The Bloodline System

Chapter 1344 He Has His Ways With Makeup

Chapter 1344 He Has His Ways With Makeup

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Now for a quick recap, watch this and remember you are to act like she does," Gustav said while tapping a couple of buttons on the left side of the wall.

A footage was projected before Sersi in the next moment and she focused on watching it diligently.


'Someone sounds jealous,'

("Me? Jealous? Of who? Of what? Damn you virgin!") The system yelled internally.

'Yep definitely jealous and your virgin insults don't fly anymore since I am not one. At least Sersi is a sweet girl unlike you and your gigantic hard headedness,' Gustav shook his head.

("Hey who are you calling...")

The system began to rant uncontrollably in Gustav's head but he ignored her.

"Time to change..." He voiced while staring at outline of a murky looking greyish planet in the distance.

It was still a very small outline which meant it was millions of kilometres away but with the speed of their spacecraft, they would arrive there in only a few seconds.


Within a vicinity with buildings erected on tips of what looked like massive spikes that extended from beneath, haggard looking figures could be spotted moving to and fro.

The tips of these massive spikes scattered across the place were each no less than fifty feet distance from one another. The spikes seemed so massive that the buildings constructed on them were perfectly balanced.

Some of the buildings also happened to have what looked like massive fans constructed above their roofs.

Thin metallic bridges with cube sized holes were erected from one spike to the other, each all connected like transport networks that helped the people around move from one place to another.

One would have to be careful when moving on these mettalic bridges due to how thin they were. However, there was no other means of movement around these parts since the ground level couldn't be seen from up here.

If one was to fall from the bridges, the would keep falling till their figure disappeared into the sea of greyish mist that loitered beneath. These greyish mists below were thick that they made it impossible for anyone to see the how deep the spikes extended.

Every figure moving around here had contour like marks on their faces with teal colored skins. The clothes on their bodies were like furs. They seemed almost primitive but at the same time modern.

One thing that seemed quite visible around this parts was the layer of gloom that hung in the air. It hit like a physical existence with how unhappy the expression on the faces of everyone moving around looked.

The dimly lit sky did not help matters. The air also happened to the cold with the mixture of strange soil like odour.

One of the figures had a cloak around them which they used in covering the entirety of their face, revealing only a pair of eyes. They pushed walked in the midst of the crowd moving to and fro and arrived before a square shaped structure far east of this area.

This place had lesser number of people moving around it and none moving into it. This figure walked towards the side of the structure which happened to be a blind view that people using the bridges would be unable to see.

They proceeded to knock on the black solid structure in a particular pattern.

Kom! Kom!

Kom! Kom! Kom! Kom!

Kom! Kom! Kom!


Immediately after the knocking pattern was completed, the entrance made a low shifting noise.

Thrruuhhiih~ Dhinn! Dhinn! Dhinn!

The wall rescinded in three different ways, revealing a small passageway. This figure proceeded to step in and walked till they arrived at the end.

"Is Tuenviq back?" The figure questioned the moment they arrived within a spacious area where three other people could be spotted.

Two happened to be working on a piece of machinery while the third one was seated at the edge tapping on a keyboard with an holographic monitor before them.

"Senior Matilda, you have returned," One of the two working on the machine voiced with a tone of respect.

Just like the figures on the outside, this one also had a teal colored skin, raggedy clothes and countour like marks on their face. This one happened to have a feminine look with a tail poking out of her rear.

"Oola, where is Tuenviq?" The one who had just arrived pulled the cloak off her figure, revealing her looks.

She had a beautiful long white hair, with red rosy cheeks and semi thin pink lips. She had a 5'11 figure with slender build. Her looks were much different compared to the others in this space which looked like a workshop of sorts.

"Tuenviq isn't back yet," Oola shook her head.

"What is taking him so long," Matilda's face scrunched up a bit with worry.

"He may not be back but we have good news," The male teal skinned figure tapping on the keyboard voiced from the side.

"Hmm?" Matilda moved towards him.

The holographic monitor displayed two figures walking out of a spacecraft and getting welcome by a bunch of people in clean red and green robes.

These bunch of people welcoming the two newcomers also had teal skin and contour marks on their faces but compared to the ones currently situated where Matilda was, they looked a lot healthier as well as cleaner.

"They arrived about an hour ago and were welcome without suspicion," The one tapping on the keyboard said with a joyful expression.

A smile appeared on Matilda's face, "Good job Toldou, this is really good news,"

"Thank you Senior Matilda. I am currently decrypting a message he sent before getting out of his spacecraft," Toldou said with a tone of gratitude.

"Once you are finished with it, show it to me immediately," Matilda instructed.

Toldou nodded in response while Oola approached to stare at the projection which kept displaying the same footage of the newcomers arriving repeatedly.

"How do they look exactly like the Barron Diov and his daughter? I can't find any differences," Oola expressed her astonishment.

"Hihi he has his ways with makeup. No one would suspect a thing so long as he is able to pull off the character," Matilda chuckled lightly.

"Waaa... I still find it difficult to believe that this is him..." She said while focusing on the male newcomer with a cone shaped head and a singular red shade covering half his face.

He was in tight fitted white robe covered by a black cloak with greenish markings.

"The famed Gustav Crimson..." Oola's tone depicted excitement as she muttered.

"We finally have a fighting chance,"

Matilda's face wore a smile as she turned around to face the third person in their group who was single handedly working on a rhombus shaped machinery.

He had a tri monocle and thick strands of scanty black hair on his head.

"Did you manage to communicate with her majesty?" He asked while remaining focused on what he was doing.

"I did..." Matilda's smile vanished at this point.

"What did she say?" He inquired.

"Dahria told me..."


Within a large abode constructed in between two grey colored rocks, a figure stood within a room. The room was oddly designed with items in places that one would usually find unusual.

However, to people of this planet, this would be considered a very luxurious room.

This figure stared at his reflection in the liquid like mirror before him. The shades on his face made the environment look red but he could see the outline of his seven feet figure properly.

The majestic dark cloak draped around his figure...

The tight white robe on the inside with a belt made out of expensive minerals...

Everything just seemed extreme.

"So that Barron Diov guy just walks around in this all day and every planet he visits fear and worship him... hmm," The figure shook his head as he voiced with a tone of ridicule.

"If only they knew," He added before moving to the side to take a sit on the massive bed.

"The entire planet is in such a terrible state but these guys have enough resources to provide such treatment to a stranger and definitely to themselves..." He shook his head once more.

"They will definitely try to make it look as though everything is alright since Barron Diov is known to be planet investigator working under the alliance who never visits anywhere without his adorable daughter Valuri Diov. Pfft they have no idea that it is me... and the fact that I can scan the entire planet in an instant so I am well aware that only 20% of places are in a better state than the others. Quite pitiful what they turned this into after taking control,"

The figure who happened to be Gustav in disguise knew well enough what Barron's job was. It was to make sure the planet was in a good state, under the right authorities with everything blossoming as they should.

Natives are also meant to be satisfied with the rulers and living under good conditions.

Planet Investigators visited every planet under the alliance and reported back what they noticed. If the planet was deemed to meet the requirements they would leave them alone, if not, the alliance would send an army and forcefully take control of the planet to right the wrongs.


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