The Bloodline System

Chapter 1315 A Champion Is Still A Champion

Chapter 1315 A Champion Is Still A Champion

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Matilda had a confused expression as she voiced out. "They're also just as dangerous as we are,"

"To everyone else it would be better to team up with the Draconets in order to eradicate us first. Sure the Draconets are dangerous but we are seen as more of a threat so the Draconets were wise to gather the others to gang up against us first. Those groups most likely believe that after taking us out, they could join hands and deal with the Draconets..." Aildris analysed.

Angy, E.E and Matilda felt it made sense. However, the Draconets were not so dumb that they wouldn't realise the others would turn on them the moment they successfully eradicated Earth representatives.

Unless, they already had a way to handle that. Now that Aildris thought about it, he realised Earth was the only threat to the Draconets win. The moment earth was eradicated, the Draconets would have technically won.

"We have to inform Gustav and the others," Aildris stated.

"Yeah, but in the meantime, we should stay as far away as possible from them," Angy voiced.

"True, splitting up won't cut it anymore because we'll have to face them sooner or later. It would be bad if they were to catch any of us alone," E.E said with a disturbed tone.

With this in mind, the group headed off. Angy decided to go solo due to her speed. She could find Gustav easily and bring him back to where they had decided to meet. As for the other three, they were meant to find the rest of the team scattered around the space battlefield.

Currently, the Draconets had amassed seven planetary groups and planned to increase the number. While the others saw this as a chance go finally get rid of the biggest threat in the IYSOP finals, the Dracons saw this as a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Earth participants would not go down without a fight and since they were considered so powerful, many other participants would be taken down in the process. Captain Ostril wanted to sacrifice the participants of other planets without having to lose any of the Dracons.

This way when all of Earth Participants were finally eradicated, a lot of other planets would be gone as well. They would have lesser number of participants to deal with.

"Ah man this sucks! Maybe if Gustav hadn't gone out there to be a one man army in the last challenge this wouldn't have happened," Yonda complained the moment Aildris, E.E and Angy explained the situation to him and Fildhor.

"It is true that we will have better chances together than apart," Fildhor voiced from the side.

"So is that the plan?" Yonda inquired.

"First objective is to come together, second would be coming up with a proper plan to go against them. We can't achieve the second without the first," Aildris replied.

"Why doesn't he just go fight all of them himself like he did last time?" Yonda said with an annoyed tone.

"Well this time the Draconets are included in the list of opponents so it will be even more difficult," Aildris voiced in response.

Yonda rolled his eyes a little before moving, " Well, since the captain needs us then we might as well show up,"

After finishing up here, all five of them moved on to find the other teammates.


In another part of the floating battlefied, a massive skyscrapper sized meteorite descended.

It's brightness completely illuminated the environs as it brought forth blistering heat with its approach. It was like a massive torch in this infinite dark space, ripping through and sending waves across the place.

A figure floating in mid air yanked a green headtie off her forehead as the meteor shot towards her.


A purplish beam blasted forth from the middle of her forehead. It slammed heavily into the massive blazing meteor and an unbelievable scene played out.

The massive meteor changed color, emitting a bright purple glow before shrinking incredibly.


A small pinky sized stone that was supposed to be the meteor bumped into Elevora's chest and fell to the floating space battlefield.

She peered forward with an unbothered look while the rest of the participants below stared at her like they had just come into contact with an unbelievable monster.

"Did she just..." They couldn't believe their eyes.

The eyeball on Elevora's forehead gleamed and moved from side to side, making squeamish sounds.


A dark purple haze suddenly spread forth and in the next instant.

Krryyychhhhkkk! BANG!

The grounds ahead crumbled, drifting off into space along with the participants Elevora was just battling.


One of the falling participants somehow managed to leap forward, their greenish body phased through the dust cooked up from the crumbling space battlefield, heading towards Elevora above.

"Yaaahhh!" They yelled as their greenish arm turned into sharp tendrils which they stabbed in Elevora's direction.


Before they could get close, a powerful purplish beam shot forth from the eyeball on Elevora's forehead, slamming heavily into the chest of the greenish participant.


His figure swept across deep space and Handlers quickly flew after him before the participant would be lost to them.

Elevora turned around and slowly descended onto the floating platform.

"That was amazing big sis," Sheila jumped into her arms the moment she landed.

"Leave some for me next time, okay?" Sheila giggled while requesting.

"You would have done way worse if I had left them to you," Elevora shook her head.

"Come on, I just wanna have a little fun," Sheila galloped with an excited look.

"Maybe you c..." Elevora was about responding when she sensed something and turned to stare at the right.

"Hmm?" Just up ahead, a group walked out from behind a tree shaped massjve structure.

"Oh look goodies hehehe," Sheila giggled even more upon sighting the newcomers.

However, Elevora eyebrows furrowed with suspiciousness.

All twenty of them had serious looks as they spread out but that wasn't all. Another twenty appeared from behind... and then another twenty... and then another twenty...

Soon, up to a hundred and sixty participants had gathered up ahead and in their midst was none other than the Draconets.

Elevora instantly understood they were working together. Gustav already predicted this but they didn't expect anyone to join forces with the Draconets.

And now they were just two of them, against up to eight different planetary groups.

"Hahahaha this is gonna be fun big sis," Sheila began laughing hysterically.

"Eh... I don't think so but... I will make sure I take down as many as I can," Elevora eyes twinkled with determination and vigor as her forehead gleamed dangerously.

"Where are the rest of your teammates?" Captain Ostril questioned from up ahead.

"What does it matter where they are? You gathered groups to battle against us because you are insufficient. Cowards," Elevora responded with a disgusted tone.

"Coward or not, a champion is still a champion and that is all that matters. We can decide the winner for ourselves after we have gotten rid of you lots," Unlike Strum who would have already considered this an insult to their great planet and instantly attacked, Ostril had a much cooler head.

"Aren't those two are some of the strongest earth representatives? We should be careful," One of the Ruhzians voiced from the side.

"Every single earth representative is just like them and It's just two of them, don't be a damn coward," Captain Ostril yelled from the side.

"That is rich coming from you," Elevora voiced from up ahead.

"I am done with this charade," Captain Ostril voiced before leaping upwards and landing on a massive rock by the right.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Attack!" She yelled.

The groups below immediately charged forward upon hearing that, activating different sets of abilities.

"Big sis, you take the right and I'll take the left," Sheila giggled excitedly before dashing forward.


In another part of the floating space battlefield, Gustav merged his body to the side of a ash colored rock. He had completely Shape-shifted to take on the exact look of this rock so it seemed like he was an inanimate object.

Except for turning into beasts, Gustav hadn't really revealed his shape-shifting abilities since IYSOP began so no one was aware that he was capable of this. This was exactly why planetary groups were walking past without an ounce of suspicion.

If they were initially aware of Gustav's capabilities, everyone would have been on higher alert.

As a group of six passed by, Gustav suddenly transformed by into his original look and sneaked up on them from behind.


By the time they noticed him, it was too late.

Gustav grabbed the chicken structured neck of two of them from behind as he sped forward, slamming their faces onto the ground intensely.

Bang! Bang!

Cracks spread across the place as the ground caved in from the impact. The other four were unable to react quick enough as hands grew out of Gustav's back and stretched backwards to grab them.


He slammed their faces together causing their spacesuit helmets to be instantly smashed to pieces as their faces collided.


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