The Bloodline System

Chapter 1330 Side

Chapter 1330 Side

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


(The Fourth Disk)

"You can help us get some of our people out. We're all under the same alliance," Handler One said to a group of beings with multiple limbs and similar patterns of different colors all over their bodies.

They seemed to filing into a massive beastly structured spacecraft.

"My people come first before the alliance and you have put us in jeopardy by being unable to protect your planet from whatever this is," Midely Brons stated with a look of scorn as she gestured for the other Dracons to move into the spacecraft.

"We successfully managed to open portals all across different locations on every single disk that would lead to the edge of the galaxy. This will make escape easier, all I ask is for you to help save some of my people," Handler One requested with a pleading tone.

"This is on you Handler One. We the Dracons are not obligated to help," Brons Midely voiced sternly before turning around to leave.

The entrance to the spacecraft closed up and it soon lifted into the sky before flying off.

"Don't you think we should have helped them? In the next alliance meeting, they'd speak bad about us," A male Midely voiced from the side.

"It doesn't matter. This is the end for Planet Ozious. They won't be able to retain their title as one of the leaders of the alliance after this setback. Their words won't hold any weight," Brons Midely said without a shred of mercy in the tone of her voice.


Their spacecraft soon dissapeared into one of the portals.

On the ground...

"Hmph! We don't need their help anyways," Handler Two voiced from behind with a tone of annoyance.

"Instead of wasting our time begging for the help of these selfish beings, let's focus on getting as many of our people out of here as possible," Another Handler stated from the side.

"I'm sure others will be willing to assist like Planet Earth," Handler Two said.

"Yes, let's split up and ask the others for help. Handler two, you find the Grand Commander from earth and I'll..." Before Handler One could complete his sentence a streak of darkness descended from above.


Dark shockwaves instantly spread from the point of impact, the moment it landed on the ground.

Handler One moved swiftly arriving hundreds of feet away.

He stabbed his insect like fingers forward, piercing into a side of the dark shockwaves and it suddenly stopped.

The dark wave of energy which was initially spreading suddenly began to box in and reduce till it turned into a small round cloud of darkness.

"Go!" He yelled to the other two handlers behind who stood in place awestruck.

"Hnm!" They both nodded before turning around and flying off.

Up ahead was a ten feet tall dark Silhouette with two massive horns and four large wings connected to its back.

It had a frowning expression on its face that stuck like a glue. The expression was never changing and extremely eerie due to its greyish hollow eyes.

"It came from above... could it have infiltrated from outside somehow?" Handler One wondered out loud as he grabbed the circular dark cloud before him.

"Grrrhhh!" The death angel growled.

A dark aura spread across the place, causing the ground and structures in the vicinity to tremble. Handler One could sense the same energy the darkness outside gave off, coming from this being.

"Whatever it is, I can't let it wreak any havoc here," As Handler One muttered, another dark streak shot downwards from a different direction.

He turned around with an expression of concern but the streak continued shooting downwards, descending past the fourth disk.

"Another one? It must be heading to the lo..." Before Handler One could complete his sentence, the Death Angel arrived before him.

The eyes on Handler One's antennas widened, "So fast..." He voiced while raising the dark circular ball of energy in his grasp.

The Death Angels claws came bearing down upon Handler One's head.


The circular ball of darkness in Handler One's grasp turned into a two feet dark thorn that looked incredibly sharp which he proceeded to stab through the neck of the Death Angel.


Dark blood jetted out like a fountain as the Death Angel's neck tilted to the back the moment the massive dark thorn pierced through its neck.

Handler One let out a sigh of relief as he let go of the thorn causing the Death Angel to slowly fall backwards.

"That was dangerous..." He muttered but in the next instant, the falling body of the Death Angel suddenly paused.

With incredibly swift motion, its arms moved.

"Uh?" Handler One uttered as the Death Angel which was supposed to dead, wrapped its arms around his body.


Bone cracking sounds rang out as it squeezed Handler One tightly to its figure before charging forward.


They travelled at very fast pace across the air, as the Death Angel held Handler One before it like a shield.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It slammed Handler One into a line up of buildings, crashing through them and causing structures to crumble like they were made of cheap wood.

"Ugh!" Handler One groaned as their figures repeatedly tore through buildings.

He gritted his pointy set of teeth before sneaking his left arm out of the Death Angel's embrace.

He grabbed the dark two feet long thorn and pulled it out of the Death Angel's throat.

"Kurrrhhh!" The Death Angel shrieked in pain but Handler One wasn't done.

The dark thorn transformed into a sharp blade teeming with destructive energy.


Handler One sliced upwards, immediately separating the Death Angel into two halves.

Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~ Swwihhh~

He swung the dark blade a hundred times more in an instant, cutting the dark angel into tiny little pieces before it could realise what was going on.

Black goo blasted across the vicinity as Handler One flung the blade forward.




On the sixth layer Handler Two and three were flying downwards at a very quick pace.

"Will he be okay? That creature felt very powerful and chaotic," Handler Three questioned with a troubled tone.

"Handler One strength is close to that of the Sacred one. He can definely hold his own," Handler Two answered without worry.

"He is that powerful?" Handler Three seemed surprised.

"He isn't number one for nothing. *sigh* although if the great elders had not perished with the first disk, they could have gotten everyone off the planet immediately," Handler Two pointed out with a distraught look.

"I still can't believe they're gone," Handler Three said

"I spot the Orions up ahead, let's ask them for help," Handler Two stated while pointing forward.


The entire planet was currently in shambles since every species was trying to get out as quickly as they could. At this point a number of alien species that visited due to IYSOP had already left.

The Ozis on the other hand were in the billions so they of course had more difficult getting their people out compared to the other species who only had a paltry sum here.

Spacecraft were loading as quickly as they could but when billions of living creatures had less than an hour to evacuate a planet, difficulties are to be expected.

Handlers were taxed with reaching out to other species to help in getting their people off as well. Earth of course had no issue with loading some of the Ozis into both their Spacecraft.

A couple of other planets helped as well and the handlers did all they could to save their people.

The Ozis reduced more in population the longer they remained due to the Death Angels wreaking havoc across the disks. A single attack from a Death Angel would wipe out hundreds of thousands of Ozis.

The high number of casualties threw the Handlers in a frenzy and they faced the Death Angel on the ninth disk alongside the MBO officers.

On the fourth Disk, Handler One faced the frowning expression Death Angel all by himself, preventing it from escaping and wreaking more havoc on the Planet.

Handler One managed to hold it back by himself but the Death Angels being manipulators of death would not die no matter what. The battle was unending.

"Get into the emergency pods now!"

The handlers in charge of directing the crowd of Ozis yelled as loudly as they could.

They were starting to run out of emergency pods and there were still hundreds of millions of Ozis left. At this point only a few minutes were left to the end of the timer countdown Miss Aimee gave them.

"You all look up," A loud voice came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and could see a massive shiny surface that bore semblance to a mirror.


Silvery rays engulfed every single Ozis on the sixth disk and they got beamed up.

The Ozis reappeared on the surface of the mirror like object like reflections in miniature versions.

The being who had just performed this feat had a mask on but seemed to possess a cylindrical shaped head. They proceeded to keep the mirror like item in the internal part of their jacket before flying off in the direction of a portal.

On the fourth disk Handler One continously battled the Death Angel. Multiple injuries could be spotted on his figure but he still managed to hold the creature in place.

"I do not care if I lose my life today, so long as I can keep you here," Handler One grunted as he manipulated threads of dark energy to blanket the ten feet tall abnormality.

He had converted every single energy based attack the Death Angel had used into his own.

At this point less than five minutes were left.

All of a sudden, the Death Angel turned into a dark streak and ascended very swiftly.

"What the..." Handler One quickly followed after it but wasn't fast enough.

This was the last he saw of the Death Angel since it was being summoned by the Smiley Faced Death Angel to merge.

Handler One happened to arrive at the first disk just after The merged version of the Death Angel vanished with Gustav.


Author's Note: Let me know in the comments if another side chapter is needed to display scenes from other locations during the ongoing saga of the second premonition.


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