predestined fate of the cosmos.

"Unlike you, I don't believe that… I am not joining you," Endric shook his head.

"Then we have nothing more to discuss," Siefiling voiced calmly while placing the tools in his grasp on the table.

"Yeah. End of discussion," Endric responded while getting to his feet.


A burst of violent energy rippled forth from his being, causing the table to get blasted back along with every single piece of furniture in the room besides the one Siefiling was sitting on.

Amid the chaos, Siefiling sat still with a calm expression.

"How unfortunate," He muttered.


In another part of the space vessel, Gustav, Osiark and Lhiark could be spotted speeding across a hallway full of unknown metals protruding from the ground and walls.

The entire place suddenly began to tremble violently, causing them to come to a sudden halt.


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