The Bloodline System

Chapter 1332 I’m The Man You’re Looking For

Chapter 1332 I'm The Man You're Looking For

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter



He crashed into one of the tables, destroying it in the process.

The man with the shades gritted his teeth as he noticed a rip on his jacket and proceeded to perform a kip up stunt.


He landed back on his feet and continued engaging the rest of the group.

Pah! Pah! Pah! Bam!

Fists and kicks were exchanged continously. Tables continued to crash as well since bodies were sent flying across the place.

At this point everyone else around had fled the area in fear of being collateral damage. The man with shades happened to be winning the fight and had laid out most of Dildier's men.

At this point everyone else around had fled the area in fear of being collateral damage. The man with shades happened to be winning the fight and had laid out most of Dildier's men.

At this point only Dildier and three of his group were left. The others were sprawled out across the place with all sort of injuries.

"I grow weary of this," The man with shades who was bleeding from the side of his head already, pulled back.

Dildier who also had a black eye at this point saw this as surrender and charged forward. Only for the man to pull out another gun from the right side of his jacket.

"Uh oh..." Dildier paused as the tip of the red gun rested against his forehead.

"You... had that all this time?" Dildier questioned while gulping down saliva.

The other three behind also paused their steps as they spotted the second gun.

"I wanted to avoid killing today, but you leave me no choice..." The man stated with a slightly regretful tone as his finger rested on the trigger.


A voice called out from the side, causing the man to pause in his tracks.

Old Man Shin slowly walked forward and placed his hand on the gun in a bid to lower it.

"You wanted the man that witnessed the crashing star, right?" He asked with a calm tone.

"Yes. Will you tell me where he is?" The man with the shades questioned.

"He's right here," Old Man Shin answered.

"Here where?" The man with the shades voiced with a confused tone.

"I'm the man you're looking for," Old Man Shin clarified.

The man with the shades finally lowered his weapon.

"You bast..." Dildier wanted to attack the moment he lowered his weapon but Old Man Shin stopped him.

"That's enough Dildier, I'll handle it," He voiced while pulling Dildier away in the direction of the counter.

He proceeded to hand Dildier a bottle of wine, "For you and the boys," He patted his back afterwards before walking towards the man with the shades.

"Who are you and why are you looking for me?" Old Man Shin inquired.

"The name is DD... Will you come back with me willingly or will I have to bring you back with force?"?The man with the Shades inquired.

"DD uh...? someone sent you after me?" Old Man Shin asked.

"I'm sure you already know the answer to that. My employer has asked me to bring you back alive but he didn't say unscathed so I won't be penalised for ruffling you,"

"Huh? What is this pr..." Dildier who was about leaving with his wounded boys earlier paused upon hearing the dialogue between both of them.

"Leave..." Old Man Shin interrupted.

"I told you, I'll take care of it," He added.

Dildier's face scrunched up in worry, "Are you sure?"

Old Man Shin nodded in response. Dildier had no other option but to scurry along with his group.

There were a bunch of rough looking hoverbikes parked in the distance. They looked nothing luxurious like that of DD's but nevertheless they worked.

"Boss are you sure we should have left the geezer to take care of that alone?" Despa questioned as they got onto their hoverbikes and started the engine.

Dildier turned to stare at the shed area which was a little distant from their current position.

"This is not the first time something like this is happening. In the last six months since Old Man Shin set up shop here, a number of people have been sent after him," Dildier responded before starting the engine of his hoverbike.

"Oh? What happened to the others?" Despa questioned.

"No one knows. All I know is Old Man Shin is still here and they're not so when he said he would handle it... I had no doubts that he would," Dildier said before driving off.

The others also started the engines of their hoverbikes and sped forward to catch up with their boss.

'Old Man Shin sure is mysterious since he appeared here six months ago,' This thought appeared in Dildier's mind as a cloud of dust was formed behind them while they sped off.


-Two Days Later -

"We have acquired new ammunition now,"

Within a dry looking mountainous area surrounded by sand dunes, a group could be spotted.

A crate was positioned in their midst and within the crate were some high grade weaponry. Laser guns, a bazooka disintegrator and all that.

"Good, now we can look out for our people more," Dildier stated befpre dropping a cigarette onto the steaming sand.


Low sizzling sounds rang out since the sands were so hot, they burnt the cigarette.

"Let's check out Old Man Shin's place," Dildier suggested.

"Do you think he would have opened up shop back? For all we know it may be deserted," Despa said with a bothered tone.

"Boys do you wanna check out Old Man Shin's place?" Dildier yelled.

"YEAAHH!" The others cheered and proceeded to mount their bike.

Dildier chuckled before mounting his bike as well.

'Let's hope the geezer is okay,'

The crates got strapped to the sides of two hoverbikes which moved together to bear the weight of the weapons.

Swwwiiiihhhh~ Swwwiiiihhhh~ Swwwiiiihhhh~ Swwwiiiihhhh~

The hover bikes soon zoomed into the distance, stirring up clouds of dust.

The red sun in the sky happened to have another yellow sun poking out from its left corner. It was currently only a little visible since it was in a crescent shaped format.

The temperature had greatly increased due to this. Fortunately, most people that lived in town all had cooling effects clothings. This helped them to maintain a safe temperature. Their boots especially helped to prevent their feet from becoming toast.

The bikers on the other hand, had gotten used to this temperature and didn't need such. They were quite the gritty bunch.

In a few minutes,?they could spot the familiar shed in the distance.

Soon they arrived at Old Man Shil's place.

Chatter~ Chatter~ Chatter~

The place was as vibrant as ever. There was barely any space left underneath since a lot of people were currently present.

Old Man Shil could be spotted serving a table in the middle with a smile.

"Ooou," The boys had a hearty smile as they approached the shed.

"Geezer!" Despa yelled as he approached Old Man Shil.

Old Man Shil spotted them and gave a wave for them to come over.

"Looks like he did take care of it," Dildier was curious but he decided to throw his curiosity to the back of his mind for now.

It was time to indulge in Old Man Shin's sweet delicacies.


Nighttime arrived very fast today. Old Man Shin could be seen waving to a family that was leaving.

The restaurant was empty right now and Old Man Shin began closing up. He really did look like an earnest middle aged man with the way he cleared the tables.

Soon enough, he was done cleaning up the entire place and now it was time to leave.

He touched his glasses, properly fixing them above his slightly pointy nose. He grabbed a small plastic bag in which he stored food that he was going to have as dinner.

Afterwards, he turned around to head eastwards. Old Man Shin didn't have a vehicle so he walked.

The sandy terrain was soon in view.

Trruhhh~ Trruhhh~ Trruuhh~

His legs sunk into the sand as he continously made his way forward till a settlement could be spotted.

He was currently walkiing down an exalted sandy slope so the flickers of light in the distance looked like?scanty fireflies.

The houses did not look well structured and were mostly bungalows but nonetheless the people around seemed satisfied.

Old man Shin soon arrived within the settlement. As he walked past people, he was greeted respectfully.

It looked like the natives here really admired him.

-"Welcome, Old Man Shin,"

-"Old Man Shiln thanks for the other time, the cooling shack works now,"

-"Old man Shin would you like to have dinner here?"

-"Hey geezer, welcome back,"

Old man Shin waved with smiles on his and turned down everyone who tried inviting him for dinner or wanted to present him with a gift.

Old Man Shin always helped people take care of a lot of issues. He had saved a lot of the settlement folks from spending money that they didn't have so they were always grateful to him.

He soon arrived at a bungalow house close to the northern edge of the settlement.

"Hmm?" He spotted a Silhouette crouched beside his house.

"Bruce?" Old Man Shin said as he approached the figure.


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